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Tachyon Forth for P2 -FAT32+WIZnet- Now Smartpins - wOOt!



  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,269
    A simpler way to do a long fill is just:

    SETQ longcount
    WRLONG #0,startaddress
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-19 04:24
    cgracey wrote: »
    A simpler way to do a long fill is just:

    SETQ longcount
    WRLONG #0,startaddress
    That's fine for an erase as I looked at that first but sometimes this is a general fill which would have to end up being a WRBYTE so that we could write the immediate D field. I am not sure about SETQ, does it increment the D field or only the S field in a WRxxxx? If the D field is not touched then I could use WRLONG etc.

    BTW, thanks for the tip too.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,269
    cgracey wrote: »
    A simpler way to do a long fill is just:

    SETQ longcount
    WRLONG #0,startaddress
    That's fine for an erase as I looked at that first but sometimes this is a general fill which would have to end up being a WRBYTE so that we could write the immediate D field. I am not sure about SETQ, does it increment the D field or only the S field in a WRxxxx? If the D field is not touched then I could use WRLONG etc.

    BTW, thanks for the tip too.

    I imagine you mean ALTDS, not SETQ here.

    ALTDS could be used to set an immediate D. It just substitutes the D field bits.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    Yes, I did try a long fill and it works well but byte/word/long are normally decided at runtime due to the wide range of parameters that will be thrown at it.
    It's always a size/speed trade off...

    This is small enough, you may be able to just have versions for Byte/Word/Long and if users want speed, they choose 32b aligned data ?
    Most would understand that.

    That may not be larger than the housekeeping needed for a long/byte split speed up.

    I noticed that there is a Winbond 25Q80 on the DE2-115 add-on board which I guess is used for P2 boot when it's available. In the meantime I'm looking at using this for some temporary backup to hold source code files and binary images.
    Are these the right pins for the chip?
    '( 25Q80 8Mb SPI FLASH )
      	spi_cs = 61
      	spi_ck = 60
      	spi_di = 59
      	spi_do = 58
    In the meantime I will start writing some code to access the chip after which I may bundle it in the PNut compiled kernel itself so that it is ready to load from there. I see that there is an SD card socket on the DE2, is that accessible from the P2? I could probably get the SD card up and running faster than the serial Flash and it's more useful. If it's not accessible I may just add one.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-19 14:04
    Seems that the REV instruction has somehow mixed it's source and destination or something. In P1 it definitely worked in Tachyon with the code:
    rev tos1,tos
    where tos1 was the value that had to be reversed by tos bits but in the P2 this doesn't work where I want to:
    TF2$ 7 #24 REV .LONG 1800.0000 ok

    in the P1 with the exact same code I get:
    7 #24 REV .LONG 0000.00E0 ok
    $86 #24 REV .LONG 0000.0061 ok

    Checking the P2 code:
    TF2$ ' REV COG@ .LONG F993.2591 ok
    TF2$ ' REV COG@ DUP $1FF AND .WORD 0191 ok
    TF2$ DUP 9 SHR $1FF AND .WORD 0192 ok
    TF2$ DUP #19 SHR $1FF AND .WORD 0132 ok
    TF2$ DUP #19 SHR $1FF AND BINARY  ok
    TF2% . 100110010 ok
    TF2% DUP #28 SHR .BYTE 0F ok
    TF2% HEX  ok
    So S and D are correct except for the I field which according to the instructions is %100110001 so it looks like an assembler bug.
    Nope, that must have been a typo on my part, I've checked and it is %100110010 (ICZ) so that's correct. But REV is not working as it should.
    TF2% ' REV 2 COGLIST
    0057: 1111 100110010 R 0192,0191
    0058: 1111 110110011 I 01FF,0104 ok
    BTW, I found a bug with SUBX too, is there one place where we can report these bugs or observations.
  • Typically, we've just started a thread with each one.

