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3D Printer Firmware In Spin. — Parallax Forums

3D Printer Firmware In Spin.

davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
edited 2015-04-08 04:40 in Propeller 1
I am in the process of doing a complete rewrite of my 3D printer firmware for the Propeller in SPIN.

The original was written almost completely in PASM, and was only sparsely commented. I am rewriting it in SPIN to make it easier for others to deal with. I am also commenting as I go, so it is easier for others to understand.

The goals at present are:
1: Use a total of 6 or fewer cogs.
2: Use less than 24 pins total (going to attempt to keep the HW close to original, a few needed changes).
3: Use only hub ram for buffering (no more external SRAM, or EEPROM required)
4: Use as little PASM as possible.
5: Use less than 8KB for the code that is to be in hub RAM (leaving the rest for a command buffer).

The design features for this firmware:
1: Must control 3 Steppers through ULN2803's.
2: Must handle one continuous rotation servo, for feeding the filament.
3: Will have the One Pin TV Text object for status display over NTSC.
4: Use PWM to control the heating element.
5: Monitor 3 contact switches for zero limit on X, Y, and Z. This is done with a single pin.
6: Must be easy to update.
7: Using serial communication in a single cog to receive commands, and send an ack+OK, or error as needed back. This will require PASM, sorry.

Status as of now:
The 3D printer is still running the original code.

I have almost completed the Stepper control and zero switch sensor code, these are run on the same COG.

I have nearly completed the Servo and heating element control. These use a single cog.

I am still figuring a few things out for the remaining portions. I am think about abandoning G-Code on the controller board, and using a host system program for that instead, any input is welcome.

I will be posting the code in this thread as each section is completed. Much of it will be posted untested as it is largely reliant on other sections. I will be making heavy use of debug output on the NTSC display once it is all together.

I decided to post this thread before the rewrite is usable, in response to idbruce giving up on TeaCup.

Currently these are untested, these are the Objects in SPIN that are close to complete. There may be errors that I overlooked, if so please reply to the thread letting me know. The files are attached:


  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-03 10:08
    Ok lets begin with the servo and heating element control:
    'This provides PWM based control of one servo, and PWM control of one heating element.
    'This code is based losely on the parallax Servo Example code.
    ServoPin = 13
    HeatingPin = 14
    LONG HeatTime,IncTmp,Cycle,SrvTime,t
    PUB Init
    ctra[30..26] := %00100
    ctra[8..0]   := ServoPin
    ctrb[30..26] := %00100
    ctrb[8..0]   := HeatingPin
    PUB SrvMov(S)        'S must be in the range of -200 to 200.
                         'S is the speed for a continous rotation servo,
                         ' or the angle for a standard servo.
    IncTmp  := clkfreq/1_000_000
    Cycle   := IncTmp * 21_500
    SrvTime := IncTmp * (1500+S)
    t       := cnt
    PUB HeatLvl(H)      'H must be between 0 and 100.  100 is max heat, and equal to 50%
                           'duty cucle.
      HeatTime := clkfreq/(100*H)
    PRI DoIt  'This procedure runs by itself on a COG.
              'Just prerforms the output repeatedly, for both the Heating element, and the servo.
      phsa := -SrvTime
      phsb := -HeatTime
      t += Cycle

    I will be adding more comments, and giving it another look over.

    I just threw this together in 10 minutes, so it may contain errors that I over looked.

    Please point out any error, or anything you see that can be done better. The same for any code I post, please.

    Sorry for the embarrassing error, it has been corrected (I think, a quick throw together).
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2015-04-03 10:16
    Please point out any error

    Did you want to use both A and B counters in "DoIt"? I see phsa is set twice.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-03 10:17
    Duane Degn wrote: »
    Did you want to use both A and B counters in "DoIt"? I see phsa is set twice.
    Yes. I just corrected that error, the source in that post has been updated.

    Thank you.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-03 17:32
    I have been busy today. Though am now finishing the stepper object. The line algorithm was the real thorn on that one (more than doubles the size of the object).

