New Arlo Switch Plate
Hey all Arlo fans...
We're thinking about enhancing the Arlo Power Distribution Switch Plate..
It has a cutout across the top allowing replacement of all fuses, without the plate needing to be removed.
Plus, It's made from .093 Delrin so it's much more rugged than the acrylic version.
This is a prototype...what do you think?

We're thinking about enhancing the Arlo Power Distribution Switch Plate..
It has a cutout across the top allowing replacement of all fuses, without the plate needing to be removed.
Plus, It's made from .093 Delrin so it's much more rugged than the acrylic version.
This is a prototype...what do you think?
Ken Gracey
All it needs is a knock-out for an optional keyswitch.
Since we introduced the Arlo Power Distribution Board, I've heard of at least a couple of breaks of the original blue acrylic version. Delrin is a far superior material for this application, but it's only available in black (that's what we stock here for production material).
Fellow Parallaxian Stephanie suggested adding the l and 0 indicators, The Arlo "Bot" moniker has been dropped, in favor of simply "Arlo", per our Marketing Guru Jen.
The etched i and 0 and the "Motors" and the "Main" are difficult to read when etched. We suggest putting a little dab of liquid paper or "white-out" over the etchings and then simply wiping away the non-recessed excess - really easy and quick - and makes the words "pop".
And instead of raster-etching the "Arlo" logo, we've cut it all the way through (lt's difficult to see in this photo- will try to do better pic soon). So now when you look at the cut-through logo, you see the white silk-screened Parallax branding on the APDB "peaking" from below...a happy accident.
We've always liked "early adopters" because you're willing to be a test-pilot so-to-speak. But it's a bummer when you ADOPT EARLY and then IT'S IMPROVED. Parallax's got your back...if you already own one of the APDB's kits - PM me with your mailing address and we'll mail you out a new Delrin plate once they're in stock
-Matt-delrin is a oool material-G
I have some white Delrin - so I'm pretty sure that black is not your only option.
@Ken - what is that behind you? @Matt - PM'd you!
+1, white is also available. Delrin is very strong, machines great, holds a thread, self lubricating, but it gives off very noxious formaldehyde fumes when it burns (and it burns with a nearly invisible flame), said the pyromaniac.
It sounds like there's a consensus about "white" - what that means for us however, is that we have to figure out our cost for the (relatively low) volume of white that we would use for this product. We use a TON of black on the Elevate and Robot Wrenches and Encoder disks, and and and. This gives us great buying power because of the quantities that we buy.
If the cost of white (in small quantities) is close to the cost of black (in very large quantities), then maybe it's doable - especially if it looks really good. (Although this results in more internal costs to us -stocking, purchasing, tracking, etc. as well). End result may well be that we might see an uptick in retail price because of these factors. Is it worth a premium price to be white? I don't know - you tell me
I'll get some sample pieces on order and we'll see how it looks...then the only challenge will be to find some "black-out correction fluid" to make the etched labeling show up
There is a big difference in durability between cast and extruded acrylic. Extruded is garbage in my opinion, suitable only for picture frames. If you were using extruded acrylic consider trying some cast, if you were already using cast then maybe just increase the thickness.
In my opinion, cast acrylic should be more than strong enough for this application. Cast is prettier, easier to engrave (no color fill needed) and makes less toxic fumes while processing - less expensive too, unless you are getting a killer deal on your Delrin.
To test whether it is cast or acrylic light a small piece on fire. If it sizzles and crackles it is cast, if it melts and drips fireballs to the floor it is extruded.
Of course you do, you read the other posts...... ;-) nyuk, nyuk....
Here's a snap of a "PCB" I did last week out of 1/16" thick White Delrin. I etched the silkscreen and component pads on the laser, cut out the TH locations and PCB outline, then filled in with a sharpie. I used a very large blunt sharpie to fill everything in, wait about 30 seconds, then take a piece of scrap delrin (in the shape of a putty knife) wrapped in a cotton cloth and rub across the top to remove the excess marker from the surface. This was made as the PCB to check fit in a 3D printed case to verify form/fit/function as well as do some preliminary assembly time studies.
As for the color, I think the black looks nice, as long as you have good ink fill. LaserBits sells color fill ink in 12 different colors but the problem is getting the ink to stick to the Delrin. It takes a pretty sophisticated paint to stick to Delrin long term. I recently did a plaque for the playground at my church out of Delrin and ended up using a Pilot Gold Paint Pen. Nothing else wanted to stick even to the etched surface.
Will vinyl decals (e.g. Oracal 651) stick to Delrin? Phil, anyone?
I am with Gordon on this one! Black is the way to go... Plus Matt's "white-out" trick wouldn't work nearly as well! ;-) Do they make "black-out?"
Yea! I am surprised that erco didn't suggest that one!
Then I offer to Parallax FREE vinyl decals for the power switch positions. White Oracal 651 -- the same stuff they use for car window stickers. A couple of dozen wouldn't take long to cut out and prep. These things are very easy to apply. As long as they'll stick to the Delrin, I think they'll look much better than the wipe-on/wipe-off paint.
I've got white sample pieces coming from the distributor -
Just to be fair, let's see what that ugly cheapo-looking white delrin looks like against that amazingly beautiful and gorgeous black delrin masterpiece..:D
Obviously, I shall remain un-biased in their evaluations
Give the people the choice they want. White birch plywood or black walnut plywood!
I ask, since the picture on the store now shows a fancy new switch plate.
The new plate now accommodates the "curved row" of fuses on the newly designed distribution board, therefore it isn't directly compatible with the (earlier version) straight row of fuses.\
However, we did create a straight version as well, which I have several of that are "drop-in" replacements for the straight acrylic versions.
For those of you who have the acrylic version and would like to upgrade to the delrin plate, send an email to me at Be sure to include a mailing address.
And be sure to specify whether you have a curved row of fuses or a straight row of fuses...