    Chip sees 'em, be it bug or request. Others also understand that they too should go and test 'em.

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,269
    On the current chip, REV moves S into D and reverses all the bits.
  • BTW, I found a bug with SUBX too, is there one place where we can report these bugs or observations.

    Just start a new thread on the topic. That way, we all see it, can help verify/troubleshoot, and make sure that follow-up comments don't get buried in another thread (like this one).

  • Just interfaced the W25Q80 serial Flash that is on the DE2-115 add-on board and it seems to work well. I can read and write large blocks with ease.

    Now on to the next step of interfacing to the SD card which I will have to hook-up probably to the same pins as the serial Flash except I will give the SD card its chip select on P57.

    Now if that all works then the next step is the W5500 module for some P2 networking!
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-20 06:09
    As mentioned I have the W25Q80 serial Flash working nicely. Just before I proceed with the SD card interface I added a couple of extra functions for the serial Flash. First is that I made my DUMP words able to read any kind of memory that I specify rather than just hub RAM. Secondly I added a general BACKUP command which if I configure the kernel correctly will allow me to choose images to load. I will probably leave source code load to the SD card as it is easier to place large files on there from the PC.

    Here I erase a 64k chunk at address 0 for the test, dump it using SF to modify DUMPs behaviour, check RAM at the same address, backup and check and also check 256k boundary in serial Flash.
    TF2$ 0 SFER64K  ok
    TF2$ 0 40 SF DUMP
    00.0000: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF    ................
    00.0010: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF    ................
    00.0020: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF    ................
    00.0030: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF    ................ ok
    TF2$ 0 40 RAM DUMP
    00.0000: 0C 04 E4 FC FE 05 DC F9 0F 00 00 00 01 44 6B FD    .............Dk.
    00.0010: 3E FA 67 A4 3E F6 67 A4 16 19 C0 AE E4 18 C0 5E    >.g.>.g........^
    00.0020: 8C 05 B0 FD 98 05 B0 FD 9C 05 B0 FD A0 05 B0 FD    ................
    00.0030: 61 45 27 FB 29 44 63 FD F4 FF 9F FD 90 01 78 FC    aE'.)Dc.......x. ok
    TF2$ BACKUP  ok
    TF2$ 0 40 SF DUMP
    00.0000: 0C 04 E4 FC FE 05 DC F9 0F 00 00 00 01 44 6B FD    .............Dk.
    00.0010: 3E FA 67 A4 3E F6 67 A4 16 19 C0 AE E4 18 C0 5E    >.g.>.g........^
    00.0020: 8C 05 B0 FD 98 05 B0 FD 9C 05 B0 FD A0 05 B0 FD    ................
    00.0030: 61 45 27 FB 29 44 63 FD F4 FF 9F FD 90 01 78 FC    aE'.)Dc.......x. ok
    TF2$ 4.0000 40 SF DUMP
    04.0000: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF    ................
    04.0010: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF    ................
    04.0020: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF    ................
    04.0030: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF    ................ ok
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    Just interfaced the W25Q80 serial Flash that is on the DE2-115 add-on board and it seems to work well. I can read and write large blocks with ease.

    Is that in QuadSPI mode, or the slower 1b SPI ?

  • The add-on board's Flash chip is only connected in 1-bit mode. But who cares for now, it's all about bringing P2 to life! :)
  • It lived!!! Great work, as always, Peter!! You and the P2 sure are productive together!

    I can't wait until we can all play Tachyon2
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-20 11:33
    Added a link to click for more information about Tachyon Forth to the top post which I will update as I can :)
    mindrobots wrote: »
    It lived!!! Great work, as always, Peter!! You and the P2 sure are productive together!

    I can't wait until we can all play Tachyon2

    Oh, I haven't bothered releasing it because I didn't think anybody could be bothered! ( what with all the debates which are far more "interesting")
    But I will add a couple of extras now before I put it out there, that is, if anybody wants to play.

