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Prop2 FPGA files!!! - Updated 2 June 2018 - Final Version 32i - Page 59 — Parallax Forums

Prop2 FPGA files!!! - Updated 2 June 2018 - Final Version 32i



  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,167
    edited 2016-06-27 11:22
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    Does this instruction and ROLWORD,ROLNIB really need to be SHLBYTE, SHLWORD & SHLNIB?
    Agreed. It must be a shift. Although an actual roll wouldn't look any different because any bits that wrap around are overwritten by the source data.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,167
    Seairth wrote: »
    Based on your description, should that be:
    		rolbyte	myreg,myreg2,#0		'results in myreg = $234567ef
    		rolbyte	myreg,myreg2,#1		'results in myreg = $234567cd
    		rolbyte	myreg,myreg2,#2		'results in myreg = $234567ab
    		rolbyte	myreg,myreg2,#3		'results in myreg = $23456789
    That would be true if those were each single instructions by themselves. Oz has treated them as altogether in sequence.
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2016-06-27 11:55
    Ah yes, I should have been a little more specific with my code example. Oops. Note added.
  • evanh wrote: »
    Seairth wrote: »
    Based on your description, should that be:
    		rolbyte	myreg,myreg2,#0		'results in myreg = $234567ef
    		rolbyte	myreg,myreg2,#1		'results in myreg = $234567cd
    		rolbyte	myreg,myreg2,#2		'results in myreg = $234567ab
    		rolbyte	myreg,myreg2,#3		'results in myreg = $23456789
    That would be true if those were each single instructions by themselves. Oz has treated them as altogether in sequence.

    Ahh! That makes sense.
  • evanh wrote: »
    ozpropdev wrote: »
    Does this instruction and ROLWORD,ROLNIB really need to be SHLBYTE, SHLWORD & SHLNIB?
    Agreed. It must be a shift. Although an actual roll wouldn't look any different because any bits that wrap around are overwritten by the source data.

    How about SLMBYTE (Shift Left, Move)?
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    ROLBYTS D,S#,#n
    Shift/Rotate D left 1 byte, and/but inserting the new byte 0 from S byte n.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069

    When I code for hubexec, I use an ORGH $xxxx statement.
    Now my code is being compiled for hub. All DJXX/JMP/CALLx instructions will use relative if possible.

    I presume when the DJxx/JMP/CALLx instructions are out of relative range, the direct hub address will be used.

    Everything seems fine so far.

    Has anyone thought about what happens when we want the code to be able to execute in both hubexec and cogexec/lutexec modes ??? We cannot let the compiler use direct mode.
  • IIRC Pnut always uses relative addressing unless a boundary is crossed(cog to hub) or forced to absolute with a "#\" prefix.
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2016-06-28 04:25
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I presume when the DJxx/JMP/CALLx instructions are out of relative range, the direct hub address will be used.
    JNP/CALL have +/- 19 bit relative range so should be no need to go absolute.
    I suspect that DJNZ can be augmented with AUGS to extend it's range too.

    Edit: Pnut allows DJNZ to use "##" to extend range
    		orgh	$1000
    djxx		mov	count,#55
    		long	0[$1_0000]	'64k of nop's
    		djnz	adra,##djxx
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    I have found the ## to automatically insert the additional AUGS or AUGD instruction extremely useful. Lots of the extra instructions support the D/# variant.

    That DJNZ x,##y is another nifty use
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    I have found the ## to automatically insert the additional AUGS or AUGD instruction extremely useful. Lots of the extra instructions support the D/# variant.

    That DJNZ x,##y is another nifty use
    Yep, a great feature.
    Pnut even can do a double AUG insertion like
    	wrlong	##$1234_5678,##$3_ffb0
    An immediate 32 bit value to a immediate hub address, very cool! :cool:

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,167
    edited 2016-06-28 07:54
    Ah ... oh ... huh? ... how does that work at the machine code level?
  • I think that is an AUGS and a AUGD before the actual opcode then.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2016-06-28 08:24
            wrlong	##$1234_5678,##$3_ffb0
    translates to
            augd    #($1234_5678 >> 9)
            augs    #($3_ffb0 >> 9)
            wrlong  #($1234_5678 & $1FF),#($3_ffb0 & $1FF)
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,167
    edited 2016-06-28 09:53
    I would have thought the AUGD gets applied to the AUGS, which would be a mess. There must be some special case detection when they get paired ... Has Chip talked about this before?

