Introduction - VonSzarvas
Posts: 3,502
Hello everyone !
My name is Michael and I live in Szarvas, Hungary (hence the rather cunning forum name!).
I have been working with Parallax on some new products this year, and I have just posted the schematic for one of those here:!?p=1323032&viewfull=1#post1323032
After seeing Jen and MattG shouting out about their new products today, I just couldn't help myself to join in !!!
For those really sharped eyed, you might notice that my forum name changed from MaxWin to VonSzarvas recently. Unfortunately MaxWin was already taken on GitHub, but VonSzarvas was available "yeah!". I wanted a common name, as I will be posting code to GitHub, and will link any major milestones here on the forums too.
More news later... but for now, Enjoy and keep smiling!
My name is Michael and I live in Szarvas, Hungary (hence the rather cunning forum name!).
I have been working with Parallax on some new products this year, and I have just posted the schematic for one of those here:!?p=1323032&viewfull=1#post1323032
After seeing Jen and MattG shouting out about their new products today, I just couldn't help myself to join in !!!
For those really sharped eyed, you might notice that my forum name changed from MaxWin to VonSzarvas recently. Unfortunately MaxWin was already taken on GitHub, but VonSzarvas was available "yeah!". I wanted a common name, as I will be posting code to GitHub, and will link any major milestones here on the forums too.
More news later... but for now, Enjoy and keep smiling!
A much anticipated ELEV-8 Product on the horizon. Very good news.!
I Had to yell - it's a long way to Hungary from Rocklin
Keep us up to date on all of the fun products you are working on!
...pardon..?? Cannot hear me???? OK, THAANNNNNNKKKKSSSS..... That should make it across the pond :LOL:
Very soon I might be able to send a solar elev-8 to deliver these messages. The pidgeons' work is done!!
Looking forward to your 9DoF code. I invite you to get to know another contributor, Jason Dorie that has done quite a bit to optimize quad-copter control on the Propeller 1. His input and knowledge are first rate.
That all sounds totally awesome.
I'd never heard of the LSM9DS1 before. Any chance of convincing Parallax to make a tiny break out board for that chip? There are many other uses for such a thing than copters.
The price was to good to pass up. Now maybe I can get some better ideas on how you would incorporate one of
these kind of sensor's for flight control of a qaud.
I am (along with a few others like localroger) contributing from the southern part of the U.S. - Louisiana to be exact. Almost as far from Rocklin as you! ;-)
I look forward to seeing all that you are doing!