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BS2PX24 Identifies but will not load program — Parallax Forums

BS2PX24 Identifies but will not load program

Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
edited 2015-05-14 14:07 in BASIC Stamp
I recently acquired a BS2PX24 to replace and upgrade a BS2P24 which had let all the magic smoke out. I got it when Parallax was selling all the BS2 variants at a significant price reduction recently. It had worked fine when it arrived, ran several programs on it to make sure it was ok. I shelved it for a while since I was deeply involved with a Propeller project. Last week I decided to update some of my BS2P programs for the BS2PX, powered it up in the same board I used when it first arrived. I found that the 'PX would properly identify when I used the IDENTIFY icon on the Editor toolbar. It responded with :
COM15 Basic Stamp 2px24 V1.1 Yes Yes

When I try to load a program the same Identify screen comes up blank followed with a "No Basic Stamp Found" message.
I am using a Prolific USB to Serial adapter which worked on this Stamp before. Also tried a FTDI adapter and get the same result. Both work fine on a BS2. I tried reducing latency under port settings without any change. Also tried setting Port 15 baud rate to 19200 with same result. The Editor is version 2.5.3.
Windows 7 reports that both adapters have the latest drivers installed.
The board is powered by a fully charged 9.6 Volt NiCd battery pack. Voltage to the Stamp is 4.97 Volts.
I am beginning to think that possibly my new BS2PX, now past it's warranty, has put all 24 of it's furry little feet up in the air.
Does anyone have any ideas?



  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2015-05-13 11:13
    ...d@mn - you covered everything I was going to ask.

  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2015-05-13 11:17
    Hal, I'm going to ask Jeff Martin to look at this thread as he might be aware of some BS2p-speciic issues and solutions.

    Ken Gracey
  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 760
    edited 2015-05-13 14:21
    Hal Albach wrote: »
    When I try to load a program the same Identify screen comes up blank followed with a "No Basic Stamp Found" message.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Hi Hal,

    Sorry about the problem you are experiencing. We are aware of this problem and it seems to affect a small number of customers based on the last PBASIC program they've downloaded into it. We've diagnosed and found that the firmware changes we made to accommodate a necessary board circuit revision seems to cause the module to respond to the next download process in an unexpected way, which confuses the BASIC Stamp Editor and it gives up.

    We have been unsuccessful at fully solving the problem as of yet, but all tests and customer responses indicate that there is no other unwanted behavior of the module besides this rare case.

    We've found a workaround in the mean time. Simply close the error dialog and re-download within 2 seconds of the error and it will download the second time without problem.

    Here's a video demonstrating this.

    Ultimately, we intend to get to the bottom of this and fix it with a firmware revision.
  • SapphireSapphire Posts: 496
    edited 2015-05-13 14:29

    Is the firmware revision going to be in the editor, or the BS2px chip?

    And do you know what particular items in a PBASIC program cause this to occur?
  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 760
    edited 2015-05-13 14:36
    The firmware revision will be in the BS2px chip.

    We have been unable to figure out what items in the PBASIC program cause this (it doesn't seem to be a simple thing, like a specific command, but rather a combination of things), though we have determined that it causes the BS2px to incorrectly reset the EEPROM upon the start of a download process. The incorrect reset is probably a symptom rather than a direct cause, but that signal fingerprint is the first visible sign of the behavior and it corrects itself soon after. After about 2.3 seconds, another download attempt causes the same issue, but within about 2 seconds, a second download attempt works every times. If the new PBASIC program downloaded doesn't have the same mysterious attributes, then the BS2px responds properly to each download request afterward.

    Just to be clear: there seems to be no other negative behavior except upon download- no customers have reported any problems with their PBASIC code operation and we haven't witnessed anything like that either.
  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2015-05-13 15:16
    Hello Mr. Martin,

    I've experienced an interrupted download of an 8-slot BS2pe program, consistently on the first download, consistently on slot 5 which is +80% full.

    Can my and Hal's experiences be related?
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2015-05-13 15:38
    Thank you, Jeff and Ken. I am able to load the program now. I've tried various programs including the two in the BS2px example folder. The load seems to fail sporadically even after a successful load. Sometimes I can load the program successfully 10-15 times and then the No Basic Stamp Found message will pop up on the next attempt. I have tried BS2 programs (modified for the BS2px) and the same for BS2p programs, including multi slot programs. It seems to be hit or miss.
    I'll just keep my finger on the F9 button and my other finger on the enter key, if it fails I can very quickly clear the error and press F9 and it works every time. I will wait for the firmware fix, but at least I can use it again, for now.

  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 760
    edited 2015-05-13 21:20
    davejames wrote: »
    Hello Mr. Martin,

    I've experienced an interrupted download of an 8-slot BS2pe program, consistently on the first download, consistently on slot 5 which is +80% full.

    Can my and Hal's experiences be related?

    Really? On a BS2pe?

    It might be related, but I can't tell without looking deeper into it. Would you be willing/able to share your 8-slot project with me? You can send it to me privately if you want. I'd like to see if I can duplicate it easily on my BS2pe.

    Do you know what version (hardware rev and firmware version) you're using?

    Thanks for telling us about this.
  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 760
    edited 2015-05-13 21:21
    You're welcome, Hal! Glad we could get you back in business again.
  • hitolisolohitolisolo Posts: 11
    edited 2015-05-13 21:57
    If this is the same problem I've had with my px, manually resetting the chip right before trying to upload the program solves it as well (if I recall, closing that error dialog would successfully reset the chip and that worked for me, too, if I was fast enough). If I recall (it has been awhile), adding a PAUSE statement to the beginning for all your programs will extend the window as while the pause statement is still active you're able to upload to it.

    I had thought for awhile it was caused by the SERIN command, however I remember at least one program that caused it and had no SERIN command - I don't remember what was in the program now, though.

    Jeff: Out of curiosity, is the STAMP firmware upgradeable or is it just new units that can be fixed?
  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2015-05-13 23:24
    Mr. Martin - share? Sure.

    I'll email you with a few more questions and information.
  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 760
    edited 2015-05-14 11:23
    hitolisolo wrote: »
    Jeff: Out of curiosity, is the STAMP firmware upgradeable or is it just new units that can be fixed?

    As long as there's no accompanying circuit change requirement, the firmware is upgradable; however, it will require the unit to be sent into Parallax for the update process. We can work out the details at that time for those that need it.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2015-05-14 11:40
    davejames wrote: »
    Hello Mr. Martin, I've experienced an interrupted download of an 8-slot BS2pe program, consistently on the first download, consistently on slot 5 which is +80% full. Can my and Hal's experiences be related?

    Whenever I have seen or heard of this it has always been related to USB latency and fixed by following the information in our troubleshooting guide here:
  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2015-05-14 11:43
    Whenever I have seen or heard of this it has always been related to USB latency and fixed by following the information in our troubleshooting guide here:

    Hi Mr. Savage - I'm already (and have been for a loooonnnnggg time) running with the latency setting at one.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2015-05-14 11:45

    Because you said, "a loooonnnnggg time", I wonder if you have the latest drivers and software? This can also be an issue. =)
  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2015-05-14 14:02
    I wonder if you have the latest drivers and software?

    Downloaded both late 2014.

  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2015-05-14 14:07
    Yeah, that is a mystery then. I guess we'll let Jeff look further into that one as well.

  • As long as there's no accompanying circuit change requirement, the firmware is upgradable; however, it will require the unit to be sent into Parallax for the update process. We can work out the details at that time for those that need it.

    Jeff, has this been resolved to the point you have new BS2px firmware? If so, can I arrange to have my units upgraded?

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