    EDIT: Maybe it's a bit like the SETQ instruction, ie: Internal registers for S and D that are specially preloaded by the AUGx instructions and not used until a non-AUGx instruction is executed. That would mean any number of AUG's can be sequenced... ?
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    They load up internal registers which get combined at the next "normal" instruction execution, which also resets those registers. There are S and D registers for AUGS and AUGD.

    There are also ALTS, ALTD, ALTI and ALTR instructions which can vary the following instructions S, D, I (instruction) and R (result) addresses.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,167
    Right. I had imagined all of those just fiddled the next instruction in the pipe. As per the documented descriptions.

    Maybe an improved description is in order.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Here is a revised Instruction Summary for P2 v10a
    Propeller P16X64A Instructions v10a 17Jun2016
    Cond Opcode  CZ I Dest       Source     Instr00 01      10      11        Operand(s)                                         Flags      
    CCCC 00000ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROR     ROL     SHR     SHL       D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00001ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RCR     RCL     SAR     SAL       D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00010ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADD     ADDX    ADDS    ADDSX     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00011ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SUB     SUBX    SUBS    SUBSX     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00100ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  CMP     CMPX    CMPS    CMPSX     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00101ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  CMPR    CMPM    SUBR    CMPSUB    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00110ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MIN     MAX     MINS    MAXS      D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00111ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SUMC    SUMNC   SUMZ    SUMNZ     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01000ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ISOB    NOTB    CLRB    SETB      D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01001ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBC   SETBNC  SETBZ   SETBNZ    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01010ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ANDN    AND     OR      XOR       D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01011ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MUXC    MUXNC   MUXZ    MUXNZ     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01100ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MOV     NOT     ABS     NEG       D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01101ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  NEGC    NEGNC   NEGZ    NEGNZ     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 0111000 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ALTI    ALTR    ALTD    ALTS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 0111001 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DECOD                             D,S/#                                              CZ         
    CCCC 011101f CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TOPONE  BOTONE                    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ      
    CCCC 011110f CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  INCMOD  DECMOD                    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ      
    CCCC 011111f fZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MUL     MULS    SCLU    SCL       D,S/#                                              -Z -Z -Z -Z
    CCCC 1000ffn nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETNIB  GETNIB  ROLNIB  *******   D,S/#,#n                                           -- -- -- --
    CCCC 100011f nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBYTE GETBYTE                   D,S/#,#n                                           -- --      
    CCCC 1001000 nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROLBYTE                           D,S/#,#n                                           --         
    CCCC 1001001 fn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETWORD GETWORD                   D,S/#,#n                                           -- --      
    CCCC 1001010 0n I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROLWORD                           D,S/#,#n                                           --         
    CCCC 1001010 1f I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBYTS MOVBYTS                   D,S/#                                              -- --      
    CCCC 1001011 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SPLITB  MERGEB  SPLITW  MERGEW    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001100 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SEUSSF  SEUSSR  RGBSQZ  RGBEXP    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001101 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  REV     SETI    SETD    SETS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001110 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DJZ     DJNZ    DJS     DJNS      D,S/#rel9                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001111 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TJZ     TJNZ    TJS     TJNS      D,S/#rel9                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 10100ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TESTN   TEST    ANYB    TESTB     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1010100 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADDCT1  ADDCT2  ADDCT3  WMLONG    D,S/#;D,S/#;D,S/#;D,S/#/PTRx                       -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010101 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  CALLD                             D,S/#rel9                                          CZ         
