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Touch Display — Parallax Forums


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2015-07-03 16:23
    I'm pretty sure there are touchscreens which will work with the Basic Stamp but I doubt the one you linked to does.
    I think touchscreens capable or working with the Basic Stamp would need to be relatively smart and take care of most of the overhead to drive the screen on its own. I think these smarter touchscreens are likely to cost more than the inexpensive one you linked to.
    I searched for "touch screen Basic Stamp" using Rich's Google search page but I didn't find any promising links.
    Adafruit sells a bunch of different touchscreens which can be controlled with SPI but I don't know if there is any example code to use these screens with the Basic Stamp.
  • tomcrawfordtomcrawford Posts: 1,126
    edited 2015-07-03 16:58
    Look carefully at interfacing the ones from Adafruit.  - HXD8357D requires 2 analog inputs for the touchscreen function, for example.All the sample code adafruit provides is for arduino and may be very difficult to fiddle for Basic Stamp.
    Above all, do not try to use one with asynchronous serial communication with Stamp because you will almost certainly not be able to respond quickly enough for reliable two-way communication.
    If you do not require a touch-screen, the 128x128 pixel from Parallax works fine with Stamp, especially the more powerful versions.
    Edit:  Actually, the 128x128 from parallax won't work with basic stamp if you need to read back pixels or do anything else that involves two-way communication.  It just responds too quickly for you to set up to read its response.  EndEdit
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2015-07-03 17:33
    Look carefully at interfacing the ones from Adafruit.  - HXD8357D requires 2 analog inputs for the touchscreen function, for example.

    I hadn't thought about the ADC requirement. I'd think one's favorite two channel (or more) ADC chip could be used to read these.
    While I think it should be possible to use the Adafruit screens with a Basic Stamp, I'm not sure how easy this would be. I'd think controlling the display would be very taxing for the Stamp (and the person programming the Stamp).
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