    Just have to put in the negative direction stepping, and I will be good to post it.
  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2015-04-03 18:44
    This is really cool. Is spin going to be fast enough to control a printer? I guess it should be if one cog controls one stepper, etc. Very interesting.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-03 18:57
    This is really cool. Is spin going to be fast enough to control a printer? I guess it should be if one cog controls one stepper, etc. Very interesting.
    Considering a maximum speed of 60RPM (1RPS) at 512 steps per revolution, Spin is way more than fast enough to control all three steppers in a single cog, and as shown above it can even control the heating element and feeder servo in a single cog.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-03 19:18
    Ok here is the stepper object, without the XY line routine (still tweaking that):
    'This is a simple stepper motor controler for a three axis device like a 3D printer.
    'We are only using full stepping for this one.
    xBPin = 0          'Base pin for X axis stepper.
    yBpin = 4          'Base pin for Y axis stepper.
    zBpin = 8          'Base pin for Z axis stepper.
    zrPin = 12         'Zeroing switch input.
    MxSpd = 512        'Max steps per second for X axis.
    MySpd = 512        'Max steps per second for Y axis.
    MzSpd = 1024       'Max steps per second for Z axis.
    xMax =  $7FFFFFFF  'Furthest from zero allowed for X axis.
    yMax =  $7FFFFFFF  'Furthest from zero allowed for Y axis.
    zMax =  $7FFFFFFF  'Furthest from zero allowed for Z axis.
    LONG xCur,yCur,zCur   'The current positions of the axises from zero. 
    LONG m                'Used in some local calculations.
    LONG zSpd,ySpd,xSpd
    PUB Init 'Set the Stepper control pins to outputs, and the zero sensor pin to an input.
      DIRA[12] := 0
      zSpd := 128
      ySpd := 128
      xSpd := 128
    PUB AllStop 'Stop all three steppers, and release
      OUTA[0..11] := 0
    PUB FwdX(D,S)  'Move the X axis stepper D steps at S steps per second.
      m := D
      if S > xSpd
        S := xSpd
      if (m + xCur) > xMax
        m := xMax - xCur 
        m := m - 1
        XR := (xCur + 1) // 4
        OUTA[0..3] := cStep[XR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0 
    PUB FwdY(D,S)  'Move the Y axis stepper D steps at S steps per second.
      m := D
      if S > ySpd
        S := ySpd
      if (m + zCur) > yMax
        m := yMax - yCur 
        m := m - 1
        YR := (xCur + 1) // 4
        OUTA[4..7] := cStep[YR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0 
    PUB FwdZ(D,S)  'Move the Z axis stepper D steps at S steps per second.
      m := d
      if S > zSpd
        S := zSpd
      if (m + zCur) > zMax
        m := zMax - zCur 
        m := m - 1
        ZR := (zCur + 1) // 4
        OUTA[8..11] := cStep[ZR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0
    PUB BckX(D,S)
      m := D
      if S > xSpd
        S := xSpd
      if (xCur - m) < 0
        m := xCur 
        m := m - 1
        XR := (xCur - 1) // 4
        OUTA[0..3] := cStep[XR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0 
    PUB BckY(D,S)
      m := D
      if S > ySpd
        S := ySpd
      if (zCur - m) < 0
        m := yCur 
        m := m - 1
        YR := (xCur - 1) // 4
        OUTA[4..7] := cStep[YR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0 
    PUB BckZ(D,S) 
      m := d
      if S > zSpd
        S := zSpd
      if (zCur - m) < 0
        m := zCur 
        m := m - 1
        ZR := (zCur - 1) // 4
        OUTA[8..11] := cStep[ZR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0
    PUB StpLine(Xa,Xb,Ya,Yb,S)   'calculate an angled line and move along
                                 'the X,Y axis to describe the line.
      'The states of a the four pins to control a steper in forward order.
     cStep  BYTE %0011, %0110, %1100, %1001
    I need to insert the delays to keep the speed in check. I forgot to do so before posting.