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-21 05:55
    In view of the fact that we need to know more about the opcodes and how they work I've decided to proceed with my inline assembler so that I can quickly create routines and test them from the Forth console as it is quite easy to throw sequential and random data at it and examine the results in various formats suited to the task.

    I have a simple infix mode so that I can enter the assembly code in the same fashion as we would for PNut but it also generates a listing, both as hex and also as bit fields. So this might take me a day or two to get all the opcodes entered and addressing modes sorted out but the other benefit of this is that I can then start writing assembly language drivers for Tachyon in Tachyon itself.

    Here's the skeleton of my assembler in just a few lines:
     TF2 ASM format is the same as PASM
         if_z  ROR tos1,tos  wc,wz  
    long opcocde
    pub EFF!	MASK opcode SET ;
    pub wc		#20 EFF! ;
    pub wz		#19 EFF! ;
    pub #		#18 EFF! ;
    pub CC!		#28 SHL opcode @ $0FFF.FFFFF AND OR opcode ! ;
    pub if_c	%1100 CC! ;
    pub if_z	%1010 CC! ;
    pub always	%1111 CC! ;
    \ Write opcode 7+3-bit opcode field and set default conditions etc
    pub OPC!	#18 SHL opcode ! always ;
    pub ROR		%0000000.000 OPC! ;
    pub ROL		%0000001.000 OPC! ;
    pub SHR		%0000010.000 OPC! ;
  • Perks ears up: "simple infix mode?"


    I will likely give this a play when it's ready Peter. A quick 'n easy, type it in and go scenario is appealing.

  • I already have parts of it working too :)

    The infix mode simply defers some actions until the end of the line while allowing commas and other lack of whitespace, So there is no special syntax unless I really enforce it so all kinds of "macros" are possible too.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-21 08:06
    Just for the curious this is a simple interactive assembly listing I get as I type in assembly in its "raw" format, before I introduce the infix preprocessor. This is not actually compiling the object code to memory at the moment, just listing it.
    In here I compare the result with what should be the equivalent in the Tachyon kernel. Then I decide I'd like a "macro", so I make one to help with that too. :)
     00.287E F107.2001   ADD tos d # 1 s
     00.287E 0000.0000   ' 1+ COG@ SPACE .LONG F107.2001
     00.287E F067.2001   SHL tos d # 1 s
     00.287E 0000.0000   ' 2* COG@ SPACE .LONG F067.2001
     00.287E 0000.0000   : see [COMPILE] ' [COMPILE] GRAB 4 ADO SPACE I COG@ .LONG LOOP ; IMMEDIATE
     00.287E 0000.0000   see 2* F067.2001 FD60.002D F993.2390 FD9F.FF04
     00.287E 0000.0000   see 1+ F107.2001 FD60.002D F047.201F F9E7.21DC
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    I already have parts of it working too :)

    The infix mode simply defers some actions until the end of the line while allowing commas and other lack of whitespace, So there is no special syntax unless I really enforce it so all kinds of "macros" are possible too.
    so we can make some nice ALTDS macros ;-)
  • MJB wrote: »
    so we can make some nice ALTDS macros ;-)
    Yep, you betcha, and then we will be able to test them out right there and then. I may get some time tonight to do just that.

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-22 03:43
    I still haven't finished this inline assembler as I made some additions to the Tachyon kernel in the meantime including buffered serial receive so I could load source at maximum speed. Before this I wasn't too concerned, I just needed functionality.

