Thank you David Betz - PropLoader for Propeller Activity Board WX
Ken Gracey
Posts: 7,400
Hey all,
We owe a special note of appreciation to David Betz.
David has been working behind the scenes with Jeff Martin on PropLoader so we can use this tool with our upcoming Propeller Activity Board WX. David has seemed to encounter, manage, and successfully navigate across several little hurdles recently.
Thank you to David for holding the course on this project and contributing so much back to the community.
Ken Gracey
We owe a special note of appreciation to David Betz.
David has been working behind the scenes with Jeff Martin on PropLoader so we can use this tool with our upcoming Propeller Activity Board WX. David has seemed to encounter, manage, and successfully navigate across several little hurdles recently.
Thank you to David for holding the course on this project and contributing so much back to the community.
Ken Gracey
Not there are not great programmers on the left coast, England, Findland, Japan, and....
Thanks to all!
Curious minds want to know.
I do wonder where this goes though, That's a 100 dollar solution as far as I can tell.
"Maybe not that many people will want to do that..."
Exactly. Where is the profit in this?
Curious minds want to know.
Here is one post:
and another half way down:
Sounds great to me, and a natural direction for modules to take.
Makes Embedded development wireless, to a point.
Very good for class rooms, and isolated updates and development.
Tell me how tftp works and I'll tell you if it's similar.
"Maybe not that many people will want to do that..."
Exactly. Where is the profit in this?
Ah, heater, it's all just for fun and social networking - you [heater] will be able to connect your Propeller robot to FACEBOOK! Through their API, it's now possible for FaceBook to harvest everything they need about your robot, your computer, your keystrokes and your general identity. Your robot will soon "friend" other robots around the world.
To answer your question - our top products in terms of revenue and profit are for educational robotics. The ActivityBot is a mobile robot based on the Propeller Activity Board. When we can equip this product with wireless programming, robotics becomes much more productive and enjoyable. And finally, students expect everything to work magically (wireless) so we will be able to improve this product with these features.
Wireless programming + robots + software tools to support the whole thing = revenue, with profitable margins.
Ken Gracey
Thank you for that explanation.
I have no idea by what magic you pull this off but as long as it means Propellers are available an the Prop II is possible I'm all for it.
Of course I'm a bit worried about the " students expect everything to work magically ..." idea. If that were made so why would they ever have to learn anything?
You cast my mind back to 1980 something, watching a "Micro Mouse" competition at a Personal Computer World magazine show in London. There was a young boy, may be 10 or 12 years old whose robot entry was a Sinclair Spectrum lashed to a Tupperware box with sticky tape together with some wheels, sensors and associated electronics. I was stunned at the ingenuity of the thing.
Where am I going with that story from memory lane? No idea. But perhaps spoon feeding students expectations kills creativity.