Connect Xbee to XCTU through PropellerAB?
Hello again,
I followed this tutorial on how to remotely control my ActivityBot robot kit via my smartphone using Xbee as a wireless.
The first step requires connect Xbee to computer, I don't have Xbee USB Adapter Board. I just have Propeller Activity Board.
How to connect Xbee to XCTU application via my Activity Board?
Link of the tutorial
I followed this tutorial on how to remotely control my ActivityBot robot kit via my smartphone using Xbee as a wireless.
The first step requires connect Xbee to computer, I don't have Xbee USB Adapter Board. I just have Propeller Activity Board.
How to connect Xbee to XCTU application via my Activity Board?
Link of the tutorial
Edit: I removed your duplicate thread on this. Please follow up in this original thread.