C: simpleterm_open() and simpleterm_close()...
Posts: 6,197
Where to begin...
With the exception of http://learn.parallax.com/multicore-approaches/print-different-core, practically no documentation exists for these two functions. While it is nice to see a simple demonstration, this certainly does not help in complex situations.
For example, let me see a working demonstration of a secondary cog passing ownership of the terminal back to the primary cog.
With the exception of http://learn.parallax.com/multicore-approaches/print-different-core, practically no documentation exists for these two functions. While it is nice to see a simple demonstration, this certainly does not help in complex situations.
For example, let me see a working demonstration of a secondary cog passing ownership of the terminal back to the primary cog.
Yea these functions could certainly use a little more documentation.
I was having problems with these functions in the Teacup port, so I decided to write a test program to try and pass ownership back to the primary cog, but had no luck with that endeavor.
I have attached the project.... Perhaps my logic isn't correct.