SimpleIDE/Spin Question

Hey All...
I've been diddling with SimpleIDE, trying to create a Spin project. I set the compiler type to Spin, then create a new project. I give the project a name and click "Save". I get a pop-up box saying "Blank Simple project not found". What am I doing wrong?
Running SimpleIDE on a Mac under X 10.10.4. Working with C projects is just fine.
Thanks for any guidance!!
I've been diddling with SimpleIDE, trying to create a Spin project. I set the compiler type to Spin, then create a new project. I give the project a name and click "Save". I get a pop-up box saying "Blank Simple project not found". What am I doing wrong?
Running SimpleIDE on a Mac under X 10.10.4. Working with C projects is just fine.
Thanks for any guidance!!
In my version of SimpleIDE there is a spin subfolder under the SimpleIDE folder. In that subfolder there is a file "Blank Simple Project.side" That has a pub and repeat, and works for starting to write a spin program.
I open that project and then save it with my desired project name.
However, SimpleIDE lacks some of the user friendly features of the PropTool. For example there is not automatic indentation or group indicators.
The GOOD NEWS is there is PropellerIDE which is supported and being enhanced and SPECIFICALLY designed as a multi-platform replacement for the Windows only Propeller Tool.
Go here ->
Download, install and enjoy!
Brett is doing some really good work to keep this moving forward.
Thanks for the heads-up on PropellerIDE, couldn't get the hang (pun intended) of SimpleIDE, it happens when you don't read directions. Be happy to use the Activity Board again, had my tunes playing from the card with it's D-A, put in the box after getting frustrated with the tool.