    Well I'm still entering the opcodes and along the way I am testing what I have and what I need to do which may include some extra class information with the opcodes too. The preprocessor will come last but in the meantime it's quite interesting how you can mix your directives and operands around like this:
     00.2DCF 0000.0015
     00.2DD3             $2.0000 org
     02.0000 F107.2004   add 1st , # 4
     02.0004 F117.2004   add 1st , # 4 wc
     02.0008 F10F.2004   add 1st , # 4 wz
     02.000C F11F.2004   add 1st , # 4 wc wz
     02.0010 F103.2390   add 2nd , 1st
     02.0014 C117.2004   add 1st , # 4 wc if_c
     02.0018 C117.2004   if_c add 1st , # 4 wc
     02.001C C117.2004   add if_c 1st , 4 # wc
     02.0020 C117.2004   wc add 1st , # 4 if_c
     02.0024 FFFF.FFFC   djnz 1st , -4
     02.0028 F9CB.21FB   djnz 1st , $1FB
     02.002C FB03.2190   rdbyte 1st , 1st
     02.0030 FF7F.0324   augs # $7F.0324
     02.0034 FD60.002D   ret
     02.0038 FDA4.001A   call # ' DROP

    I don't expect this to be bug free at present as the -4 in the djnz corrupted the opcode etc. But I do like the fact that the conditional execution directives such as if_c can be placed at the end of the line.

    Just seen Seairth's post about these instructions, so I will have to play with that too.
     02.003C FDB4.001A   call # ' DROP wc
     02.0040 FD60.002D   ret
     02.0044 FD70.002D   ret wc
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-22 06:02
    Finally got all the opcodes entered although some still need some rules specified. But what I got out of this is that even though this assembler has not been optimized in a whole lot of ways it doesn't take up much code space, in fact the figures are:
    CODE: 3519 bytes
    NAME: 2159 bytes

