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P2 Simulator

Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
edited 2015-07-26 01:49 in Propeller 2
I've updated spinsim with the information contained in the July 14 P2 document that Chip posted.  This version of spinsim supports most of the P2 instructions that match instructions in the P1.  Most of the new non-P1 P2 instructions are not supported yet, but I will implement them as more information becomes available about them.
In addition to spinsim, the attached zipfile contains a utility called qasm that converts PASM instructions to DAT LONG values.  The resulting file can then be compiled by an existing P1 compiler, such as the Prop Tool or BST.  The zipfile also contains a P2 version of the pfth Forth interpreter.  Windows executables of spinsim and qasm are included.  Executables for other platforms need to be built from the source files.  Read the readme.txt files for more information.


  • Wow! Quite a package to release!

    I'll need to grab it and build it.

  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2015-11-12 13:10
    I've updated spinsim to the latest P2 spec that Chip posted on November 9th. This version supports most of the P2 instructions except for the following:
    setbyts movbyts msgin   msgout  xzero   xinit   xcont   qfrac
    qvector qrotate clkset  setdacs setxfrq getxcos getxsin sethlk
    setbrk  setcy   setci   setcq   setcfrq setcmod

    This version will run binary files produced by the PNut assembler, which is included with Chip's FPGA updates. You can generate a binary file under PNut without being attached to an FPGA board by typing Ctrl-M to switch to the list view, and then typing Ctrl-M again to return back to the editor mode.

    As in previous releases, a Windows executable for spinsim is included. Executables for other platforms need to be built using the makefile. Read the readme.txt file for more information.
  • Dave,

    This is cool!

    One question (so far), in the example below, I assume the first group of numbers is the CNT value, should that reset with a REBOOT command? I'm not sure how the hardware actually may only zero out when power is applied but I thought a reset would go back to 0.
    Cog 0: 00000021 0003 f467f603                setb     1fb, #003, cram[1fb] = f
    Cog 0: 00000022 0004 fd60381a F              getct    01c,  01a
    Cog 0: 00000023 0004 fd60381a                getct    01c,  01a, cram[1c] = 23
    Cog 0: 00000024 0005 fa803819 F              addct1   01c,  019
    DEBUG> reboot
    Cog 0: 00000025 0000 00000000 F              nop      000,  000
    Cog 0: 00000026 0000 00000000 I              nop      000,  000
    Cog 0: 00000027 0000 f467f600 F              setb     1fb, #000
    Cog 0: 00000028 0000 f467f600                setb     1fb, #000, cram[1fb] = 1

    Now all we need is some simulated LEDs! :)

    Thanks for sharing should provide much distraction and aid!
  • Nice work Dave! :)
    BTW not sure if MOVBYTS and SETBYTS are missing because of lack of docs but here's a quick outline.

    SETBYTS simply copues the lower 8 bits of the S reg into all the byte positions of the Dreg.
    MOVBYTS copies the bytes in D reg in the order specified in the S reg.
    for example
        movbyts reg1,#%%0123
    does a endian swap of the bytes in reg1.
    Hope this helps.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    Hi Dave,

    Did you follow any particular reference for understanding the instructions?

    The opcode list is really overwhelming. I'm sure there is a "fun subset" hiding there somewhere.

    Not having a simple reference is a great barrier to me. I like Rick's google doc - maybe that can be expanded.

    Forgive me, but I abandoned the intravenous information forum feeding habit long ago (withdrawl was worse than quitting cigarettes and coffee), and haven't even tried to keep up. Hopefully I can remain distant enough so that this thing doesn't consume me again. I did go back to coffee, but I'll never smoke again.

    Your work always piques my interest, and I have applications in mind for the new chip, so I need to be in touch with it a little. I just wish Chip's infinite tinkering would stop.
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2015-11-13 00:11
    @mindrobots, I believe the system counter does not reset on a reboot, but I'll have to check it against the FPGA to see what it does.

    @ozpropdev, thanks for the information on MOVBYTS and SETBYTS. I'll implement them when I have a chance.

    @jazzed, I used the instructions_xx.txt document that Chip includes with his FPGA updates, and also the Google docs document that he maintains. I also used Rick's google doc. However, for some of the instructions I had to resort to searching the P2 forum and study example code.

    EDIT: There are also several instructions where I just used my best guess at how they work. Some of the cordic instructions are implemented using C functions, such as log and exp. I currently don't simulate the cordic pipeline.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    jazzed wrote: »
    Hi Dave,

    Did you follow any particular reference for understanding the instructions?

