My Books, Cheap!

in Robotics
I don't know what deals or promotions Amazon and my publisher have going on, but I just noticed today that several of my still-in-print robotics books are available in Kindle format for $1.21. That's only three cents more than a McDonald's breakfast burrito, but far more filling.
One could say this is shameless self-promotion, but at about 3.5 cents royalty per book (Jeff Bezos gets 60% on these so he can fly his rockets), I'll have to sell 15,000 copies at this price in order to afford an ELEV-8 v3. Well, I can dream, can't I?!
One could say this is shameless self-promotion, but at about 3.5 cents royalty per book (Jeff Bezos gets 60% on these so he can fly his rockets), I'll have to sell 15,000 copies at this price in order to afford an ELEV-8 v3. Well, I can dream, can't I?!
Ha... Google "egregious". The meaning has flip flopped! That's so dope!
outstandingly bad; shocking.
"egregious abuses of copyright"
synonyms: shocking, appalling, terrible, awful, horrendous, frightful, atrocious, abominable, abhorrent, outrageous; More
remarkably good.,135_&refRID=CEMXFWYV2VRVPTNMDZ69&ref_=pd_rhf_se_s_cp_25,135_&refRID=R8MVJBSSA1D1MBQZ4HYC&ref_=pd_rhf_se_s_cp_3,135_&refRID=HGB2QP9W8434RK7NA7HE&ref_=pd_rhf_se_s_cp_7,TopRight,0,-44_SR84,135_&refRID=ZD3E6PR8EFGWD8JPQJ3J&ref_=pd_rhf_se_s_cp_32,135_&refRID=F05BNMPVQJ14ZESFQWES&ref_=pd_rhf_se_s_cp_15
The self-published eBooks printed through Amazon's publishing service, even at a couple of bucks, can make a reasonable amount of money, if they sell well enough. Here I think it's still 60/40 (60% to Amazon), so on a $1 book, that's still 40 cents. Many of those are books with less than 80 pages.
This is in fact what I'm doing from here on, with a new book slated for the first of the year. Take it to the people. By this time next year I intend to be as rich as Adele.
When You are, don't forget who your friends ae! LOL
Outrageous! They charged me a penny for tax!
Yes, UK & Aussie Picaxe peeps are seeing $20.
BTW, I see that you can't "lend" RBB to other Kindle users as you can some books. And I guess there's no way to stockpile a dozen dollar copies to distribute to classes or clubs. So act fast! Lowest prices this side of the Pecos! Won't last!
John Abshier
I think they all try to see what works. All I know for sure is that it ALWAYS works for Amazon. They're the only ones in the chain pretty much guaranteed a piece of the action.
Item Under Review
This book is currently unavailable because there are significant quality issues with the source file supplied by the publisher.
The publisher has been notified and we will make the book available as soon as we receive a corrected file. As always, we value customer feedback.
At only $0.035 royalty per ebook, I hope your publishers sell millions of them! I can only assume this rate is part of a contract you agreed to awhile back. How much negotiating room did you have, if any? Do the publishers really have you over a barrel when it comes to book contracts? 'Seems like a tough way to make a living, if so ...
Surely you jest! (Sorry for calling you Shirley.)
Dan Brown and JK Rowling may be able to set such fine points as specific pricing (their royalties are usually based on cover price anyway), but these things are traditionally reserved by the publisher at their free will. Royalties for most of these kinds of non-fiction technical books are set as a percentage of monies received by the publisher, less returns, bad debt, etc. -- yes, authors lose out if a bookseller goes bankrupt. That's happened several times with the large chains.
Royalty amounts for regularly priced ebooks are fairly decent, though at least in my experience, ebooks sell far less than printed copies. This is the first time I've seen a "blow out sale" of ebooks, and it's likely some program the publisher has with Amazon.
You can install kindle reader on your PC. Also, you may be able to use a tool like calibre to convert to another format.
Come next accounting period it'll be interesting to see how it went. For at least RBB4, it's an interesting concept to spend a full year writing a book only to get less than four cents per copy. To make even minimum wage for that amount of time, it would have to sell half a million copies, a wild idea for a niche-of-a-niche topic.