assembly language question in "machinelanguage.pdf" tutorial
I am trying to learn assembly language programming. I do understand the basics of Spin and C and the parallax hardware. I have gone thru the assembly_09 tutorial and have started the machinelanguage.pdf tutorial. I am not able to understand the programming example 2 on pg 10. it is my understanding that the instruction:
patternaddr := @aCounter places the address of acounter into patternaddr, so then why is the, value of, rather than the, address of, acounter placed into outa by the instruction: RDLONG OUTA, patternAddr?
patternaddr := @aCounter places the address of acounter into patternaddr, so then why is the, value of, rather than the, address of, acounter placed into outa by the instruction: RDLONG OUTA, patternAddr?
Your answer is in how rdlong works. It needs a hub address to know what long to get and another cog address to know where to put it.
It can be used to fetch an address, and whether or not that happens depends on the purpose of the target hub long.
To the cog, it is always the same. Get data from a source hub long, and put it into a destination cog long. Both arguments are addresses.
Say you store an address in the hub. You fetch it with rdlong, and then use it as an address for say a wrlong. There is no meaningful difference between doing that and say storing a data value in the hub. you still fetch it with rdlong, and you still use it in say an add operation.
Up to you.
In pasm, you determine what is an address or value. In SPIN, you need to ask for addresses at times because SPIN knows them, but you or your program might not.
patternaddr := @aCounter places the address of aCounter into the variable patternaddr.
RDLONG OUTA, patternAddr reads the value at patternAddr and copies it to OUTA.