Forum Issue: [code] tags
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)
Posts: 23,514
tags in the preview forum create a code box wherein certain characters are displayed with their HTML-coded equivalents instead of the actual characters, viz:[code] $fff == $800) value := $1_0000 elseif (x && $800) value := word[SINE][-x && $7ff] else value := word[SINE][x && $7ff] if (x && $1000)Also, it would look nicer if the background were a little more subdued (I recommend #FFFFE0) and if the font defaulted to Parallax instead of Courier.
Code background colour probably will change because it currently is very bright. I posed it to Bump and Jen J and they started up a lively discussion about colours.
I will add the code HTML issue to the issues list for the staging site, then I will sink this thread.
edit: Interesting. On a Windows 7 computer with Pale Moon browser, the font is completely different. Still definitely not Courier though. I wonder how what font to use is determined? I guess it's up to the browser?
They are all of the same font style, meant to accommodate various user settings. Most casual users will see Courier New or Courier.
I can set 'em to whatever I want, and pages that do not specify fonts render with those defaults. If a page specifies a font, and it's present, then that font is used. If it's not present, then it appears the defaults in the browser are used.
I'm seeing Courier in the examples above. Even the one with the character representation error.