    The opcode list is really overwhelming. I'm sure there is a "fun subset" hiding there somewhere.

    Not having a simple reference is a great barrier to me. I like Rick's google doc - maybe that can be expanded.

    Forgive me, but I abandoned the intravenous information forum feeding habit long ago (withdrawl was worse than quitting cigarettes and coffee), and haven't even tried to keep up. Hopefully I can remain distant enough so that this thing doesn't consume me again. I did go back to coffee, but I'll never smoke again.

    Your work always piques my interest, and I have applications in mind for the new chip, so I need to be in touch with it a little. I just wish Chip's infinite tinkering would stop.


    We are almost there. The only plans I have left are to see about putting the pixel mixer instructions from P2-Hot in, and then getting the smartpin designed. Neither is too complex.

    A lot of the tinkering comes from using what we've already got and discovering hitch-ups in the git-along that need releasing.

    We're very close, anyway.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,251
    Yes ... come tinker a little .. you might like it. :crazy:
  • This update makes spinsim compatible with Chip's November 20th update to PNut. It also fixes some problems and adds support for a few more instructions. The following changes were made.

    - Fixed a problem with the "-l" option in the P1 mode
    - Added support for the SETBYTS and MOVBYTS instructions
    - Added support for the QROTATE, QFRACT and QVECTOR instructions
    - Added wait logic for the GETQX and GETQY instructions
    - Implemented the SETHLK instruction and the associated code for handling LOCK interrupts
    - Fixed a problem with the "JMP S" instruction
    - Fixed several problems with the PTRA/PTRB logic.
  • This update is compatible with the November 25th version of PNut. It also fixes the following problems:

    Fixed the REP instruction
    Fixed multi-long RDLONG and WRLONG preceded by a SETQ in the hubexec mode
    Fixed the ALTS, ALTD, ALTR and ALTI instructions
    Fixed the "PAR" value passed by COGINIT when preceded with a SETQ
    Fixed the CALLD instruction when calling from cog memory to cog memory

  • Here's an update that fixes a problem I found with P2 binaries that were larger than 32K.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2016-05-18 04:53
    Hei Dave,

    How up-to-date is spinsim ? I'm not really interesting (at this point) in smart pins and such, but more on the normal opcodes for arithmetic and memory access...
  • It supports the instruction set of the November 25th FPGA image. I haven't closely followed the P2 work since then, but I don't think the core instruction set has changed since then.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    That looks very good ! Thanks, I'll see what I can do :)
  • I've update spinsim to the v19 instruction set. I've written some C programs to test about 135 of the instructions against the FPGA, and they all match. The programs are located in the verify subdirectory, but you will need the latest p2gcc, which I haven't released yet, to compile them. The executable binaries for the test programs are included in the verify directory.

    I've added support for a few instructions, and also fixed several instructions that weren't quite right. I haven't added SKIP, SKIPF, etc. Those will be in the next update.

    I modified conion.c so that it should work with the Mac now. I'd appreciate if someone with a Mac could try building spinsim, and then try running it in the debug mode. You can run one of the test programs in the verify directory as follows:

    ./spinsim -b -t -d verify/testops.bin

    This will start up in the debug mode. Type "help" to see all the commands. Type "step" to step one cycle. You can then just press enter to repeat the step command. Type "stepx" to step to each executed instruction, and type "run" to run continuously. You can then type Control-] ("ctrl" and "]" keys together) to break out and return to the debugger. Hopefully, this will work on a Mac now.
  • I've implemented a few more instructions and added test programs to verify several more instructions. The instructions that I've added and/or fixed are blnpix, mixpix, setpix, setpiv, altsn, altgn, altsb, altgb, altsw, altgw, altb, alit, sclu, scl, callpa and callpb. I have also added skip, skipf and execf, but I don't support jumps with them yet. I'm waiting for an update on the documentation for those instructions before I complete them.

    So the only instructions that haven't been implemented are the ones related to Smartpins and a few others. Specifically, the remaining unimplemented instructions are xzero, xinit, xcont, clkset, setdacs, setxfrq, getxcos, getxsin, setbrk, setcy, setci, setcq, setcfrq, setcmod, getrnd and xoro32.

  • ReinhardReinhard Posts: 489
    edited 2017-09-07 12:43
    Hello forum,
    after a long break I started again,
    to deal with the propeller.
    Dave Hein's spinsim has excited me to simulate the periphery.

