Forum issue: No preview on comments?
Posts: 5,124
Well, i can't seem to find the preview butto when writing a comment, so i assume that it doesn't exist...Wow, and nobody noticed before?
Also, there is no button to get a codebox. On a Forum about microcontrollers. GG!
Also this... iframes work in the editor and preview but not on the actual topic... strange... To see it, edit this post!
Also, there is no button to get a codebox. On a Forum about microcontrollers. GG!
Also this... iframes work in the editor and preview but not on the actual topic... strange... To see it, edit this post!
Of course that WYSIWG editing is totally broken and or incomplete as you have found. Rather like MS Word.
I can't use the thing for any formatted input I want to achieve, like inserting a quoted text or code block, without using raw mode.
A more modern approach is to have a preview pane shown near the box you are typing into that updates continually as you type and shows exactly how the final post will look. Of course they generally use markdown rather than HTML for post formatting.
I think iframe elements are filtered out of your input deliberately. Like the one below:
EDIT: Also, there is a acronym for that kind of editor: WYSIAYG
No idea. It all seems to be whatever configuration comes with Vanilla out of the box when you install it.
Somebody, Coutney perhaps, said that BBCode would be implemented here.
I'd rather see the adoption of markdown as used on github and many modern forums and blogs.
Sinking this thread as there are no new issues to log.