    I also need to add the check for the zeroing switch between steps.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 04:13
    I went to sleep immediately after posting the last bit of code last night.

    This would be a lot easier if I still had the PASM code of the original as a reference. Though that is lost, so this is a from scratch rewrite. I have written a lot more than I posted, including three different variants of what I posted (just posting the versions I think I will end up using).

    It seems that each time I post, I manage to leave out something important in the source, that I realize I left out after I post.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 04:35
    Here is an updated version of my Stepper.spin:
    'This is a simple stepper motor controler for a three axis device like a 3D printer.
    'We are only using full stepping for this one.
    xBPin = 0          'Base pin for X axis stepper.
    yBpin = 4          'Base pin for Y axis stepper.
    zBpin = 8          'Base pin for Z axis stepper.
    zrPin = 12         'Zeroing switch input.
    MxSpd = 512        'Max steps per second for X axis.
    MySpd = 512        'Max steps per second for Y axis.
    MzSpd = 1024       'Max steps per second for Z axis.
    xMax =  $7FFFFFFF  'Furthest from zero allowed for X axis.
    yMax =  $7FFFFFFF  'Furthest from zero allowed for Y axis.
    zMax =  $7FFFFFFF  'Furthest from zero allowed for Z axis.
    LONG xCur,yCur,zCur   'The current positions of the axises from zero. 
    LONG m                'Used in some local calculations.
    LONG zSpd,ySpd,xSpd
    PUB Init 'Set the Stepper control pins to outputs, and the zero sensor pin to an input.
      DIRA[12] := 0
      zSpd := 128
      ySpd := 128
      xSpd := 128
    PUB AllStop 'Stop all three steppers, and release
      OUTA[0..11] := 0
    PUB FwdX(D,S)  'Move the X axis stepper D steps at S steps per second.
      m := D
      if S > xSpd
        S := xSpd
      if (m + xCur) > xMax
        m := xMax - xCur 
        m := m - 1
        XR := (xCur + 1) // 4
        OUTA[0..3] := cStep[XR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      WHILE m => 0 
    PUB FwdY(D,S)  'Move the Y axis stepper D steps at S steps per second.
      m := D
      if S > ySpd
        S := ySpd
      if (m + zCur) > yMax
        m := yMax - yCur 
        m := m - 1
        YR := (xCur + 1) // 4
        OUTA[4..7] := cStep[YR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0 
    PUB FwdZ(D,S)  'Move the Z axis stepper D steps at S steps per second.
      m := d
      if S > zSpd
        S := zSpd
      if (m + zCur) > zMax
        m := zMax - zCur 
        m := m - 1
        ZR := (zCur + 1) // 4
        OUTA[8..11] := cStep[ZR]
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0
    PUB BckX(D,S)
      m := D
      if S > xSpd
        S := xSpd
      if (xCur - m) < 0
        m := xCur 
        m := m - 1
        XR := (xCur - 1) // 4
        OUTA[0..3] := cStep[XR]
        HPn := INA[zrPin]             'Check for zero switch, and stop if detected.
        IF HPn > 0
          IF xCur <> 0
            xCur := 0
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0 
    PUB BckY(D,S)
      m := D
      if S > ySpd
        S := ySpd
      if (zCur - m) < 0
        m := yCur 
        m := m - 1
        YR := (xCur - 1) // 4
        OUTA[4..7] := cStep[YR]
        HPn := INA[zrPin]             'Check for zero switch, and stop if detected.
        IF HPn > 0
          IF yCur <> 0
            yCur := 0
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0 
    PUB BckZ(D,S) 
      m := d
      if S > zSpd
        S := zSpd
      if (zCur - m) < 0
        m := zCur 
        m := m - 1
        ZR := (zCur - 1) // 4
        OUTA[8..11] := cStep[ZR]
        HPn := INA[zrPin]             'Check for zero switch, and stop if detected.
        IF HPn > 0
          IF zCur <> 0
            zCur := 0
        waitcnt(clkfreq/S + cnt)
      while m => 0
    PUB StpLine(Xa,Xb,Ya,Yb,S)   'calculate an angled line and move along
                                 'the X,Y axis to describe the line.
      'The states of a the four pins to control a steper in forward order.
     cStep  BYTE %0011, %0110, %1100, %1001
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    If you see any errors please let me know. If you see anything that can be improved please point it out.