    There is no need for me to optimize anything at present but if I did want to squeeze it up I could probably cut that code in half.
    Since I want to check out assembly code and how some of the opcodes work I will concentrate more on that aspect now and leave the preprocessor until a little later.
    TF2# WORDS
    3481 EXEC           3477 END            3461 ASM            3419 AEVAL          33FD APROMPT        33F1 augd
    33E5 augs           33D9 loc            33CD calld          33C1 callb          33B5 calla          33A9 call
    339D jmp            338B retb           3379 reta           3367 ret            3355 pop            3343 push
    3331 callb          331F calla          330D call           32FB waitx          32E9 jmprel         32D1 stalli
    32B9 allowi         32A7 setint3        3295 setint2        3283 setint1        326B waitfbw        3253 waitxro
    323B waitwrl        3223 waitrdl        320B waitedg        31F3 waitpat        31DB waitcnt        31C3 waitint
    31AB pollfbw        3193 pollxro        317B pollwrl        3163 pollrdl        314B polledg        3133 pollpat
    311B pollcnt        3103 pollint        30F1 setwrl         30DF setrdl         30CD setedg         30BB getxsin
    30A9 getxcos        3097 setxfrq        3085 setxdac        3073 getrnd         3061 getcnt         304F getqy
    303D getqx          302B setq2          3019 setq           3007 qexp           2FF5 qlog           2FE3 lockset
    2FD1 lockclr        2FBF lockret        2FAD locknew        2F9B cogstop        2F89 cogid          2F77 clkset
    2F6B wrlut          2F5F msgout         2F53 jnp            2F47 jp             2F3B setpbn         2F2F setpbe
    2F23 setpan         2F17 setpae         2F0B rdlut          2EFF msgin          2EF3 calld          2EE7 addcnt
    2EDB tjns           2ECF tjs            2EC3 tjnz           2EB7 tjz            2EAB rolword        2E9F getword
    2E93 setword        2E87 rolbyte        2E7B getbyte        2E6F setbyte        2E55 nn             2E49 rolnib
    2E3D getnib         2E31 setnib         2E25 qvector        2E19 qrotate        2E0D qsqrt          2E01 qfrac
    2DF5 qdiv           2DE9 qmul           2DDD coginit        2DD1 rep            2DC5 xcont          2DB9 xzero
    2DAD xinit          2DA1 fblock         2D95 wdfast         2D89 rdfast         2D77 wflong         2D65 wfword
    2D53 wfbyte         2D41 rflong         2D2F rfword         2D1D rfbyte         2D0B setbrk         2CF9 setcz
    2CED wrlong         2CE1 wrword         2CD5 wrbyte         2CC9 rdlong         2CBD rdword         2CB1 rdbyte
    2CA5 gets           2C99 sets           2C8D getd           2C81 setd           2C75 seti           2C69 rev
    2C5D seussr         2C51 seussf         2C45 mergew         2C39 splitw         2C2D mergeb         2C21 splitb
    2C15 movbyts        2C09 setbyts        2BFD testb          2BF1 anyb           2BE5 test           2BD9 testn
    2BCD djns           2BC1 djs            2BB5 djnz           2BA9 djz            2B9D muls           2B91 mul
    2B85 decmod         2B79 incmod         2B6D botone         2B61 topone         2B55 decod          2B49 altds
    2B3D negnz          2B31 negz           2B25 negnc          2B19 negc           2B0D neg            2B01 abs
    2AF5 not            2AE9 mov            2ADD muxnz          2AD1 muxz           2AC5 muxnc          2AB9 muxc
    2AAD xor            2AA1 or             2A95 and            2A89 andn           2A7D setbnz         2A71 setbz
    2A65 setbnc         2A59 setbc          2A4D setb           2A41 clrb           2A35 notb           2A29 isob
    2A1D sumnz          2A11 sumz           2A05 sumnc          29F9 sumc           29ED maxs           29E1 mins
    29D5 max            29C9 min            29BD cmpsub         29B1 subr           29A5 cmpm           2999 cmpr
    298D cmpsx          2981 cmps           2975 cmpx           2969 cmp            295D subsx          2951 subs
    2945 subx           2939 sub            292D addzx          2921 adds           2915 addx           2909 add
    28FD sal            28F1 sar            28E5 rcl            28D9 rcr            28CD shl            28C1 shr
    28B5 rol            28A9 ror            2893 OPC!           2887 never          287B always         286F if_c<>z
    2863 if_c=z         2857 if_nc_or_nz    284B if_nc_or_z     283F if_c_or_nz     2833 if_c_or_z      2827 if_c_and_nz
    281B if_c_and_z     280F if_nz          2803 if_nc          27F7 if_z           27EB if_c           27CD CC!
    27B7 #              27AB wz             279F wc             2793 EFF!           2789 orgh           277F org
    2771 ,              2771 d              2761 s              2759 pushx          2751 drop           2749 4th
