[PropGCC] Max FCache size
Posts: 2,973
in Propeller 1
What is the maximum number of instructions that can be run from FCache? I hoped GCC would tell me if there were too many, but instead seemed to just hang at runtime (I inserted a bunch of nop just to see). I am forcing my code into FCache like this, instead of relying on __attribute__ ((fcache)) on a method signature:
__asm__ volatile ( " fcache #(Foo1End - Foo1Start) " " .compress off " "Foo1Start: " // Blah blah blah... // Assembly asm asm... "Foo1End: " " .compress default ");
I do hope one of the PropGCC devs will chime in and correct me if this is wrong. I tried insert a single extra nop and that caused my app to hang... I didn't realize how lucky i was last night to get it working when I just so happened to have exactly 64 instructions!!! :O