    Thank you. I hope that each object I post can benefit from the Propeller comunity, before the project is done. As I will put the entire project in the OBEX once it has been tested to be good enough.

    I am attempting to make everything in this new code as generic as possible, so that it can be easily modified, as well as not needing to re-upload if the scale or similar is off (that was a problem with the old PASM version).
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 05:04
    This morning I am going to work on the command processor, for the simplified command system that I use after parsing the G-Code. Here is an outline of the commands that are used:
    'Command processor.
    'This uses a simple set of byte commands.
    {The Commands are in the upper nibble of the first byte of each command, each command it two
     bytes long.    The commands are:
     1 = Move X, forward.
     2 = Move Y forward.
     3 = Move Z forward.
     4 = Move X reverse.
     5 = Move Y reverse.
     6 = Move Z reverse.
     D = Set current feed rate. 
     E = Set Heat.
     F = Extended commands.
     F0 = All Stop.
     F7 = Set current X position as Zero (for manual zeroing [no zero switch])
     F8 = Set current Y position as Zero (for manual zeroing [no zero switch])
     F9 = Set current Z position as Zero (for manual zeroing [no zero switch])
     FA = Zero X.
     FB = Zero Y.
     FC = Zero Z.
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,224
    edited 2015-04-04 05:30
    I am curious why you don't want to use PASM for the stepper control? This would be so much nicer. After using SPIN on various stepper projects and then converting to PASM, there is no comparison, especially if you are running less than full step. There is plenty of PASM stepper code available so there is a minimal investment to get it running.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 06:41
    T Chap wrote: »
    I am curious why you don't want to use PASM for the stepper control? This would be so much nicer. After using SPIN on various stepper projects and then converting to PASM, there is no comparison, especially if you are running less than full step. There is plenty of PASM stepper code available so there is a minimal investment to get it running.
    I did use PASM for the first version, in fact almost the entire first version was in PASM. The only remaining copy of the first version is in the EEPROM attached to the Prop in my 3D printer.

    I am redoing it in SPIN for two reasons.
    1: I lost the PASM source in my RPi failure.
    2: For many people that are new to the Prop SPIN is easier to understand. And I am doing this project in part to lower the entry barrier for people to get into 3D printing (using home built 3D printers).

    There are still a few things that have to be in PASM, like the single COG serial and one pin tv text. Though I am attempting to keep as much as possible in SPIN.

    I do not know if I will include a G-Code interpreter in the new version or not. I may just do the G-Code to native command processing on the host system. This would save a COG and eliminate the small buffer for unconverted incoming G-Code. i will decide on that once I get far enough to know how much HUB memory everything else takes up.
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2015-04-04 06:53
    If you still have your program in EEPROM it would be possible to disassemble the binary image back into PASM. Of course, the disassembled code would not contain your original symbol names, but it might make it easier to reconstruct the code.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 06:58
    Dave Hein wrote: »
    If you still have your program in EEPROM it would be possible to disassemble the binary image back into PASM. Of course, the disassembled code would not contain your original symbol names, but it might make it easier to reconstruct the code.
    Yes though this rewrite is worth it for me. It will provide a SPIN version for those that are new to the Propeller, and it will correct some of the things that I did hardcoded that I should have done differently.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 14:10
    Thank you all for the input.

    I have decided that once I finish the native command interpreter I will rewrite everything in PASM. I will continue both variants, thus giving a complete set of firmware in PASM, and another in SPIN.

    If there is a C compiler for the Prop that compiles to pure COG code only, I may end up doing a rewrite with that C variant. Though the only C compilers I know of for the Propeller use extended memory of some form for code (the very reason I do not use C on the propeller).
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-04-04 14:24
    Thank you all for the input.