    2741 3rd            2739 2nd            2731 1st            2729 tos            2721 aflags         2719 pc
    2711 opcode         26D2 P2ASM.fth      26C6 BOLD           26BA REVERSE        26AE PLAIN          26A0 ATR
    267D CURSOR         266B ERLINE         265B CLS            2649 ERSCN          263D HOME           2629 XY
    2619 CUR            260B .PAR           25FF PEN            25F3 PAPER          25DD COL            25CF ESCB
    25C1 ESC            25B9 white          25B1 cyan           25A9 magenta        25A1 blue           2599 yellow
    2591 green          2589 red            2581 black          1008 LONG           256B ALIAS          255D UNSMUDGE
    2551 IMMEDIATE      2545 @HATR          253B @NAMES         2517 SF             24F9 SF@            24E1 SFW@
    24D1 SFC@           24C5 RAM            24A9 BACKUP         2485 SFWRBLK        2465 SFWRPAGE       2455 SFERCHIP
    2443 SFER64K        2431 SFER32K        241F SFERSEC        2405 SFRDBLK        23ED SFADR          23DD SFJID
    23C7 SFSID          23B1 SFRDS          23A7 SFWD           239D SFWE           2393 SFINS          2389 SFCS
    2381 sfdo           2379 sfdi           2371 sfck           2369 sfcs           234E COGLIST        22EC .INS
    22CC .P             22C0 SPACES         22AA EMITS          2246 BMAP           222E .ADDR          2224 COGREG!
    221A COGREG@        21CA WORDS          21A6 WTAB           218C CTYPE          214B FIBOS          2135 fibo
    20EE .LAP           20E4 /LAP           20CA LAP            20C2 K1             20BA L3             20B2 L2
    20AA L1             20A0 ALLOC          2094 W~             2088 C~             207C ~              2048 LEDTASK
    2040 DLY            0020 DUP            0023 OVER           001A DROP           0019 2DROP          002C SWAP
    0030 ROT            001D NIP            0029 BOUNDS         000C STREND         14BF STRLEN         0181 0
    0180 1              017F 2              017E 3              017D 4              017B 5              017A 6
    0179 7              0178 8              0177 9              0175 0D             0182 ON             0182 TRUE
    0182 -1             0173 BL             0174 16             0181 FALSE          0181 OFF            003A 1+
    0037 1-             0039 2+             0036 2-             0034 +              0033 -              00D7 ADO
    00D8 DO             00E2 LOOP           00DF +LOOP          00D9 FOR            00EA NEXT           0089 I
    008B J              0087 IX             0041 INVERT         0043 AND            0045 ANDN           0047 OR
    0049 XOR            004F ROL            0051 ROR            004B SHR            004D SHL            0053 2/
    0055 2*             0057 REV            0059 MASK           005D >N             005E >B             005F 9BITS
    0063 0=             0063 NOT            0061 =              0067 <>             006B >              0071 C@
    0073 W@             0075 @              0077 C+!            0079 C!             006E C@++           007B W+!
    007D W!             007F +!             0081 !              13C1 SET            13D1 CLR            1126 SET?
    00FE UM*            00FA *              00F8 ABS            003C -NEGATE        003D ?NEGATE        003F NEGATE
    00AE HIGH           00B4 LOW            00BA FLOAT          00C5 SHROUT         00C2 SHRINP         1F52 DIRX
    1F5E OUTX           1F6A INX            0098 PA@            009A PB@            009C PA!            009E PB!
    00A0 DACLR          00A2 DBCLR          00A4 PASET          00A5 DASET          00A7 PBSET          00A8 DBSET
    00AA PACLR          00AC PBCLR          00BC PIN@           0000 RESET          0013 0EXIT          0015 EXIT
    0017 NOP            0018 3DROP          001F ?DUP           0025 3RD            0027 4TH            00C8 CALL
    00CC JUMP           00E7 BRANCH>        00EE >R             00F1 R>             015A >L             00DD L>
    0169 !SP            0171 !RP            016F !LP            016D !BP            1BC5 DEPTH          013A COG@
    013F COGREG         0141 COG!           0146 COGID          00F6 @REG           1C85 KEY            1C81 KEY!
    1C85 KEYB           1BFB READBUF        18B0 DISCARD        011B EMIT           09F8 CR             01AC SPACE
    011E CNT@           1BA1 ERROR          1228 QD             1230 DUMP           1254 DUMPW          127A DUMPL
    12A0 DUMPA          1318 COGDUMP        11A0 .BYTE          11B0 .WORD          11C0 .LONG          14E3 .
    14E3 PRINT          13E1 @PAD           13F3 HOLD           1405 >CHAR          1497 #>             1433 <#
    1447 #              1487 #S             14B3 <D>            1521 PRINT$         14BF LEN$           14F9 U.
    1535 .DEC           0998 U/             0988 U/MOD          09A2 */             0069 0<             006A <
