SSD1306 OLED from Adafruit - what is the I2C secret?
Posts: 612
The nice little 128x64 monochrome oled display is a hard nut to crack. I have trawled github, obex, and internet in general, and finally I got it, or so I thought. It doesn't behave the <register> <data> way I am used to with I2C, but instead wants <cmd|data flag><command or data>[<more data>]. So, the first byte decides how the next one(s) are treated. I put together some code which sent all the initialisation commands to the display, and hey - it lit up showing random bits all over.
Next step should be easy: send a bunch of bytes into the graphical RAM area. Not so.
When the first I2C byte is $80 (or$00) the next byte is handled as a command by the SSD. When the first byte is $40, the next bytes should be handled as data going into the SSD graphical RAM, with auto-increment of address after each byte. Bit6 in this first byte determines this. Then there is the bit7 of this byte, which is a 'continuation' flag, but the description in the datasheet leaves it's function a mystery.
I have tried all variants of bit settings, but the SSD refuses to transfer data to RAM; the display stubbernly continue to show just random bits.
The first part of this code works fine - it sends a command to invert the display. The nest part of the code should result in the first line of the display showing a bar, but nothing happens.
The data sheet is written in english, yes, but in a very 'opaque' style, making it difficult to understand the functionallity.
I am hoping for the Forum, but otherwise I will give up, rewire for SPI, and just use ready-made code from Obex. Giving up is not fun.
Next step should be easy: send a bunch of bytes into the graphical RAM area. Not so.
When the first I2C byte is $80 (or$00) the next byte is handled as a command by the SSD. When the first byte is $40, the next bytes should be handled as data going into the SSD graphical RAM, with auto-increment of address after each byte. Bit6 in this first byte determines this. Then there is the bit7 of this byte, which is a 'continuation' flag, but the description in the datasheet leaves it's function a mystery.
I have tried all variants of bit settings, but the SSD refuses to transfer data to RAM; the display stubbernly continue to show just random bits.
'(prior to this a bunch of initialization code is sent, see bottom page code) bus.CallChip(ChipAddr << 1) bus.WriteBus($00) 'also works with $80 bus.WriteBus(SSD1306_INVERTDISPLAY) bus.Stop bus.CallChip(ChipAddr << 1) bus.WriteBus($40) 'have tried with $C0 too repeat 127 bus.WriteBus($FF) bus.Stop
The first part of this code works fine - it sends a command to invert the display. The nest part of the code should result in the first line of the display showing a bar, but nothing happens.
The data sheet is written in english, yes, but in a very 'opaque' style, making it difficult to understand the functionallity.
I am hoping for the Forum, but otherwise I will give up, rewire for SPI, and just use ready-made code from Obex. Giving up is not fun.
bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_DISPLAYOFF) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETLOWCOLUMN) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETHIGHCOLUMN) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETSTARTLINE) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETCONTRAST) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $CF) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $A1) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_NORMALDISPLAY) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_DISPLAYALLON_RESUME) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETMULTIPLEX) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $3F) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETDISPLAYOFFSET) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $0) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETDISPLAYCLOCKDIV) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $80) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETPRECHARGE) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $F1) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETVCOMDETECT) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $40) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SETCOMPINS) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $12) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_MEMORYMODE) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $00) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_SEGREMAP | $1) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_COMSCANDEC) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, SSD1306_CHARGEPUMP) bus.WriteByteDirect(ChipAddr, $00, $14)
Have you found out what the Co - continuation bit actually is for? The explanation in the datasheet is hard to dechiffer.
Is the reset sequence critical?
Maybe this particular display is finicky on timing, maybe something else. I only have one.