ESP8266 GET /favicon problem
Posts: 231
I am putting together a web server using the esp8266-01 chip,
and at this point I am successfully receiving and responding to GET / HTTP requests
and my web page displays on my browser
However my browser then sends a GET /favicon request which I successfully detect
as a +IPD,<chnl>,<datalen>:<data> message
however when I try to respond to the request I get a busy p.. and the system hangs.
does anyone have any Idea whats going on here?
Should I be looking or waiting for something from the esp8266?
when I reply to the request should I use the AT+CIPSEND command or just a string?
Thanks in advance for any help
and at this point I am successfully receiving and responding to GET / HTTP requests
and my web page displays on my browser
However my browser then sends a GET /favicon request which I successfully detect
as a +IPD,<chnl>,<datalen>:<data> message
however when I try to respond to the request I get a busy p.. and the system hangs.
does anyone have any Idea whats going on here?
Should I be looking or waiting for something from the esp8266?
when I reply to the request should I use the AT+CIPSEND command or just a string?
Thanks in advance for any help
Easy to load and webserver code is there already. (did it on ESP-12 module)
In saw it handling the favicon stuff.
No low level AT codes any more -
programming is in LUA
and you can feed the data from the prop via serial as well.
I have used Thingspeak but would like to get my own webserver recording the data and serving it back up. No progress with this part yet.
My server is hosted with one of the host services and I need to figure out how to do this.
My understanding of the AT server implementation is as follows;
1) set up connections;
2) set up module as server using connection on a given port (say 80)
3) the module listens for incoming connections.
It will timeout repeatedly with response-> +IPD, NOT found
When one arrives, it will respond with "Link" and some data from the incoming like, +IPD,0,287.HTTP....incoming stuff.....
4) Then serve your first page line from the module
<TITLE>ESP8266 server</TITLE>
response-> SEND OK
5) serve up as many lines as you want with multiple AT+CIPSEND commands
6) When you have served up your webpage close the connection
7) Go back to step 2 and listen for responses from the other computer and act on them accordingly.
Please publish your steps and findings to date.
Dr Ac has done all the hard upfront work on this - have you followed his thread?