    CCCC 101011f CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RDPIN   RDLUT                     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ      
    CCCC 10110ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RDBYTE  RDWORD  RDLONG  *******   D,S/#/PTRx                                         CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1011011 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADDPIX  MULPIX  BLNPIX  MIXPIX    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101110f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  <empty> <empty> JP      JNP       D/#,S/#;D/#,S/#;D/#,S/#rel9;D/#,S/#rel9            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101111f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETPAE  SETPAN  SETPBE  SETPBN    D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 110000f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRPIN   WXPIN   WYPIN   WRLUT     D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 110001f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRBYTE  WRWORD  WRLONG  RDFAST    D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#     -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1100100 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRFAST  FBLOCK                    D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100101 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  XINIT   XZERO                     D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100110 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  XCONT   REP                       D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100111 CL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  COGINIT                           D/#,S/#                                            C-         
    CCCC 110100f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  QMUL    QDIV    QFRAC   QSQRT     D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101010 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  QROTATE QVECTOR                   D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1101011 CZ L DDDDDDDDD  0000000ff  CLKSET  COGID   <empty> COGSTOP   D/#                                                CZ CZ CZ --
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 DDDDDDDDD  0000001ff  LOCKNEW LOCKRET LOCKCLR LOCKSET   D;D/#;D/#;D/#                                      CZ -- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 CZ L DDDDDDDDD  0000010ff  <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>   D/#                                                CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 CZ L DDDDDDDDD  0000011ff  <empty> <empty> QLOG    QEXP      D/#                                                CZ CZ -- --
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 DDDDDDDDD  0000100ff  RFBYTE  RFWORD  RFLONG  WFBYTE    D;D;D;D/#                                          CZ CZ CZ --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0000101ff  WFWORD  WFLONG  SETQ    SETQ2     D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 DDDDDDDDD  0000110ff  GETQX   GETQY   GETCT   GETRND    D                                                  CZ CZ -- CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0000111ff  SETDACS SETXFRQ GETXCOS GETXSIN   D/#;D/#;D;D                                        -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001000ff  SETEDG  SETRDL  SETWRL  SETHLK    D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000000ff  000100100  POLLINT POLLCT1 POLLCT2 POLLCT3                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000001ff  000100100  POLLEDG POLLPAT POLLRDL POLLWRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000010ff  000100100  POLLXMT POLLXFI POLLXRO POLLXRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000011ff  000100100  POLLFBW POLLHLK POLLATN POLLQMT                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000100ff  000100100  WAITINT WAITCT1 WAITCT2 WAITCT3                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000101ff  000100100  WAITEDG WAITPAT WAITRDL WAITWRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000110ff  000100100  WAITXMT WAITXFI WAITXRO WAITXRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000111ff  000100100  WAITFBW WAITHLK WAITATN <empty>                                                      C- C- C- CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 0 0001000ff  000100100  ALLOWI  STALLI  <empty> <empty>                                                      -- -- CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 0001001ff  000100100  <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>                                                      CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001001ff  ******* SETINT1 SETINT2 SETINT3   -;D/#;D/#;D/#                                      -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001010ff  WAITX   SETCZ   PUSH    POP       D/#;D/#;D/#;D                                      -- CZ -- CZ
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 DDDDDDDDD  0001011ff  JMP     CALL    CALLA   CALLB     D                                                  CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001100ff  JMPREL  RET     RETA    RETB      D/#;-;-;-                                          -- CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 0 DDDDDDDDD  0001101ff  GETPTR  GETINT  SETBRK  SETLUT    D;D;D/#;D/#                                        -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001110ff  SETCY   SETCI   SETCQ   SETCFRQ   D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001111ff  SETCMOD SETPIX  SETPIV  COGATN    D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 11011ff Rn n nnnnnnnnn  nnnnnnnnn  JMP     CALL    CALLA   CALLB     #abs/#rel                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1110fww Rn n nnnnnnnnn  nnnnnnnnn  CALLD   LOC                       reg,#abs/#rel                                      -- --      
