Free ROS Tutorial Webinar May 13
From an email:
Free ROS Tutorial Webinar
Looking to learn more about ROS? Join us May 13th!
Clearpath is a longstanding leader in the open source community and an early adopter of ROS, so we've picked up a few tips here and there. If you're just getting started with ROS or looking for a refresher, register for our free tutorial webinar on May 13th.
Clearpath has some neat projects:
And they're hiring (Ontario Canada):
Free ROS Tutorial Webinar
Looking to learn more about ROS? Join us May 13th!
Clearpath is a longstanding leader in the open source community and an early adopter of ROS, so we've picked up a few tips here and there. If you're just getting started with ROS or looking for a refresher, register for our free tutorial webinar on May 13th.
Clearpath has some neat projects:
And they're hiring (Ontario Canada):
"Powering the world's robots!"
I must be in the "off planet" demographic when they surveyed!
...or if you want a bit less self horn-tooting, wikipedia says this.