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Who is getting an early 123 board? — Parallax Forums

Who is getting an early 123 board?

I am, obviously. Roll call time. Who else is in?


  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    No. Way out of my budget.
  • ColeyColey Posts: 1,110
    Having already invested in a DE2 board, I can't justify the expense.I'll keep producing my P1 boards for now, P2 is still too far away for me to consider it seriously.
  • Mine is in the mail, should arrive Friday, weekend forecast is for rain.

    I either spend it now or the kid gets it later!
  • I have way too many FPGA boards as it is. However, the 1-2-3 board does look tempting. It has a nice collection of features.
  • It's way too early before Christmas to ask from one. :)
  • Waiting anxiously at mailbox for package to arrive from Parallax. :)

  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,656
    edited 2015-07-16 10:21
    I hope to get one soon too.
    Might make a couple of plug in pcbs for it too.  Perhaps some memory slot boards and ADCs.  
    Let me know if interested and I'll make some extras.  
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Finances are strained here too. At least I didn't pony up for a DE2.

    IIRC the last general FPGA release was almost 2 years ago, with an interim release with warnings around 18 months ago.

    So I am going to adopt a wait and see attitude before I shell out for better FPGA hardware. I have a BeMicroCV as well as a DE0-Nano.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    It's a difficult decision. Who would not want to be running P II image on an FPGA board? But there is that new Rigol scope calling to me. 
    Scope wins... 
  •  IIRC the last general FPGA release was almost 2 years ago, with an interim release with warnings around 18 months ago.

    The last P2 release I have is the March 24, 2014 vintage. It had some fixes and a couple feature adds but wasn't documented. The best as far as features and documentation was the February 6, 2014.....that was a classic!!
  • A bit out of my price range. I just got a DE0-Nano to try out FPGA and the Propeller 1.
  • I have a nano and BEMicroCV, I'll see what I can do with those before deciding on a 123 board.
  • Status of item: "Delivered, In/At Mailbox"

    Status of me: "In/At Office"

    I have no idea what I'll do with it....I guess I need to dust off my P1V and take it for a spin if I can figure out the pin mapping.
  • It would be nice to play around with the PII image, but sadly I don't have the budget for a higher end FPGA board.

  • I'm on the fence, I got a number of FPGA boards already, do I need another 1.
  • That means mine may show up soon.
  • I wonder how many of the 30 still remain?
  • Based on the response here, I'd say 27.

    Pioneering is lonely!!
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,424
    I might get one when I see a new P2 download designed for it...
  • rjo__rjo__ Posts: 2,114
    I have ordered 1.  Like ozpropdev I was back and forth between my house and my mailbox... which is at the other end of my estate:)  I was too lazy to put my shoes on.  After 3 trips, I decided to just leave the box open so I could see if I needed to make another trip.

    I am thinking about setting a date in my head and if there are any left, buy the rest.

    And if there aren't any left. I'm thinking about asking for commercial pricing for a second batch... real pricing, not the give away pricing that this board is being sold for.  I think there is plenty of room for Parallax to make a profit, a middle man to make a profit and me to make a profit.  I am not rich... I would have to move things around to do it.  But I think it might be worth the effort.  I have to think about it some more but that is where  I am right now.

    Look at that board and try to tell me that it isn't worth $500...if you don't have it, you don't have it. I can understand that ... but to compare it with other boards and not put it at the head of the class is just wrong.

  • rjo__rjo__ Posts: 2,114

    You can count on me for two of whatever you make:)  By the way I have the BeMicroCV9.  I really like it bunch of memory and all, but I can't do anything with it as it is.  But for most other people I think it should be given serious consideration as is a good second choice. That 80 pin connector on the end of it doesn't seem to mate to anything.  Analog Devices makes a breakout board $49.  Looks like it should work... but it is just a breakout board and it isn't really clear from the documents that I have looked at that it would work at all.  54 user pins available.  ... I am looking at the 42 pin hacker port on the 1_2_3 and trying to imagine you building a bridge between the two:).  I could use the extra processing power.

    I would be willing to trade you a 1_2_3 board for it:)
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2015-07-17 04:27
    The 80 way connector on the BeMicro CV mates with these SDRs:

    Zephyr Engineering who designed these SDRs designed the BeMicro boards for Arrow.
  • rjo__rjo__ Posts: 2,114

    You are a prince among men. BUT... and I use all capitals because I am celebrating.... Exactly how did you find this.  I looked.  I didn't find it.

  • rjo__rjo__ Posts: 2,114
    If Tubular doesn't answer by tomorrow, I'm think about turning this into a contest
  • Ha!... yes I had heard that too but not sure where.   Perhaps the hermes-lite thread where they use similar fpga hardware for radio receivers
    Rich I'll keep you informed as I go re the hardware to suit the 1-2-3, you can choose whether particular things are useful to you or not 
  • rjo__rjo__ Posts: 2,114

    Thanks.   I like this forum set up because it pushes P1v and related FPGA conversations back into the Propeller forum where it has greater exposure.    And I am glad that the P2 forum is a little on the quiet side.  So we can actually communicate:)
  • The 1-2-3 didn't get the spousal approval but I got a BeMicroCV-A9 on which I'm currently porting the P1V.

    The P1V barely takes up 1/10th of the space on the Cyclone-5 A9 but I haven't gotten it running yet because I'm working on a change to how the wiring is assigned. See also


  • Good to hear you're still working on this stuff Jac
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2015-07-22 04:49
    I did some ifdef sections for the base P1V that also allowed for different boards. But there were some things I could not work out how to do. I need to find a thread reference.

    Ozpropdev has been working on a program to take verilog files and re output verilog files reconfigured for each board.
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