    CCCC 1111fnn nn n nnnnnnnnn  nnnnnnnnn  AUGS    AUGD                      #23bits                                            -- --      
      COG REGISTERS                                  
      _IJMP3 = $1F0   '' COG Interrupt Jump   3      
      _IRET3 = $1F1   '' COG Interrupt Return 3      
      _IJMP2 = $1F2   '' COG Interrupt Jump   2      
      _IRET2 = $1F3   '' COG Interrupt Return 2      
      _IJMP1 = $1F4   '' COG Interrupt Jump   1      
      _IRET1 = $1F5   '' COG Interrupt Return 1      
      _ADDRA = $1F6   '' COG ADDR A                  
      _ADDRB = $1F7   '' COG ADDR B                  
      _PTRA  = $1F8   '' COG PTR  A                  
      _PTRB  = $1F9   '' COG PTR  B                  
      _DIRA  = $1FA   '' COG DIR  A                  
      _DIRB  = $1FB   '' COG DIR  B                  
      _OUTA  = $1FC   '' COG OUT  A                  
      _OUTB  = $1FD   '' COG OUT  B                  
      _INA   = $1FE   '' COG IN   A / Debug JMP      
      _INB   = $1FF   '' COG IN   B / Debug RET      
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Below are some further instruction opcode suggestions (includes those from above again)...
    Propeller P16X64A Instruction Suggestions v10a 17Jun2016 Mod1
    Cond Opcode  CZ I Dest       Source     Instr00 01      10      11        Operand(s)                                         Flags      
    CCCC 0111000 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ALTI    ALTR    ALTD    ALTS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 0111001 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DECOD                             D,S/#                                              CZ         
    CCCC 011101f CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TOPONE  BOTONE                    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ      
    CCCC 011110f CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  INCMOD  DECMOD                    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ      
    CCCC 011111f fZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MUL     MULS    SCLU    SCL       D,S/#                                              -Z -Z -Z -Z
    replace with
    CCCC 01110ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TOPONE  BOTONE  INCMOD  DECMOD    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ 
    CCCC 01111ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TESTN   TEST    ANYB    TESTB     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ 
    CCCC 10100ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TESTN   TEST    ANYB    TESTB     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    replace with
    CCCC 1010000 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ALTI    ALTR    ALTD    ALTS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- -- 
    CCCC 1010001 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DECOD                             D,S/#                                              CZ          
    CCCC 101001f fZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MUL     MULS    SCLU    SCL       D,S/#                                              -Z -Z -Z -Z 
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 0001001ff  000100100  <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>                                                      CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001100ff  JMPREL  RET     RETA    RETB      D/#;-;-;-                                          -- CZ CZ CZ
    replace with
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 0001001ff  000100100  <empty> RET     RETA    RETB                                                         CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001100ff  JMPREL  <empty> <empty> <empty>   D/#                                                -- CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000000ff  000100100  POLLINT POLLCT1 POLLCT2 POLLCT3                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000001ff  000100100  POLLEDG POLLPAT POLLRDL POLLWRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000010ff  000100100  POLLXMT POLLXFI POLLXRO POLLXRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000011ff  000100100  POLLFBW POLLHLK POLLATN POLLQMT                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000100ff  000100100  WAITINT WAITCT1 WAITCT2 WAITCT3                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000101ff  000100100  WAITEDG WAITPAT WAITRDL WAITWRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000110ff  000100100  WAITXMT WAITXFI WAITXRO WAITXRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000111ff  000100100  WAITFBW WAITHLK WAITATN <empty>                                                      C- C- C- CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 0 0001000ff  000100100  ALLOWI  STALLI  <empty> <empty>                                                      -- -- CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 0001001ff  000100100  <empty> RET     RETA    RETB                                                         CZ CZ CZ CZ
    replace with
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000000ff  001000000  POLLINT POLLCT1 POLLCT2 POLLCT3                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000001ff  001000000  POLLEDG POLLPAT POLLRDL POLLWRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000010ff  001000000  POLLXMT POLLXFI POLLXRO POLLXRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000011ff  001000000  POLLFBW POLLHLK POLLATN POLLQMT                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000100ff  001000000  WAITINT WAITCT1 WAITCT2 WAITCT3                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000101ff  001000000  WAITEDG WAITPAT WAITRDL WAITWRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000110ff  001000000  WAITXMT WAITXFI WAITXRO WAITXRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000111ff  001000000  WAITFBW WAITHLK WAITATN <empty>                                                      C- C- C- CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 0 0001000ff  001000000  ALLOWI  STALLI  <empty> <empty>                                                      -- -- CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 0001001ff  001000000  <empty> RET     RETA    RETB                                                         CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001001ff  ******* SETINT1 SETINT2 SETINT3   -;D/#;D/#;D/#                                      -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001001ff  <empty> SETINT1 SETINT2 SETINT3   D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    The result is in the following post.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    The suggestions in the previous post results in...