    I have decided that once I finish the native command interpreter I will rewrite everything in PASM. I will continue both variants, thus giving a complete set of firmware in PASM, and another in SPIN.

    If there is a C compiler for the Prop that compiles to pure COG code only, I may end up doing a rewrite with that C variant. Though the only C compilers I know of for the Propeller use extended memory of some form for code (the very reason I do not use C on the propeller).
    PropGCC has a "COG mode" that compiles code to run directly on the COG.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 14:26
    As a secondary question:
    Where can I find the source of OpenSpin, and what are the dependancies? The same question for any open source Propeller Loader software?

    I ask as My Raspberry Pi's decided to start working again (at least in RISC OS), and I would like to get back to saving power. So I wish to port these programs to RISC OS.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-04-04 14:56
    As a secondary question:
    Where can I find the source of OpenSpin, and what are the dependancies? The same question for any open source Propeller Loader software?

    I ask as My Raspberry Pi's decided to start working again (at least in RISC OS), and I would like to get back to saving power. So I wish to port these programs to RISC OS.



    Actually, all of the Parallax tools are open source except for the Propeller Tool.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 15:16
    David Betz wrote: »


    Actually, all of the Parallax tools are open source except for the Propeller Tool.
    Thank you For that. I just hope it was written well (able to be compiled with NON GCC compatible C and CPP compilers). I use Norcroft C in RISC OS for C and CPP..
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-04-04 17:55
    Thank you For that. I just hope it was written well (able to be compiled with NON GCC compatible C and CPP compilers). I use Norcroft C in RISC OS for C and CPP..
    OpenSpin was written originally for Visual C++ I think. If you find any incompatiblities, let me know and I'll try to get them fixed.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 18:07
    David Betz wrote: »
    OpenSpin was written originally for Visual C++ I think. If you find any incompatiblities, let me know and I'll try to get them fixed.
    Ok will do. I will not get to giving it a try until tomorrow. I am taking a break from coding for the rest of the day, to do some fun research.

    If it is compatible with the compiler things will be great. Then I will only have to modify the file system handling stuff, as RISC OS uses the "." (period) character as the directory separator, and the "/" character for extensions (only for compatible with file names from other OSes, RISC OS uses a file type in the directory metadata for identifying filetypes). I will let you know when I attempt to compile it.

    For the rest of today, I am looking at what has been done with the Prop 1 verilog implementation. I had not previously looked at it.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-04-04 18:11
    Then I will only have to modify the file system handling stuff, as RISC OS uses the "." (period) character as the directory separator, and the "/" character for extensions (only for compatible with file names from other OSes, RISC OS uses a file type in the directory metadata for identifying filetypes).
    You've got to be kidding. Did they do that just to be contrary? Why not follow established convention?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    edited 2015-04-04 18:22
    I have decided that once I finish the native command interpreter I will rewrite everything in PASM. I will continue both variants, thus giving a complete set of firmware in PASM, and another in SPIN.
    David Betz wrote: »
    PropGCC has a "COG mode" that compiles code to run directly on the COG.

    If you are doing a project that you know will have two forms, that feature of PropGCC sound well worth a close look.
    That allows a much higher level control over what runs in Assembler inside a COG, and what runs slower outside the COG.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-04-04 18:58
    David Betz wrote: »
    You've got to be kidding. Did they do that just to be contrary? Why not follow established convention?
    Okay, I see now that RISC OS was invented in the 80's. I suppose there was a lot more variation in operating systems back then. I still don't understand why MS-DOS chose backslash instead of forward slash like Unix used at the time.
  • davidsaundersdavidsaunders Posts: 1,559
    edited 2015-04-04 19:41
    David Betz wrote: »
    Okay, I see now that RISC OS was invented in the 80's. I suppose there was a lot more variation in operating systems back then. I still don't understand why MS-DOS chose backslash instead of forward slash like Unix used at the time.
    Why what choices were made who knows. It was the 1980's, some used the period, some the colon, some the coma, some the asterisk, some the forward slash, and some the back slash for directory separators.