    Currently I have only the counter in NCO mode.
    I have modified the file spinsim.c only.
    All changes I have marked with //myr.

    As a test I used the binary,
    which is a very simple IQ modulator.
    Compiled with SimpleIDE in Cog - mode.
      * This is the main TwoPhase90Degree program file.
      * produce 2 signals with 90 Degree Phase difference
     #include "propeller.h"
     #define phase1 16
     #define phase2 17
     #define pin 1 
     #define f 10000
     int main ()
       DIRA |= 1<<phase1;
       DIRA |= 1<<phase2;
       DIRA |= 1<<pin;
       PHSA = -0x41EB00;
       PHSB = 0x40000000;
       FRQA = 54 * f;  // for 80MHz Clock
       FRQB = FRQA;
       CTRA = (4<<26) + phase1;        // NCO 0 degree
       CTRB = (4<<26) + (phase2<<9);   // NCO 90 degree
         OUTA = OUTA ^ pin;
    I have simulated 5000 loops (log.txt)

    One looks beautiful as in the background the hardware works,
    while a software loop runs in the foreground.
    Cog 0:    2156 02b a0bfe807                mov     1f4,  007 R=00000000
    CNT:  0x86C
    DIRA: 0x30002
    OUTA: 0x20000           				BPIN RISING EDGE
    FRQA: 0x83D60
    CTRA: 0x10000010
    PHSA: 0x401D9300
    DIRB: 0x0
    OUTB: 0x0
    FRQB: 0x83D60
    CTRB: 0x10002200
    PHSB: 0x801D9300
    PHSB - PHSA: 0x40000000
    Cog 0:    4144 02c 5c7c0029                jmp     000, #029
    CNT:  0x1030
    DIRA: 0x30002
    OUTA: 0x30000						APIN RISING EDGE
    FRQA: 0x83D60
    CTRA: 0x10000010
    PHSA: 0x801A3080
    DIRB: 0x0
    OUTB: 0x0
    FRQB: 0x83D60
    CTRB: 0x10002200
    PHSB: 0xC01A3080
    PHSB - PHSA: 0x40000000
    Cog 0:    6132 029 a0bc0ff4                mov     007,  1f4 R=00030000
    CNT:  0x17F4
    DIRA: 0x30002
    OUTA: 0x10000					BPIN FALLING EDGE
    FRQA: 0x83D60
    CTRA: 0x10000010
    PHSA: 0xC016CE00
    DIRB: 0x0
    OUTB: 0x0
    FRQB: 0x83D60
    CTRB: 0x10002200
    PHSB: 0x16CE00
    PHSB - PHSA: 0x40000000
    Cog 0:    8120 02a 6cfc0e01                xor     007, #001 R=00010001
    CNT:  0x1FB8
    DIRA: 0x30002
    FRQA: 0x83D60
    CTRA: 0x10000010
    PHSA: 0x136B80
    DIRB: 0x0
    OUTB: 0x0
    FRQB: 0x83D60
    CTRB: 0x10002200
    PHSB: 0x40136B80
    PHSB - PHSA: 0x40000000

    In this version P1 mode is expected.

  • sorry. now I see there are diffs with the real silicon.
    I've missunderstand the meaning from APIN/BPIN.

    Now I have a test.c which run correct on QuickStartBoard
    and a improved spinsim.c .

    spinsim -v8 -Y test.binary
  • The attached zipfile contains spinsim version 0.98. It will execute binaries that are built for the P2 FPGA v32b image. The source code is also available on GitHub at .

  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    Dave, sounds neat! Could you explain a little about how it works? What kind of Spin it runs?
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2018-04-17 12:16
    Spinsim is an opcode interpreter that is written in C. It runs Spin1 programs. However, it's ready to run Spin2 once that's available. :)

    I wrote spinsim in 2010 so that I could run Spin programs on a PC. It interprets Spin bytecodes and provides some debug information. There are Spin objects included that work like FullDuplexSerial and FSRW that interface with the PC. A month or so after the initial release I added a mode that interprets P1 opcodes directly. In 2011 I added support for the P2 as part of the PropGCC project. I update it a few times a year to keep up with the latest changes in the P2.
  • The attached zipfile contains spinsim version 0.99. It includes a fix for the REP instruction, and I fixed the disassembly for the LOC, NIXINT1, POLLSE1 and GETRND instructions. I also fixed the makefile so that spinsim builds under minGW.
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