    Propeller P16X64A Instruction Suggestions v10a 17Jun2016 Mod1
    Cond Opcode  CZ I Dest       Source     Instr00 01      10      11        Operand(s)                                         Flags      
    CCCC 00000ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROR     ROL     SHR     SHL       D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00001ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RCR     RCL     SAR     SAL       D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00010ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADD     ADDX    ADDS    ADDSX     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00011ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SUB     SUBX    SUBS    SUBSX     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00100ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  CMP     CMPX    CMPS    CMPSX     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00101ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  CMPR    CMPM    SUBR    CMPSUB    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00110ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MIN     MAX     MINS    MAXS      D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 00111ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SUMC    SUMNC   SUMZ    SUMNZ     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01000ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ISOB    NOTB    CLRB    SETB      D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01001ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBC   SETBNC  SETBZ   SETBNZ    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01010ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ANDN    AND     OR      XOR       D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01011ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MUXC    MUXNC   MUXZ    MUXNZ     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01100ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MOV     NOT     ABS     NEG       D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01101ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  NEGC    NEGNC   NEGZ    NEGNZ     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 01110ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TOPONE  BOTONE  INCMOD  DECMOD    D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ 
    CCCC 01111ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TESTN   TEST    ANYB    TESTB     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ CZ CZ 
    CCCC 1000ffn nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETNIB  GETNIB  ROLNIB  *******   D,S/#,#n                                           -- -- -- --
    CCCC 100011f nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBYTE GETBYTE                   D,S/#,#n                                           -- --      
    CCCC 1001000 nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROLBYTE                           D,S/#,#n                                           --         
    CCCC 1001001 fn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETWORD GETWORD                   D,S/#,#n                                           -- --      
    CCCC 1001010 0n I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROLWORD                           D,S/#,#n                                           --         
    CCCC 1001010 1f I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBYTS MOVBYTS                   D,S/#                                              -- --      
    CCCC 1001011 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SPLITB  MERGEB  SPLITW  MERGEW    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001100 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SEUSSF  SEUSSR  RGBSQZ  RGBEXP    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001101 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  REV     SETI    SETD    SETS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001110 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DJZ     DJNZ    DJS     DJNS      D,S/#rel9                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001111 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TJZ     TJNZ    TJS     TJNS      D,S/#rel9                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010000 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ALTI    ALTR    ALTD    ALTS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- -- 
    CCCC 1010001 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DECOD                             D,S/#                                              CZ          
    CCCC 101001f fZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MUL     MULS    SCLU    SCL       D,S/#                                              -Z -Z -Z -Z 
    CCCC 1010100 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADDCT1  ADDCT2  ADDCT3  WMLONG    D,S/#;D,S/#;D,S/#;D,S/#/PTRx                       -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010101 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  CALLD                             D,S/#rel9                                          CZ         
    CCCC 101011f CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RDPIN   RDLUT                     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ      
    CCCC 10110ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RDBYTE  RDWORD  RDLONG  *******   D,S/#/PTRx                                         CZ CZ CZ --