    0A06 U<             110E WITHIN         1134 ?EXIT          014E ERASE          014F FILL           0125 CMOVE
    1144 <CMOVE         115E ms             09D0 HEX            09C4 DECIMAL        09B6 BINARY         1733 GETWORD
    174F SEARCH         0C7C NUMBER         1BCD .S             13B5 HERE           0F2E @HERE          1E05 CLS
    1D9D HOME           1DB7 PEN            1DB3 PAPER          1DF1 XY             1E77 BOLD           1E59 PLAIN
    1E6F REVERSE        1F43 dmpvec         1F3E flags          1F2A base           1F39 temp           1F2F prompt
    1F34 accept         1F48 names          18CC TASK           1F4D rxptr          1F76 GETRND         1080 |||
    0F54 CREATEWORD     0FF4 CREATE         1008 VARIABLE       1014 CONSTANT       1014 ==             102C ALLOT
    10E2 [COMPILE]      10E2 [C]            0F08 GRAB           10AA pub            0F46 pri            108C :
    10BA ;              0ED8 NFA'           0EF2 '              0DAC IF             0DC8 ELSE           0DFA THEN
    0DFA ENDIF          0D3E BEGIN          0D50 UNTIL          0D92 AGAIN          0DAC WHILE          0D6A REPEAT
    1D0B \              1D0B ''             1D0B ---            1D2F (              1D5F {              0017 }
    1D53 IFNDEF         1D45 IFDEF          0E34 "              0E44 ."             1174 (.")           1FBA SFRD
    1F96 SFWR           002B +FIB           1B06 UNKNOWN        1B44 NOTFOUND        ok
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-23 17:08
    I keep getting sidetracked with this assembler but have made some improvements which now allow me to use labels as well. So I can create a CODE definition which makes a new word in the dictionary that is pure assembly code and it can use backward references which are easy enough but also forward references with a little trick since it's only single pass when the source is pasted in. There are still a few things I need to do with processing an opcode properly (spot the bugs) but here is some mashed code that I ran through the assembler as part of the test.
    TF2# CODE (SDRD)
     00.362F FD84.367B                       jmp     # l3
     00.3633 F603.418F                       mov     x ,    2nd
     00.3637 F607.4700                       mov     r2 ,   # 256
     00.363B F067.4601                       shl     r2 ,   # 1
     00.363F             label l1
     00.363F F607.4408                       mov     r1 ,   # 8
     00.3643             label l2
     00.3643 F503.F997                       andn    outa , sck
     00.3647 FA33.33FE                       test    miso , ina wc
     00.364B F0A7.4201                       rcl     r0 ,   # 1
     00.364F F543.F997                       or      outa , sck
     00.3653 F9CF.45FB                       djnz    r1 ,   # l2
     00.3657 F503.F997                       andn    outa , sck
     00.365B FC43.43A0                       wrbyte  r0 ,   x
     00.365F F527.42FF                       and     r0 ,   # $FF
     00.3663 F20B.438E                       cmp     r0 ,   tos wz
     00.3667 A107.3E01   if_z                add     acc ,  # 1
     00.366B A20F.3E01   if_z                cmp     acc ,  # 1 wz
     00.366F A603.1FA0   if_z                mov     2nd ,  x
     00.3673 F107.4001                       add     x , #  1
     00.3677 F9CF.47F1                       djnz    r2 ,   # l1
     00.367B             label l3
     00.367B FD60.002D                       ret
     00.367F             END ok
    TF2#   ok
    Preprocessor is still to come but essentially it will be inserting whitespaces in all the right places before letting the standard Forth parser grab what basically looks like the right column of this listing. This is the raw source at present of that test code.
        		jmp	# l3
        		mov	x ,    2nd
        		mov	r2 ,   # 256
        		shl	r2 ,   # 1
    label l1 
        		mov	r1 ,   # 8
    label l2
        		andn	outa , sck
        		test	miso , ina wc
        		rcl	r0 ,   # 1
        		or  	outa , sck
        		djnz	r1 ,   # l2
        		andn	outa , sck
        		wrbyte	r0 ,   x
        		and	r0 ,   # $FF
        		cmp	r0 ,   tos wz
    if_z		add	acc ,  # 1
    if_z		cmp	acc ,  # 1 wz
    if_z		mov	2nd ,  x 
        		add	x , #  1
        		djnz	r2 ,   # l1
    label l3
  • User NameUser Name Posts: 1,451
    edited 2015-10-23 18:40
    Help me with context:
    This inline assembler is written in TF and runs on the P2?
    One purpose of its creation is to test P2 instructions?
    Do you have plans for it after that?
    Seems like it would be a great tool even for those just interested in assembly coding in a self-hosting environment.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-24 02:38
    All pure P2 Tachyon Forth stuff here, and loving it.

