Forum Request - How to do instructions for the forum
Posts: 1,758
Thank you very much for the How to PM instructions but could you also show how to post code, or anything else that is not intuitive.
Thank you very much for the How to PM instructions but could you also show how to post code, or anything else that is not intuitive.
Any chance of your not posting with that extra large, bold and blocky font? Its very jarring.
Is this better?
Is this better?
That's OK. Anything else, I have to put on my glasses.
I miss the old Parallax Dark Theme. I could read the small print on a dark background.
I think the current way to post code is using the HTML preformatted tags
Let's see if it works:
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Blink Light.c
Blink light circuit connected to P26.
#include "simpletools.h" // Include simpletools
int main() // main function
while(1) // Endless loop
high(17); // Set P17 I/O pin high
pause(100); // Wait 1/10 second
low(17); // Set P17 I/O pin low
pause(100); // Wait another 1/10 second
Yeah, not so much. The forum seems to want to insert some of its own text.
Here's the text without any wrappers cut straight from SimpleIDE:
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Blink Light.c
Blink light circuit connected to P26.
#include "simpletools.h" // Include simpletools
int main() // main function
while(1) // Endless loop
high(17); // Set P26 I/O pin high
pause(100); // Wait 1/10 second
low(17); // Set P26 I/O pin low
pause(100); // Wait another 1/10 second
This is one of there work items - hopefully high on the list so we can share code snippets.
1. I tried using my tablet, but it's editing, selecting, and copying "features" make it almost impossible to work -- it wasn't much easier on the old forum, and
2. I copied the code from your previous post which had already lost all of its formatting.
Here's another try using a desktop computer - a short version of a C-learning program for the Ping.
If it works I explain what I did.
OK, it worked.
Here's what I did:
I copied the formatted code I wanted.
I clicked on the <> icon at the right of the editing pane in the editing pane.
I saw a bunch of <br> and other code with my text mixed in.
I moved the cursor to where I wanted to add the program code and pressed enter a couple of times to make some room.
I entered "<" no space "pre" no space ">" a few carriage returns "<" no space "/pre" no space ">"
I repositioned my cursor in an empty line between the pre's I had just entered and pasted the program code.
The small fonts are very hard to read on a desktop and the black on white is very straining on the eyes not to mention the fact that my laptop lowers the brightness when I am running off the battery. A bigger font is a lot easier to read but that Arial Black font is somewhat jarring especially considering that's the default size.
To the rest of you,
Telling me how to add code is fine and dandy but what about all the new people who come here?
That's why I asked for a How to sticky.
Is there anything else other than adding code that would be good to have a sticky for?
For now, use the suggestions above or simply attach your code as a file.