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13 Year Old Makes a Braille Printer — Parallax Forums

13 Year Old Makes a Braille Printer


  • ercoerco Posts: 20,255
    edited 2015-05-02 09:47
    Very cool! The only printer slower than my BS2 printer !
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2015-05-02 23:51
    While the story has been in the news for awhile, it still warms my heart.

    1. This is a classic 'find a need and fill it' success story. Like wheel chairs and crutches, most of the product out there is too expensive and imposes a hardship on those that really need these devices on an everyday basis.
    2. A 13 year old kid has just created a wonderful innovation that will inspire him to do more, and jumpstart any resume or job application for the rest of his life. His family can worry a bit less about his future. Getting a scholarship and into a good school might be just a bit easier.

    This is the proverbial 'win-win' situation that we all dream of.

    I know he did it with Legos, but don't let them hog the limelight. The boy demonstrates a bit of a visionary ability.
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