Another SimpleIDE Query

Hi all...
A question about how SimpleIDE works. I'm using it on a MAC under OSX 10.10.4.
In the past, if I wanted to open a file, I could simply go into Finder and double click the file I wanted to open and SimpleIDE would open that file (Alternatively, I could right click -> Open With -> SimpleIDE and that file would open).
Over the past few months tho', the same actions will open the last file I was working on, no matter what. FWIW, PropellerIDE does the same thing.
Of course, in the "grand scheme of things" this isn't a huge problem, but by the time I open SimpleIDE (or PropellerIDE) and navigate through all the folder screens to find the right file, my elderly, addled state of mind has gotten distracted by some shiny thing and I'm off on a Google search for the migration route of the Monarch Butterfly or the tire pressure for a 1953 Nash**! :-|
Just curious, is this some change in the way the IDEs work or some wondrous new feature Apple has decided to foist on me?
Thanks for any wisdom!
(**24 psi front/22 psi rear)
A question about how SimpleIDE works. I'm using it on a MAC under OSX 10.10.4.
In the past, if I wanted to open a file, I could simply go into Finder and double click the file I wanted to open and SimpleIDE would open that file (Alternatively, I could right click -> Open With -> SimpleIDE and that file would open).
Over the past few months tho', the same actions will open the last file I was working on, no matter what. FWIW, PropellerIDE does the same thing.
Of course, in the "grand scheme of things" this isn't a huge problem, but by the time I open SimpleIDE (or PropellerIDE) and navigate through all the folder screens to find the right file, my elderly, addled state of mind has gotten distracted by some shiny thing and I'm off on a Google search for the migration route of the Monarch Butterfly or the tire pressure for a 1953 Nash**! :-|
Just curious, is this some change in the way the IDEs work or some wondrous new feature Apple has decided to foist on me?
Thanks for any wisdom!
(**24 psi front/22 psi rear)
Remember, they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true...
Now, about these Monarch Butterfly's, are they using my airspace? and, are they insured?..
Sorry about that, I just wanted to make sure Amanda's question wasn't pushed aside because of some spam bot...