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Prop2 FPGA files!!! - Updated 2 June 2018 - Final Version 32i - Page 96 — Parallax Forums

Prop2 FPGA files!!! - Updated 2 June 2018 - Final Version 32i



  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    cgracey wrote: »
    I registered all the incoming pin signals and I can't get a download failure, anymore. This should have been done from day one, but I was worried about adding clock delays. One of the first rules in synchronous design is to register all inputs. I wonder what intermittent flakiness we've all experienced that may now be gone. Not registering those incoming pins was really reckless, in hindsight. Now, everything is registered, coming and going, as it should be.

    Good :)

    cgracey wrote: »
    I'm going to recompile everything and pay attention to how each TX pin is implemented in AHDL, as that seems to be problematic. I need to make them all tristate-able, just like the real I/O's.

    I think there is an open-drain mode too ? how close does FPGA get to emulate that ?
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    The FPGA pins which make RX and TX are both tristate-able, so they can do open-drain.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    cgracey wrote: »
    The FPGA pins which make RX and TX are both tristate-able, so they can do open-drain.

    Is that true OD via OUT pin, or emulated via DIR pin ?

    FWIR there is a pin-mode of Open drain, which means the OUT pin is driven.
    In emulated open drain, using TS, you set OUT low, and drive DIR, but that has Smart pin connection variance, and inverts.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    jmg wrote: »
    cgracey wrote: »
    The FPGA pins which make RX and TX are both tristate-able, so they can do open-drain.

    Is that true OD via OUT pin, or emulated via DIR pin ?

    FWIR there is a pin-mode of Open drain, which means the OUT pin is driven.
    In emulated open drain, using TS, you set OUT low, and drive DIR, but that has Smart pin connection variance, and inverts.

    There are 13 config bits that go directly to the I/O pad which control high and low drive types (normal, 1.5k, 15k, 150k, 10uA, 100uA, 1ma, and float). You would set the HHH bits to %111 so that the pin floats when driven high, giving you open drain. This circuitry is AFTER the smart pin.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2017-11-02 23:23
    Turns out the reason only the Prop123-A9 worked, at first, was because I had changed its reset timer from 50ms down to 3ms, like the actual silicon has. I had forgotten to update the other top-level FPGA board files. This is why tight timing from the PC didn't work on the other boards. So, I'm shortening all FPGA versions to the same 3ms, so that they'll all run faster. The TX signal handling was fine. Just the reset timer was the problem.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    IMHO, all this OD stuff, single pin UART, and multiple P2's, are all way less important than it is to be able to support (pinout wise) Quad SPI FLASH, and Boot SD (without FLASH).

    I2C EEPROM is only important if you want to save more pins, which IMHO is not necessary, at least for the first P2. But this can be done easily, so the possibility is there.

    Pullups can be determined easily by just reading the pins. No need to output to them first. A pullup and a driven input pin will give the same result but I don't think that matters. The user just has to be aware that a few pins have special boot requirements/consequences.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2017-11-02 23:41
    If I do the P2 SD Boot code, will you put it into the ROM?

    I am not going to waste my time if not.

    Sorry to be so blunt.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    If I do the P2 SD Boot code, will you put it into the ROM?

    I am not going to waste my time if not.

    I'd like to, but I want it to be as clean as possible, pin-wise.

    Can you do SD in 3 pins, with SI/SO combined? You can do it in 4 pins, right? And what are you currently using in your Prop/SD products, the 4-pin connection scheme or the 6-pin scheme?

    I'm sorry to be waffling. I just don't get the real value, yet, of quad SPI or the advantages of 4-data SD card. I need more information.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    I mean, if we allow this quad SPI setup of CS, CLK, D3, D2, D1, D0, then we'd need to drive all those pins on boot-up or the user would have to put pull-ups on what were HOLDn and WPn. It just looks like a sprawling mess to me with lots of ugly contingencies. I DO LIKE SD, though.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    IMHO, all this OD stuff, single pin UART, and multiple P2's, are all way less important than it is to be able to support (pinout wise) Quad SPI FLASH, and Boot SD (without FLASH).

