$15 Orange Pi SBC
Posts: 20,257
This raging minimalism trend may lead right back to the BS1. Ken, it's time to sell the Project board for $14.99 again.
It's not clear to me what the BASIC STAMP has to do with Raspberry and or Orange Pis
They are so different in form and intended function. It's like comparing a 555 timer to a Z80!
Much as someone just posted on Facebook: "I thought growing old would take longer."
Well, that Orange Pi Plus sure looks far more interesting the the Pi 2 I've got.
I'll have to keep an eye on it for now and if the community/feedback seems good, sell the Raspberry and start using these.
The SATA 2 alone means I can toss a cheap 64GB SSD on there for $30 and have those 4x 1.6Ghz Cores fly.
But its Allwinner, and pays to be skeptical at this point.