$9 Chip Computer: the Next RasPi?
Posts: 20,259
Every week, there is something smaller, cheaper, and better. It's getting hard to keep up with the latest tech.
Kinda like Andy Warhol said, every(thing) will be famous for 15 minutes.
Every week, there is something smaller, cheaper, and better. It's getting hard to keep up with the latest tech.
Kinda like Andy Warhol said, every(thing) will be famous for 15 minutes.
I was going to call it a fractional-pi, but it has 1GHz vs 700MHz and 512k RAM vs 256k, and 4MB of Flash vs [SD], so stacks up ok on those numbers with first Pis - benchmarks will be interesting.
Looks to have more IO than the Pi. Worth watching.
I do really like the $49 Pocket CHIP concept though. With bluetooth on something like that I could see a few of my ideas coming to life easily.
Except the Onion has a 'cleaner' look thanks to the use of a dock.
(No unsightly lumps on top)
Backed the Onion, so I may just as well back this one, too...
(going for the $49 'pocket' level)
Here is a direct link to the Kickstarter page:
I have so many little boards and gadgets piled up here already.
CHIP is well funded already. When it done I'm sure we can all get one if we still want it.
So many projects have so tight margins that there's just no money left over to build a proper inventory.
Sure, they usually have some extra, but some disappear as replacements for OA(Dead On Arrival) or for units lost in the mail.
And when those stocks disappear, and it's time to order more... where will they get the money for a full production run?
It will run Debian Linux, so any Linux BASIC should work.
FreeBasic runs under raspian on the Pi
Why did we bother with the past four and a half decades of development in programming languages?
Luckily we can run FORTRAN on these things so I'm happy:)
Now, where did I see that sale on cabinets??
Much respect to my fellow hoarder.
Since this is in support of a Kickstarter, I like to think of myself as a "Venture Hoarder" or "Entrepreneurial Hoarder"!
That's a fresh approach! The problem isn't with you hoarding gadgets, the problem is your addiction to building IKEA which leaves you with empty space that naturally (Physics demands it!) must be filled!
Giving me a set of easy-to-follow instructions to stop using easy-to-follow instructions... D@ng near caused the universe to implode...
So I'm stuck assembling shelves and filling them with gadgets...
I don't know how they are making money either.
kind of funny that I now pay more for a pack of cigarettes, then for a PiZero.
I just need to stop smoking and can get a 300+ computer system in a year.
And live longer so that you can use it. :-)
Now if I could just get my latest prop board down to $5. But the envelope, anti static bag, and postage is almost $4 And Australia Post are talking about some serious price increases too.
I doubt it. PiZero is missing both WiFi and Bluetooth, as well as battery support. If someone wants to do wireless IoT (think ESP8266 alternative), CHIP will be a cheaper alternative than any of the Pi offerings.
We could call it ESPropeller8266!