    All boot sources are important, to those users who deploy them - but I agree, being able to connect QuadSPI parts is important.

    Also possible should be octal-connected parts, as they are now expanding.
    Still missing from P2 is DTR/DDR support.

    To simplify pin strapping boot-choice issues, I have suggested before that the OTP/Config areas of newer Flash be use as a 'Flash-DIP sw'.
    Whilst the very cheapest parts do not have this, the next level up is not many cents more, with Unique-ID and protected areas.
  • And I mention again that the life-cycle of Parallax products is way longer then usual in the industry and NEEDING a part from a different supplier to be able to store the boot-configuration seems very unwise to me.

    Having pull-ups or pull-downs on pins is for sure still doable in 10-15 years, but if Quad-SPI Flash with protected areas will be still on the market then is - hmm - not so sure.

    That is why I think serial-boot is the most future-proof way, if all fails one can bit-bang serial data with any future host.

    The ability to directly boot from SD is nice, but with the exponential size grow of SD cards I see FAT32 on its way out. Like FAT16 disappeared, or FAT12. Floppy disks, anyone?

    One question comes to my mind, the fastest serial auto baud is around 2Mb, what is the slowest?

    just curious,


  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    msrobots wrote: »
    One question comes to my mind, the fastest serial auto baud is around 2Mb, what is the slowest?
    The DOCs say

    "The built-in serial loader allows Propeller 2 chips to be loaded via 8-N-1 asynchronous serial into P63, where START=low and STOP=high, at any rate the sender uses, between 1,200 baud and 2M baud."

    Do you have plans for a 1200 Baud loader ? ;)

    I have used 'unusually slow' baud rates in the past, but only as a means to measure RC_Osc precisions, via capture.

  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    cgracey wrote: »
    Can you do SD in 3 pins, with SI/SO combined?

    You are aware that all this got discussed a year ago, and also two years ago (SD boot) and ....
    Here is the direct link to the same question.

    SD card in 4 bit mode is not important. Nobody has done it on the Propeller yet, it's possible only in secure mode, which needs that you calculate a CRC per data line, and I'm not sure the use of it is legal without license.

    If you go a page back in the thread from last year, you can see how it's possible to connect Flash and SD card, also with Flash in 3 wire mode.

    The reason for Quad SPI Flash access is speed. You are 4 times faster if the hardware supports it. On the P1 quad access is slower than the fastest single SPI, because of the software overhead. If you can't use the streamer for Quad on P2, it may be the same.


  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Ariba wrote: »
    The reason for Quad SPI Flash access is speed. You are 4 times faster if the hardware supports it. On the P1 quad access is slower than the fastest single SPI, because of the software overhead. If you can't use the streamer for Quad on P2, it may be the same.
    You may also be 8 times faster, in DTR/DDR mode, which the P2 might support to streamer speeds.
    Streamer looks to support 1,2,4,8 pin modes.

    I've not seen much actual testing, reporting Streamer with Clk/2 combined, for Tsu,Thold etc margins ?

  • jmg wrote: »
    msrobots wrote: »
    One question comes to my mind, the fastest serial auto baud is around 2Mb, what is the slowest?
    The DOCs say

    "The built-in serial loader allows Propeller 2 chips to be loaded via 8-N-1 asynchronous serial into P63, where START=low and STOP=high, at any rate the sender uses, between 1,200 baud and 2M baud."

    Do you have plans for a 1200 Baud loader ? ;)

    I have used 'unusually slow' baud rates in the past, but only as a means to measure RC_Osc precisions, via capture.

    FYI I have found that 9600 baud is the slowest rate in V25.

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    Ariba wrote: »
    cgracey wrote: »
    Can you do SD in 3 pins, with SI/SO combined?

    You are aware that all this got discussed a year ago, and also two years ago (SD boot) and ....
    Here is the direct link to the same question.