    CCCC 1011011 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADDPIX  MULPIX  BLNPIX  MIXPIX    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101110f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  <empty> <empty> JP      JNP       D/#,S/#;D/#,S/#;D/#,S/#rel9;D/#,S/#rel9            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101111f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETPAE  SETPAN  SETPBE  SETPBN    D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 110000f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRPIN   WXPIN   WYPIN   WRLUT     D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 110001f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRBYTE  WRWORD  WRLONG  RDFAST    D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#     -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1100100 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRFAST  FBLOCK                    D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100101 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  XINIT   XZERO                     D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100110 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  XCONT   REP                       D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100111 CL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  COGINIT                           D/#,S/#                                            C-         
    CCCC 110100f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  QMUL    QDIV    QFRAC   QSQRT     D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101010 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  QROTATE QVECTOR                   D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1101011 CZ L DDDDDDDDD  0000000ff  CLKSET  COGID   <empty> COGSTOP   D/#                                                CZ CZ CZ --
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 DDDDDDDDD  0000001ff  LOCKNEW LOCKRET LOCKCLR LOCKSET   D;D/#;D/#;D/#                                      CZ -- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 CZ L DDDDDDDDD  0000010ff  <empty> <empty> <empty> <empty>   D/#                                                CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 CZ L DDDDDDDDD  0000011ff  <empty> <empty> QLOG    QEXP      D/#                                                CZ CZ -- --
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 DDDDDDDDD  0000100ff  RFBYTE  RFWORD  RFLONG  WFBYTE    D;D;D;D/#                                          CZ CZ CZ --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0000101ff  WFWORD  WFLONG  SETQ    SETQ2     D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 DDDDDDDDD  0000110ff  GETQX   GETQY   GETCT   GETRND    D                                                  CZ CZ -- CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0000111ff  SETDACS SETXFRQ GETXCOS GETXSIN   D/#;D/#;D;D                                        -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001000ff  SETEDG  SETRDL  SETWRL  SETHLK    D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001001ff  <empty> SETINT1 SETINT2 SETINT3   D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001010ff  WAITX   SETCZ   PUSH    POP       D/#;D/#;D/#;D                                      -- CZ -- CZ
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 DDDDDDDDD  0001011ff  JMP     CALL    CALLA   CALLB     D                                                  CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001100ff  JMPREL  <empty> <empty> <empty>   D/#                                                -- CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 0 DDDDDDDDD  0001101ff  GETPTR  GETINT  SETBRK  SETLUT    D;D;D/#;D/#                                        -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001110ff  SETCY   SETCI   SETCQ   SETCFRQ   D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 00 L DDDDDDDDD  0001111ff  SETCMOD SETPIX  SETPIV  COGATN    D/#                                                -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000000ff  001000000  POLLINT POLLCT1 POLLCT2 POLLCT3                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000001ff  001000000  POLLEDG POLLPAT POLLRDL POLLWRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000010ff  001000000  POLLXMT POLLXFI POLLXRO POLLXRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000011ff  001000000  POLLFBW POLLHLK POLLATN POLLQMT                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000100ff  001000000  WAITINT WAITCT1 WAITCT2 WAITCT3                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000101ff  001000000  WAITEDG WAITPAT WAITRDL WAITWRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000110ff  001000000  WAITXMT WAITXFI WAITXRO WAITXRL                                                      C- C- C- C-
    CCCC 1101011 C0 0 0000111ff  001000000  WAITFBW WAITHLK WAITATN <empty>                                                      C- C- C- CZ
    CCCC 1101011 00 0 0001000ff  001000000  ALLOWI  STALLI  <empty> <empty>                                                      -- -- CZ CZ
    CCCC 1101011 CZ 0 0001001ff  001000000  <empty> RET     RETA    RETB                                                         CZ CZ CZ CZ
    CCCC 11011ff Rn n nnnnnnnnn  nnnnnnnnn  JMP     CALL    CALLA   CALLB     #abs/#rel                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1110fww Rn n nnnnnnnnn  nnnnnnnnn  CALLD   LOC                       reg,#abs/#rel                                      -- --      
    CCCC 1111fnn nn n nnnnnnnnn  nnnnnnnnn  AUGS    AUGD                      #23bits                                            -- --      
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,167
    What's the diff between ******* and <empty>?
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2016-06-29 11:43
    ******* is used in subsequent decoding.
    For example, the ******* in the SETNIB/GETNIB/ROLNIB/******* is divided into the next line SETBYTE/GETBYTE. So therefore
    ff=00 = SETNIB
    ff=01 = GETNIB
    ff=10 = ROLNIB
    ff=11 = SETBYTE if instr[0]=0, GETBYTE if instr[0]=1