    The original purpose was so I could write assembly code definitions mixed in with the Forth code. Small assembly modules are required for the fastest speed such as accessing SD memory where typically most of the code is in high level Forth and I can test out the low-level access in Forth initially after which when the function is proven those couple of low-level words can be rewritten in assembly.

    But the real impetus for this was when Seairth started his opcode testing and I knew I could probably make that testing come alive interactively but I needed the assembler working.

    So assembler programmers will probably love using the TF2 assembler as you get to see the code it produces and you can test the sub-routines interactively since TF2 uses sub-routine threading anyway. You can call by address or by name and maybe a simple undo will allow the previous line(s) to be interactively edited again without reloading. A simple RET will bring you back to the console and I will include routines for displaying status bits etc although it is very easy to do this yourself.

    When I fire up the SD card and filesystem utilities soon I may just include a screen editor for ANSI terminals which means we can edit code and compile straight from the command line rather than copy/paste from the PC. It will be fast for sure and also means that you can use your tablet for a terminal over serial or Bluetooth. I know my Xperia handles FTDI serial directly although I mostly use Bluetooth serial.

    Then there are the debug interrupts that we can start playing with too, but later :)
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    So assembler programmers will probably love using the TF2 assembler as you get to see the code it produces and you can test the sub-routines interactively since TF2 uses sub-routine threading anyway.

    For serious Assembler work, you would need Symbols, Assembler Expression evaluation, some directives, and then macros.... stuff probably best done PS-Side.

    - but I can see the appeal of a paste&try vanilla Assembler.
    ( One of my favorite calculators uses an editor pane and does paste&try.)

    An approach I have thought about is a PC-side assembler that exports an ASM version of the LST file.
    - ie post expression evaluation, conditionals, includes, macros etc, as that is 'portable assembler' and could also come from a HLL.

    There is appeal to sending simplest ASM info, over using more cryptic HEX-blobs.

    To support that simplest-assembler, I think you just need Symbols added ?

  • The beauty of Forth is what Peter has got done is enough to write as much of a better assembler as one would want.

    Nice work man!

    I wish I got along with Forth better. This is where it really shines. Bootstrapping onto a new CPU. Doesn't take too much, and one can throw a whole dictionary at it, and be up and running lots of stuff.

    I'll definitely have a play when Peter lets it go.

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-10-24 03:31
    Did you see my earlier post where I was using forward and backward labels plus symbols are nothing more than Forth variables and constants anyway. The thing is to make it appear more like the PC based assembler except with the advantages of self-hosting.

    My rudimentary system at present uses predefined constants l0 l1 l2 l3 l4 etc which can be set to the current PC using "label l2" for instance. Forward references just save the save current PC so that when label is executed later it will link back to that instruction.

    Once I have editing using the SD filesystem and ANSI terminals I can include symbols to my hearts content as it is easy to perform multiple passes as necessary. Remember that this is a macro-assembler in that we can create Forth definitions that can perform all kinds of fancy stuff.

    btw, there is a link to the dropbox files but you will have to hunt for it. Consider it part of the fun. No effort, no joy, no fun.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    Did you see my earlier post where I was using forward and backward labels plus symbols are nothing more than Forth variables and constants anyway. The thing is to make it appear more like the PC based assembler except with the advantages of self-hosting.
    Yes, I saw a form of label, and some Forth symbol names.
    It was not clear how far those reached, or if they were to a 'paste-able' level.

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