    SD card in 4 bit mode is not important. Nobody has done it on the Propeller yet, it's possible only in secure mode, which needs that you calculate a CRC per data line, and I'm not sure the use of it is legal without license.

    If you go a page back in the thread from last year, you can see how it's possible to connect Flash and SD card, also with Flash in 3 wire mode.

    The reason for Quad SPI Flash access is speed. You are 4 times faster if the hardware supports it. On the P1 quad access is slower than the fastest single SPI, because of the software overhead. If you can't use the streamer for Quad on P2, it may be the same.


    Yes, I remember the discussion taking place, but I couldn't recall the conclusions.

    Thanks for the link. I will re-read the discussion.

    I know quad SPI is faster. I just don't know if it's worth tying up three more pins at boot. I mean, how many times will you need to read data over and over from a quad SPI flash? With one data wire, we can read 512KB in 52ms. What difference will 4x faster really make? I hear about pulling in bitmap resources, but what size? 400KB, maybe? You can't fit enough of those in a quad SPI flash to make much of an animation. So, I'm not getting it. And this quad interface does nothing for writing, only reading. I don't mean to be a stick-in-the mud about this, by the way. I'm just not getting it.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    cgracey wrote: »
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    If I do the P2 SD Boot code, will you put it into the ROM?

    I am not going to waste my time if not.

    I'd like to, but I want it to be as clean as possible, pin-wise.

    Can you do SD in 3 pins, with SI/SO combined? You can do it in 4 pins, right? And what are you currently using in your Prop/SD products, the 4-pin connection scheme or the 6-pin scheme?

    I'm sorry to be waffling. I just don't get the real value, yet, of quad SPI or the advantages of 4-data SD card. I need more information.

    cgracey wrote: »
    I mean, if we allow this quad SPI setup of CS, CLK, D3, D2, D1, D0, then we'd need to drive all those pins on boot-up or the user would have to put pull-ups on what were HOLDn and WPn. It just looks like a sprawling mess to me with lots of ugly contingencies. I DO LIKE SD, though.

    SD Card

    This requires 4 pins because as you receive data in from DO, you must also clock out a high's on DI. They cannot be combined.

    I am using the 4pin scheme on my boards, and so is Peter AFAIK.

    The initialisation sequence must run <400KHz. It's only a preamble and I run at 50KHz.
    Currently at 80MHz, P1 can achieve (without card delays, etc) 2.85MHz clocking. P2 will double this. Looking at the code it's possible to increase this slightly.

    Using SD 4-data would increase this 4 times. Then we can also enlist the SmartPins for another increase.

    Current cheapest microSD Cards are SanDisk SDHC Class 10 16GB at ~$15 (8GB no longer available, were $6). They will run at 10MB/s minimum.
    There are faster microSD Cards UHS-3 (U-III) run at 30MB/s minimum and there are even faster versions.

    The SD Card can have all 6 pins connected without any driving problems (when two pins are unused). I currently leave them floating.

    S25FL064 64Mbit FLASH $0.927/100 Mouser
    SDR Read 50MHz 6.25MBs
    SDR Fast Read 108MHz 13.5MBs
    SDR Dual Read 108MHz 27MBs
    SDR Quad Read 108MHz 54MBs
    DDR Quad Read 54MHz 54MBs
    Both /WP and /RESET have internal pullups and can be left floating if unused.
    Note that DDR does not increase throughput as it halves the clock. Would help EMI.

    AT25SF041 4Mbit FLASH $0.32/100 Mouser
    Read Single/Dual/Quad up to 85MHz
    Continuous Read Dual/Quad Reset (ie XIP) up to 108MHz
    Both /WP and /HOLD have internal pullups and can be left floating, but preferred to tie to Vcc.
  • Chip
    If I issue a "> Prop_Clk 0 0 0 0 ff" command the Prop2 shifts to max speed.
    If I then send a "> Prop_Chk 0 0 0 0" after I get no response.