    <empty> means the opcode if available. ie not used.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    The second group (SETNIB...QVECTOR)
    Cond Opcode  CZ I Dest       Source     Instr00 01      10      11        Operand(s)                                         Flags      
    CCCC 1000ffn nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETNIB  GETNIB  ROLNIB  *******   D,S/#,#n                                           -- -- -- --
    CCCC 100011f nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBYTE GETBYTE                   D,S/#,#n                                           -- --      
    CCCC 1001000 nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROLBYTE                           D,S/#,#n                                           --         
    CCCC 1001001 fn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETWORD GETWORD                   D,S/#,#n                                           -- --      
    CCCC 1001010 0n I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROLWORD                           D,S/#,#n                                           --         
    CCCC 1001010 1f I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBYTS MOVBYTS                   D,S/#                                              -- --      
    CCCC 1001011 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SPLITB  MERGEB  SPLITW  MERGEW    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001100 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SEUSSF  SEUSSR  RGBSQZ  RGBEXP    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001101 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  REV     SETI    SETD    SETS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001110 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DJZ     DJNZ    DJS     DJNS      D,S/#rel9                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1001111 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TJZ     TJNZ    TJS     TJNS      D,S/#rel9                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010000 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ALTI    ALTR    ALTD    ALTS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- -- 
    CCCC 1010001 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DECOD                             D,S/#                                              CZ          
    CCCC 101001f fZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MUL     MULS    SCLU    SCL       D,S/#                                              -Z -Z -Z -Z 
    CCCC 1010100 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADDCT1  ADDCT2  ADDCT3  WMLONG    D,S/#;D,S/#;D,S/#;D,S/#/PTRx                       -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010101 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  CALLD                             D,S/#rel9                                          CZ         
    CCCC 101011f CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RDPIN   RDLUT                     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ      
    CCCC 10110ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RDBYTE  RDWORD  RDLONG  *******   D,S/#/PTRx                                         CZ CZ CZ --
    CCCC 1011011 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADDPIX  MULPIX  BLNPIX  MIXPIX    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101110f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  <empty> <empty> JP      JNP       D/#,S/#;D/#,S/#;D/#,S/#rel9;D/#,S/#rel9            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101111f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETPAE  SETPAN  SETPBE  SETPBN    D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 110000f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRPIN   WXPIN   WYPIN   WRLUT     D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 110001f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRBYTE  WRWORD  WRLONG  RDFAST    D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#     -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1100100 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRFAST  FBLOCK                    D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100101 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  XINIT   XZERO                     D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100110 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  XCONT   REP                       D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    CCCC 1100111 CL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  COGINIT                           D/#,S/#                                            C-         
    CCCC 110100f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  QMUL    QDIV    QFRAC   QSQRT     D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1101010 fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  QROTATE QVECTOR                   D/#,S/#                                            -- --      
    Could be re-ordered to something like the following. Whether it is worth doing is questionable.
    Cond Opcode  CZ I Dest       Source     Instr00 01      10      11        Operand(s)                                         Flags      
    CCCC 1000ffn nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETNIB  GETNIB  ROLNIB  *******   D,S/#,#n                                           -- -- -- --
    CCCC 100011f nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBYTE GETBYTE                   D,S/#,#n                                           -- --      
    CCCC 1001000 nn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROLBYTE                           D,S/#,#n                                           --         
    CCCC 1001001 fn I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETWORD GETWORD                   D,S/#,#n                                           -- --      
    CCCC 1001010 0n I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ROLWORD                           D,S/#,#n                                           --         
    CCCC 1001010 1f I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETBYTS MOVBYTS                   D,S/#                                              -- --      
    CCCC 1001011 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DECOD                             D,S/#                                              CZ          
    CCCC 1001100 CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  CALLD                             D,S/#rel9                                          CZ         
    CCCC 1001101 CL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  COGINIT                           D/#,S/#                                            C-         
    CCCC 100111f CZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  RDPIN   RDLUT                     D,S/#                                              CZ CZ      
    CCCC 1010000 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  REV     SETI    SETD    SETS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010001 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ALTI    ALTR    ALTD    ALTS      D,S/#                                              -- -- -- -- 
    CCCC 1010010 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SPLITB  MERGEB  SPLITW  MERGEW    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010011 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SEUSSF  SEUSSR  RGBSQZ  RGBEXP    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010100 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADDPIX  MULPIX  BLNPIX  MIXPIX    D,S/#                                              -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010101 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  ADDCT1  ADDCT2  ADDCT3  WMLONG    D,S/#;D,S/#;D,S/#;D,S/#/PTRx                       -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010110 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  DJZ     DJNZ    DJS     DJNS      D,S/#rel9                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 1010111 ff I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  TJZ     TJNZ    TJS     TJNS      D,S/#rel9                                          -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101100f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  JP      JNP     <empty> <empty>   D/#,S/#rel9                                        -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101101f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  SETPAE  SETPAN  SETPBE  SETPBN    D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101110f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRPIN   WXPIN   WYPIN   WRLUT     D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 101111f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRBYTE  WRWORD  WRLONG  RDFAST    D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#/PTRx;D/#,S/#     -- -- -- --
    CCCC 110000f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  WRFAST  FBLOCK  QROTATE QVECTOR   D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --     
    CCCC 110001f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  QMUL    QDIV    QFRAC   QSQRT     D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --
    CCCC 110010f fL I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  XINIT   XZERO   XCONT   REP       D/#,S/#                                            -- -- -- --     
    CCCC 110011f fZ I DDDDDDDDD  SSSSSSSSS  MUL     MULS    SCLU    SCL       D,S/#                                              -Z -Z -Z -Z 
    CCCC 11010ff CZ I DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS   RDBYTE  RDWORD  RDLONG  *******   D,S/#/PTRx                                         CZ CZ CZ --
    The remaining sections seem fine.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,167
    Ah, thanks heaps. I definitely had to look to see even your example!
  • Chip
    Any chance on getting some documentation on the following instructions.
    CCCC 1101011 00L DDDDDDDDD 000111101        SETPIX  D/#
    CCCC 1101011 00L DDDDDDDDD 000111110        SETPIV  D/#

