$23 Pocket Oscilloscope Kit

No SMT soldering, that's all done. Only 1 MHz, but useful for low-frequency tingz and teaching (Gordon & xanadu) , until an O-scope phone app comes out. 2.4" TFT. Heck, the parts alone are worth $23! You know I ordered one.

Julian Ilett has yet to get his to work but perhaps that's a one off problem:
I didn't want to say, but since you mentioned it, that scope was dead. But I still have it, I may put it in the Corvair.
Unless YOU broke her!
Kit is just $21.66 now from http://www.ebay.com/itm/DSO138-2-4-TFT-Digital-Oscilloscope-Kit-DIY-parts-1Msps-with-probe-STM32/181719582091
Just past half way down this page is a link to the Users Manual.
Rather think I'll get a second kit...
(I'm glad that there are some people to whom I don't have to explain why. :-)
PS: The vendor you link (t-happy) is where I bought mine.
Heater: While your soldering iron and steely construction resolve are hot, nab yourself one of these cheap (I mean inexpensive) 64-LED FFT audio display kits. IIRC you're a FFT fan from way back.
I have spent many a relaxing hour welding surface mount white LEDs and resistors to LED strip boards. Which started me thinking about a panel...
Thanks for the suggestion but that board is only separate coloured LEDs rather than all being RGB LEDs. I'm giving it a miss.
According to the jyetech page in your link t-happy is selling lower quality, counterfeit kits. I had already ordered mine (same place) before I saw this.
I thought this same thing the first 30 seconds of perusing the jyetech page. But my board is identical to the illustration jyetech provides of a legitimate board. The silk screen registration is excellent. Board quality is excellent. Soldering was very slick and quick. The components were excellent. Everything seems identical and top-notch.
So I continue to feel like I have the real deal. If it isn't the real deal, the difference is completely lost on me.
At $21 it's not bad since it includes a reasonable LCD.
BTW does anyone know the resolution of the LCD?
320x240 per http://tronixstuff.com/2015/04/02/kit-review-jye-tech-dso138-digital-storage-oscilloscope/
That article has a good review of construction & testing.
I just had another boneheaded idea WRT low-performance scopes for education. Of course we all know there is the PropScope. Well how about a Stamp-Scope? Sure, laugh, but...
Any kind of on-screen visualization is invaluable for beginners, and fun to interact with. Just showing a single captured pulse shape or width using Stamp Plot or such. Ping-Dar used the DEBUG terminal to good effect.
This idea is barely a notch above my BS1 slow scan camera, which also used the debug screen.
Also, thermal relief of the ground pads was superior to boards familiar to many of us...