I want to hear from some owners of the elev-8 v2
I want to take some time to thank the guys at parallax for working so closely with me and my elev-8. I would like to get some feedback from some owners of the v2 about some things you like about this quadcopter and some things you would change.
The problem with the APM is that it assumes a different configuration - the motors are numbered differently and spin opposite from what the Hoverfly board expects. So, I decided to build another Elev-8, as I was familiar with the build and have spare parts that I can use on either aircraft.
I have been most happy with Parallax sales and support - they have been very helpful, especially with problems I've encountered. For example, while building my 1st aircraft, I had a faulty ESC - would not retain it's programming. Parallax sent me three extra ESCs for free. In another situation, I ordered a new Hoverfly controller after I damaged mine when I incorrectly hooked up the rudder, aileron connections. UPS lost my package and Parallax is sending me another one... (If UPS ever finds the lost one and sends it to me I'll return it)
I can't speak about performance at this point - haven't flown enough yet and can't really compare to other quads. I've had a combination of bad weather and repair problems from a crash. I hope to have both flying soon. I'm especially looking forward to flying the new aircraft with the APM autopilot. I have it configured for Stability, Loiter and Return To Home modes. It will also have a 900 mhz telemetry link to my laptop so I can track it's position while flying a mission.
As soon as I'm comfortable with the new ship, I will add a Tarot 2 axis gimbal/GoPro camera and video downlink capability for FPV and generally shooting pics/video.
I have an Elev8-V1 too, and it flies very well. It hits a nice sweet spot between agility and stability.