P2 and 24bit LCD possible?
T Chap
Posts: 4,223
in Propeller 2
I have seen early discussion of 24 pins dedicated to 24bit LCD control. Is this still looking good? Also, how much on-chip storage for bit maps will be available? It would be nice to upgrade the Newhaven display control code we have been using to have more colors and more fast access storage for drawing the screen.
512 kB is total space, plenty for 3.5" LCD.
Pretty good for 4.3" LCD.
Just enough for 5" or standard VGA to do 8 bpp graphics.
But, pins and speed should allow external memory to be used in real time too maybe.
P2 has NCO based wide burst transfer, so it will fly for LCD work.
The LUT can do the 8-24bit mapping on the fly, but the 512k is a little light for some sizes.
I wonder if that LUT stream can include some minor variants like
32 in to 5 x 6 bits out, for a 25% pixel count gain (upper 2 bits can be a LUT-Page) and
32 in to 3 x 9 bits out, for full 512 LUT mapping on smaller screens ?