Parallax RFID Arduino software to toggle an output bit.
I downloaded the Parallax demo code for reading RFID cards. This only provides an output to the Serial Monitor on screen.
Does anyone have a way to modify this software that will toggle an Arduino output bit when the code recognizes a specific RFID card which is stored in the Arduino board? I would appreciate some help in how to modify the demo software code that will perform this task. Thanks
Does anyone have a way to modify this software that will toggle an Arduino output bit when the code recognizes a specific RFID card which is stored in the Arduino board? I would appreciate some help in how to modify the demo software code that will perform this task. Thanks
This converts the string from a collection of characters in an array to a more robust object that supports numerous specialty functions, such as compareTo() and equals().
There's also the standard C strcmp (string compare) statement. Here's a thread on the Arduino forum that appears to discuss the very thing you are doing: