Simplytronics 8x8 LED Matrix Display Shifting
I am creating a project to make a guitar hero type game using the LED matrix to display.
I can display line by line, and save the display each time in the bxGDRAM and then go down a row, and redisplay what was saved in bxGDRAM, but this isnt what I want.
What I am attempting to do is, write the top line, then save that line and shift it down one row, and then write a new top line and display the new line along with the old line(s).
I have no idea how to shift the saved bxGDRAM. Attached is bs2 code that displays a line, saves the display, clears display, shifts down, and writes a new line, then displays the saved lines and the new line that has been shifted down.
I can display line by line, and save the display each time in the bxGDRAM and then go down a row, and redisplay what was saved in bxGDRAM, but this isnt what I want.
What I am attempting to do is, write the top line, then save that line and shift it down one row, and then write a new top line and display the new line along with the old line(s).
I have no idea how to shift the saved bxGDRAM. Attached is bs2 code that displays a line, saves the display, clears display, shifts down, and writes a new line, then displays the saved lines and the new line that has been shifted down.
2. The last time I visited simply, this display was End Of Life.
3. I have eight of these I'll make you a really good deal on.