1.5-hour Long Project for Middleschool-Aged Kids (Grades 6-8)

If you had 1.5 hours to teach 5 kids between the ages of 11 and 13 whom you've never met before and will never meet again with experience ranging from nothing to basic knowledge of objects, variables, loops and methods, what would you do? At each of the kids' disposal is a Microsoft Surface Pro with USB mouse, Windows 10, fast Internet, Chrome, Python 3 interpreter, PyCharm Educational Edition, Notepad++.
I tried setting up a Propeller environment and that failed miserably. Too many kids, too many bugs/quirks/complications.
I don't know what I can teach them that will keep all five interested at the same time.
Check out he Learn section at raspberrypi.org
Kids still like Minecraft, no??
I don't have access to the tablets to install anything before the kids arrive. Raspberry Pis we hopefully coming in 2016.
That's a group at idea! I hadn't thought of that. I can't recall if the tablets have one or two USB porta