    There was no standard back then. The thing I do not understand is why most systems ended up using file extensions to track file types, the system of metadata in the FS makes more sense (like used in RISC OS, BeOS/Haiku-OS, Macintosh System Software, ProDOS, etc). Though things did not work out for what makes the most since, it worked out for who had the best marketing.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-04-04 19:44
    Why what choices were made who knows. It was the 1980's, some used the period, some the colon, some the coma, some the asterisk, some the forward slash, and some the back slash for directory separators.

    There was no standard back then. The thing I do not understand is why most systems ended up using file extensions to track file types, the system of metadata in the FS makes more sense (like used in RISC OS, BeOS/Haiku-OS, Macintosh System Software, ProDOS, etc). Though things did not work out for what makes the most since, it worked out for who had the best marketing.
    Yes, the metadata approach seems much better.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2015-04-04 22:14
    Yes, the metadata approach seems much better.

    I have always thought so. But, we ended up with a lot of data management in file names anyway. File name, author, purpose, revision, format, and all sorts of stuff has ended up crammed in there. Also "final" lol Even more funny, "finalfinal" :) I've seen a few of those out there.

    8 bit computers showed some of this divergence. Apple 8 bit computers employed long names, spaces and who knows what else were permitted. Was pretty common to CATALOG a disk and get, "THAT THING RICH WROTE LAST WEEK IT IS COOL RUN IT WITH..." sigh

    A file type was there to classify data and help identify which programs would handle which files. Atari, Tandy, and others went 8.3 and didn't have this metadata. Some systems used drive letters, others used volume identifiers... Was a total mess back then.

    D: D1: And on Atari, everything had a device! C: = cassette T: = text handler K: = keyboard Unix was just /, which is really nice. MSDOS was a single letter, other systems could be a few, or a volume name, but we got volume names and drive letters in windows anyway... And /dev... Cool, but man! Lots 'o stuff in there. Registry? Could we possibly come up with new ways to do this?

    Of course, having a database as filesystem is out there. Some cloud things are using it, so there aren't files anymore! Just objects. Of course, you can ask for them to be packed into a file, so whatever.

    I really liked long names and the metadata because I really didn't like little, stubby extensions having to represent so many things.

    And they got overloaded too. How many CAD systems centered in on .prt, for example? Pretty much all of them. Then, everybody seemed to abandon just three characters about the same time... We got .jpg .jpeg .stp .step .myownextensionsothere and so on... Moving stuff from IRIX to a PC saw problems like that, until Windows got a bit smarter and the longer extensions made sense.

    Of course, UNIX. Multiple dots, multiple extensions .tar.gz ?

    Paths... On short file name systems, we got ugly paths, because people like stuffing all sorts of stuff into the name! /user/doug/project/idea/version/final/reallyfinal/test.txt.tar.gz Yeah. Love those.

    I'm sure some clown somewhere made the program the file name too. Somehow.

    Blocks are nice. Just blocks. Lots of blocks. But of course, we've got block freaking SIZES! Big blocks, little blocks. Contiguous blocks, non contiguous blocks. Bad blocks. Deliberately bad blocks. (thanks guys, for that one)

    And then case insensitivity. Either allow case or don't. Hate that one.

    So it is a total mess! Just like time is a total mess. Simple time is simple. Anything else? Takes a whole ton of time just to understand how to properly handle time. Ugh.

    This is just what humans seem to do. We are so screwed. Really.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2015-04-04 22:23
    Metadata, I don't need no stinking metadata. I got the "file" command :)

    I always wondered where all that metadata was supposed to come from.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2015-04-04 22:29
    There is always metadata. It's called context.

    Where it comes from is simple. The real question is what do we actually care about and where do we put it, what do we call it, etc???
  • abecedarianabecedarian Posts: 312
    edited 2015-04-04 22:46
    Don't forget symbolic links / junction points.
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