    The clkset value seems to have been changed as the standby time is shortended to ~15 secs.

    Does the "autobaud" require a new calibration sequence after a speed change?

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    If I issue a "> Prop_Clk 0 0 0 0 ff" command the Prop2 shifts to max speed.
    If I then send a "> Prop_Chk 0 0 0 0" after I get no response.

    The clkset value seems to have been changed as the standby time is shortended to ~15 secs.

    Does the "autobaud" require a new calibration sequence after a speed change?

    I just tried it with v26 (just posted) and it works okay. You do need to do a new "> " to recalibrate the autobaud detector.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    New v26 at the top of this thread.

    This unifies the 3ms reset timer and PNut.exe.

    All pin inputs are now registered, which seems to have eliminated the flakiness I was seeing in the booter yesterday. This should be pretty solid.
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    edited 2017-11-03 02:20
    cgracey wrote: »
    I know quad SPI is faster. I just don't know if it's worth tying up three more pins at boot. I mean, how many times will you need to read data over and over from a quad SPI flash? With one data wire, we can read 512KB in 52ms. What difference will 4x faster really make? I hear about pulling in bitmap resources, but what size? 400KB, maybe? You can't fit enough of those in a quad SPI flash to make much of an animation. So, I'm not getting it. And this quad interface does nothing for writing, only reading. I don't mean to be a stick-in-the mud about this, by the way. I'm just not getting it.

    Maybe it's not fast and big enough for video, but for audio for example. You can have waveforms for the instruments in Flash and read them in realtime to play at different frequencies. And not only one voice at the same time.

    An other application is: Executing of the bytecode directly from Flash (XIP). You get a really big code memory for one cog with that.

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    edited 2017-11-03 03:27
    Ariba wrote: »
    An other application is: Executing of the bytecode directly from Flash (XIP). You get a really big code memory for one cog with that.

    This will be quite significant.
    cgracey wrote: »
    I know quad SPI is faster. I just don't know if it's worth tying up three more pins at boot. I mean, how many times will you need to read data over and over from a quad SPI flash? With one data wire, we can read 512KB in 52ms. What difference will 4x faster really make? I hear about pulling in bitmap resources, but what size? 400KB, maybe? You can't fit enough of those in a quad SPI flash to make much of an animation. So, I'm not getting it. And this quad interface does nothing for writing, only reading. I don't mean to be a stick-in-the mud about this, by the way. I'm just not getting it.

    I'm not sure anyone is pushing for initial boot in Quad-Mode, more that users can connect a Quad-mode device.
    eg That's why you do a quad-mode exit command in the SPI (hopefully that's still there ?!)

    Initial boot would be 1-wide SPI, and users can optionally change to QuadSPI (DTR) if they want, given they know the Flash part info.

    The PCB-pins needs to be Quad-mode compliant, which I think means light pullups on pins HOLD#, WP# pins
    So they are not really lost pins should someone really want single SPI only, they are just defined during boot as light pullups.

    I would say users will expect Quad SPI and Quad SPI DTR to be possible, if you say to them the boot-decisions-excluded-those-choices, their reaction is easy to predict....

    Addit: As well as QuadSPI, users will expect to be able to connect NEW OctaFLASH part like this one, 3V, 512Mb, v1.0.pdf

    That has a 1-wide SPI mode, so should boot ok, but it also has a Octal-DTR capability.
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    edited 2017-11-03 03:20
    I can see why Chip does not like the Quad connection of the Flash. Beside more pins there is also a gap in the pin order if you only want single SPI, which is mostley the case.

    So here are two ways the bootloader can use single SPI and you still can switch to Quad mode in your own application:

    The first needs that you send the commands and addresses in bit revers order:

    The second doubles the D0 pin, so you loose one pin, but you get the right bit order:

    If you don't want quad mode, you can replace all the resistors with wires. And no change in the current bootcode required.
    521 x 372 - 10K
    521 x 372 - 10K
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Ariba wrote: »
    I can see why Chip does not like the Quad connection of the Flash. Beside more pins there is also a gap in the pin order if you only want single SPI, which is mostley the case.

