Batttle-BoE: It's Time!

Yes, I'm serious. With Battlebots back on TV, BattleBoE could be huge and a whole new business for Parallax. At a minimum, sales of replacement chasses, servos & wheels. Matt, start designing a roll cage to protect the PCB. Everyone else, start thinking of devious devices to mount on a Boebot. Rat trap flippers, spearguns, spike hammers, flamethrowers, etc. The new forum deserves a fresh new challenge. Rules to follow. Maybe an autonomous category, an indoor category (IR controlled) and outdoor (RC controlled), with varying weapons abilitites.
Main event at Parallax's P2 launch. Dunno when but you can bet I'll have a flamethrower ready. Better start now!
Main event at Parallax's P2 launch. Dunno when but you can bet I'll have a flamethrower ready. Better start now!
Originally I had this Marx generator powered from a Laptop power supply, but it fed back into the mains so badly, the computer in the next room would try to reboot every time it fired. So I moved it to battery power (6-lithium cells ... 22.2V) and it runs just fine. Hard to believe big sparks like that can come from a laptop battery.... and last for a LONG time before they need to be recharged.
I was thinking more and more of the battlebots now employ a large destructive flywheel design what if you sealed the flywheel in a Vacuum using a thin tempered glass enclosure ( that would intentionally shatter idealy just before the flyweel makes contact with the opponet ) that would give it the advantage of no air resistance so the longer you keep putting energy in to spin the flywheel the faster it goes and more destructive it becomes, what do you think ?
PITA: Particularly Intimidating To Attempt...