    I tried a few experiments attempting to work out how they work and this is what I found so far.

    ADDPIX seems to add the pixel bytes together and if the 8 bit add overflows the resultant pixel byte is set to $FF

    MULPIX appears to multiply the pixel bytes and stores the scaled pixel bytes.

    MIXPIX and BLNPIX seem to be affected by the contents of the SETPIX value?

    Any other pixel freaks out there played with these yet? :)

  • Ok, I found this in the old P2-Hot stuff.
    Looks like it should be the same in the new P2?
    Each cog has a pixel mixer called MIX that can combine two pixels in a sum-of-products
    operation, where:
        DA = D pixel A component (8 bits)
        DR = D pixel R component (8 bits)
        DG = D pixel G component (8 bits)
        DB = D pixel B component (8 bits)
        SA = S pixel A component or GETPIX A' component (8 bits)
        SR = S pixel R component or GETPIX R' component (8 bits)
        SG = S pixel G component or GETPIX G' component (8 bits)
        SB = S pixel B component or GETPIX B' component (8 bits)
        A' = ((DA * DAX  +  SA * SAX  +  255) / 256) max 255
        R' = ((DR * DRX  +  SR * SRX  +  255) / 256) max 255
        G' = ((DG * DGX  +  SG * SGX  +  255) / 256) max 255
        B' = ((DB * DBX  +  SB * SBX  +  255) / 256) max 255
    The DAX/DRX/DGX/DBX/SAX/SRX/SGX/SBX terms determine the type of mixing that will be done.
    The terms are configurable for the MIXPIX/GETPIX instructions, but fixed for the others:
        ADDPIX  D,S/#    - Add and clamp A:R:G:B components into D
                           DAX = $FF   SAX = $FF
                           DRX = $FF   SRX = $FF
                           DGX = $FF   SGX = $FF
                           DBX = $FF   SBX = $FF
        MULPIX  D,S/#    - Multiply A:R:G:B components into D
                           DAX = SA    SAX = $00
                           DRX = SR    SRX = $00
                           DGX = SG    SGX = $00
                           DBX = SB    SBX = $00
        BLNPIX  D,S/#    - Blend A:R:G:B components by SA into D
                           DAX = !SA   SAX = SA
                           DRX = !SA   SRX = SA
                           DGX = !SA   SGX = SA
                           DBX = !SA   SBX = SA
    Here is the general-purpose MIXPIX instruction:
        MIXPIX  D,S/#    - Mix A:R:G:B components according to SETMIX into D
    To configure for MIXPIX/GETPIX usage, the SETMIX instruction is used:
        SETMIX  D/#,S/#  - Set MIX configuration to D/#[8..0], S/#[31..0]
                           D/#[8..0]   sets M       - initialized to $001 *
                           S/#[31..24] sets DAB     - initialized to $00
                           S/#[23..16] sets DCB     - initialized to $00
                           S/#[15..8]  sets SAB     - initialized to $FF *
                           S/#[7..0]   sets SCB     - initialized to $00
            M[8] = 0 for long mode, where D and S pixels are 8:8:8:8 bit A:R:G:B
            M[8] = 1 for word mode, where D and S pixels are 1:5:5:5 bit A:R:G:B
                   1:5:5:5 pixels are expanded so that %A_BCDEF_GHIJK_LMNOP becomes
                   %AAAAAAAA_BCDEFBCD_GHIJKGHI_LMNOPLMN for the mixing computation.
                   When being packed back down to 1:5:5:5 bit A:R:G:B, the single A
                   bit will be 1 if the resultant A was not 0, and the R:G:B fields
                   will be set to the top 5 bits of the resultant R:G:B.
                   In word mode, the low word in D will be operated on and the words
                   will be swapped, leaving the mixed pixel in the new high word and
                   the old high word in the new low word. Also, pixel data from S
                   will be taken alternately from the low and high word with each
                   operation, with SETMIX resetting the selector to the low word.
                   Word mode affects all ADDPIX/MULPIX/BLNPIX/GETMIX/GETPIX.
            M field          000   001   010   011   100   101   110   111
            M[7]      DAX =  DAB    SA
            M[6..4]   DRX =  $00   $FF    SA   !SA    DA   !DA   DCB    SR
            M[6..4]   DGX =  $00   $FF    SA   !SA    DA   !DA   DCB    SG
            M[6..4]   DBX =  $00   $FF    SA   !SA    DA   !DA   DCB    SB
            M[3]      SAX =  SAB    DA
            M[2..0]   SRX =  $00   $FF    SA   !SA    DA   !DA   SCB    DR
            M[2..0]   SGX =  $00   $FF    SA   !SA    DA   !DA   SCB    DG
            M[2..0]   SBX =  $00   $FF    SA   !SA    DA   !DA   SCB    DB
          * M and SAB are initialized on cog start so that GETPIX will return the
            scaled A:R:G:B texture pixel without any blending.
    The PIXADD/PIXMUL/PIXBLN/PIXMIX instructions all take 2 clocks, while GETPIX
    takes 3 clocks.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Has anyone used ALTI/ALTR/ALTD/ALTS or seen a recent writeup of these instructions?
  • ozpropdevozpropdev Posts: 2,793
    edited 2016-07-01 10:02
    The ALTx instructions modify the next instruction whereas SETx modifies the cog ram contents.
    The SETx instructions also requires 2 spacer instruction.

    Edit: See here

  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    Has anyone used ALTI/ALTR/ALTD/ALTS or seen a recent writeup of these instructions?
    I think the ALTx instructions will likely be generated automatically by compilers or assemblers and not be coded directly.

  • David Betz wrote: »
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Has anyone used ALTI/ALTR/ALTD/ALTS or seen a recent writeup of these instructions?
    I think the ALTx instructions will likely be generated automatically by compilers or assemblers and not be coded directly.
    Do you mean AUGS & AUGD?

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