    That's mostly cosmetic, the pins can still be used

    Ariba wrote: »
    So here are two ways the bootloader can use single SPI and you still can switch to Quad mode in your own application:
    The first needs that you send the commands and addresses in bit revers order:
    The second doubles the D0 pin, so you loose one pin, but you get the right bit order:
    Neither really shines
    - having to reverse bits is a kludge that will annoy many... & losing another pin may drop streamer align & octal support ?

    It will be important to have the streamer able to use this, in x4 and x8 settings.
    Not sure what dictates that imposes on pin-allocates, but I'd work back from there....

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    Ariba wrote: »
    I can see why Chip does not like the Quad connection of the Flash. Beside more pins there is also a gap in the pin order if you only want single SPI, which is mostley the case.

    So here are two ways the bootloader can use single SPI and you still can switch to Quad mode in your own application:

    The first needs that you send the commands and addresses in bit revers order:

    The second doubles the D0 pin, so you loose one pin, but you get the right bit order:

    If you don't want quad mode, you can replace all the resistors with wires. And no change in the current bootcode required.

    Yes. If we are going to support quad SPI, we might as well mandate it.

    I like your alternatives for hooking up quad SPI while still maintaining a tidy 3-pin situation at boot. Having to bit-reverse commands is really no big deal.

    Using pin 58 to add SD card support, in lieu of SPI flash presence, would be fine, I think. We would need that one more pin for data.

    In a case where boot was from a 3-pin flash, a removable SD card could be supported on nearby pins, maybe getting common use of the CLK and DI/DO pin. For boot, though, it would be an either/or situation.
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    cgracey wrote: »
    Yes. If we are going to support quad SPI, we might as well mandate it.

    What do you mean by 'mandate it' ?
    Initial boot in 1 wide SPI mode, was chosen to be widely portable, and those OctaFlash parts do keep a 1 wide mode.
    So they can boot.

    OctaFlash parts (see link above) do not have QuadSPI mode, which makes it hard to 'mandate' Quad SPI ?

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Doesn't my diagram work better???

    The data pins are in the correct order, and you can detect whether to use SPI with SI/SO combined, or the Quad SPI booting in 1bit mode using separate SI/SO.

    It also maps for SD too.

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    It also maps for SD too.
    Can you add a map for OctaFlash ?
    Does the streamer allow nibble align of Byte loads, in which case I think it is just 4 more pins.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2017-11-03 07:09
    jmg wrote: »
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    It also maps for SD too.
    Can you add a map for OctaFlash ?
    Does the streamer allow nibble align of Byte loads, in which case I think it is just 4 more pins.
    That OctaFlash you linked to doesn't seem to be available through the usual channels. Hence no price either.
    There is a DQS pin but I cannot find what it does, nor if it's an input or output.
    It is a big IC ! Then again 64MB is big too !

    IMHO it would just map to the next 4 lower pins P55..P52 for D7..D4.
    IIRC we can swap nibbles around in one instruction.

    I have no idea about the streamer.

    BTW It's funny... we are going full circle... serial 1bit back to serial 8bit parallel. Just need ALE and we will be there ;)
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    That OctaFlash you linked to doesn't seem to be available through the usual channels. Hence no price either.
    There is a DQS pin but I cannot find what it does, nor if it's an input or output.

    I think that's similar to the HyperFLASH, where that signal is a clock-back, to delay-compensate and so allow them to push up the clock speeds.
    At more modest P2 type speeds, it may not be required.
    Less clear in the data, is if that DQS ever has missing pulses, eg as wait states for reads across boundaries.
    If it does, it either needs to be used, or the 'cache sw' needs to boundary align.

    Cluso99 wrote: »
    BTW It's funny... we are going full circle... serial 1bit back to serial 8bit parallel. Just need ALE and we will be there ;)

    Hehe, yes, does CLK count as ALE ?

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