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Propeller RAM



  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2015-11-18 14:23
    For your time critical paths you are almost certainly have to use PASM or non-interpreted code of some sort; Spin on it's own might be able to do 600 rpm max. To define and implement methodology you need to know what you need - an ECU program has a lot of small parts - see for an overview of the Megasquirt ECU. Things that are ISR driven in the interrupt driven processors have to be placed into their own cog and signalled when to run in the Prop case, i.e., injection and spark events,wheel decoding and angle clock generation are the main gotta-be-fast routines. A lot of the other stuff, lookup tables, ADC data acquisition, serial interface, etc., is ably handled by Spin. Keeping things tight and efficient is mandatory as you don't have a lot of memory to operate in. PropBASIC is excellent for learning PASM when you need to see an example of how something is done in PASM. For example, write a couple lines of PB, compile it and then examine the PASM it generates, which has the corresponding source as comments.For example, here's PB generated PASM examples of a loop, a multiply and a copy of a cog var to a hub var array and a few other basic things like declaring variables all from less than a dozen lines of PB source:
    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Device Settings
    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    DEVICE          P8X32A, XTAL1, PLL16X
    XIN             6250000
    x		var long (16)
    y		var	long
    x_hub	hub	long
    Program Start
    	for x = 0 to 15
    		y = x * 16
    		wrlong x_hub(x), y
    ''  *** COMPILED WITH PropBasic VERSION 00.01.42  Aug 25, 2013 ***
                                                                 '' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 '' Device Settings
                                                                 '' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    CON                                                          'DEVICE          P8X32A, XTAL1, PLL16X
      _ClkMode = XTAL1 + PLL16X                                 
      _XInFreq = 6250000                                         'XIN             6250000
    ' x		var long (16)                                           'x		var long (16)
    ' y		var	long                                                'y		var	long
    ' HUB LONG x_hub                                             'x_hub	hub	long
    PUB __Program | __VarsPtr                                    'Program Start
      __VarsPtr := 0                                            
      CogInit(0, @__Init, __VarsPtr)                            
                      org           0                           
                      mov           dira,__InitDirA             
                      mov           outa,__InitOutA             
                      jmp           #Start                      
    __DO_1                                                       'do
                      mov           x,#0                         '	for x = 0 to 15
                      mov           y,x                          '		y = x * 16
                      shl           y,#4                        
                      mov           __temp1,x                    '		wrlong x_hub(x), y
                      shl           __temp1,#2                  
                      add           __temp1,__x_hub_adr         
                      wrlong        y,__temp1                   
                      adds          x,#1                         '	next
                      cmps          x,#15 WZ, WC                
        IF_BE         jmp           #__FOR_x_1                  
                      jmp           #__DO_1                      'loop
    __InitDirA       LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000
    __InitOutA       LONG %00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000
    _FREQ            LONG 100000000
    ____STRING_adr   LONG 0
    __clkfreq_adr    LONG 0
    __x_hub_adr      LONG @@@x_hub
    __temp1          RES 1
    __temp2          RES 1
    __temp3          RES 1
    __temp4          RES 1
    __temp5          RES 1
    __param1         RES 1
    __param2         RES 1
    __param3         RES 1
    __param4         RES 1
    __paramcnt       RES 1
    x                RES 16
    y                RES 1
    FIT 492
      LSBFIRST                         = 0
      MSBFIRST                         = 1
      MSBPRE                           = 0
      LSBPRE                           = 1
      MSBPOST                          = 2
      LSBPOST                          = 3
    x_hub            LONG 0

  • Many, many thanks to Bean for creating this.

    An easy to understand programming language that results in the least amount of clock cycles required (aka: power), to me is a good thing.
  • Is there a cool way to organize a lookup table in this way: If value is between A and B then use this lookup data, if value is between B and C then use this lookup data, etc.?
  • If we are still talking PropBasic, I don't have the doc's right now but possibly ON GOSUB(?) or maybe create a Jump table?
  • I know one could use a bunch of conditionals, if value is greater than A and less then B then use this data, but it didnt look time efficient.I saw your example above as using probasic to learn pasm, cool Idea. I found the download. Im going to try it out.
  • Would it be simple to organize the lookup data interleaved?

    Say each element of the lookup is a byte. Weave the two together:

    lookup: A1, B1, A2, B2, A3, B3....

    Then you shift the index one bit, to multiply by 2, then add one conditionally to get at the right set of lookup values.


    lookup: A1, A2, A3, A4...
    lookiup: B1, B2, B3...

    If they are a similar length, or the same length, then just add an offset conditionally to the array index.

  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Beavis3215 wrote: »
    Is there a cool way to organize a lookup table in this way: If value is between A and B then use this lookup data, if value is between B and C then use this lookup data, etc.?

    How about a lookup table lookup table. AKA LUT^2

  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    Seriously though this is a bit like how ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) searched a database. See for an explanation. It may be overkill for what you need.
  • A time T is a measured camshaft period in clock ticks, and I need the associated TD to plug into a waitcnt. I don't know a cool way to categorize T and index it. A T will come, it will need to be compared to the list of recognized T values, so the associated TD can be found.
  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2015-11-20 00:47
    Beavis3215 wrote: »
    Is there a cool way to organize a lookup table in this way: If value is between A and B then use this lookup data, if value is between B and C then use this lookup data, etc.?
    Bilinear interpolation works well for that purpose. You don't need a huge lookup table with that and it runs fairly fast - faster than your inputs can change! I'ts usually used in image processing but has many other applications. I have working code in C, PropBasic and somewhere, Spin. Interpolating both fuel and ign tables in a loop runs at >5 KHz and, both in PB and C, just barely fits solely into cog ram in both (C using fcache) ,accounting for the seriously nice speed.

    Edit/Addendum: You only need very simple linear interpolation ( if you're only using RPM as an input variable. Load as another input is very nice though, that has just as big an impact on calculating proper advance as rpm does. Load can be quantified by measuring throttle plate angle, manifold pressure or mass air flow.

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