That makes you and I the only people to complete the challenge.
Anyone else up for trying?
Martin, the algorithm I have made till now actually isn't an algorithm .....
It's only a sequence of movements ...
The real algoritm (with the recursion) is coming soon....
I'm in a good way....
Nikos will probably program his ELEV-8 in Blockly to solve Towers of Hanoi before I can get to it!
Erco don't put ideas in my mind !!!!!!
Djoser's step pyramid was actually a giant Towers of Hanoi puzzle, layers moved by ancient astronauts using their giant EVEV-8s. See the other two posts?
The continuous rotation servo might be a problem without some simple feedback (reed switches?) even if you could make it work. In Blockly you could use the "differential drive" from the Robot menu.
Ken Gracey
Ken, I'll try to attent one of the next webinars 24,25,26 Jan . I hope you 'll give us an example about that....
Reed switches ????
Thank you so much, I will try to print these out over the next week or so, and report back.
Ok Roy,
in the meanwhile I'll try to make a better version (smaller and more suitable for the 5 disk Hanoi tower Challenge). You will receive the stl filesfrom this forum in order to test them
My Clark arm for the S3 in now on thingiverse here :
All the future updates will be there....
Any contribution, improvement or idea is welcome...
Erco don't put ideas in my mind !!!!!!
It's only a sequence of movements ...
The real algoritm (with the recursion) is coming soon....
I'm in a good way....
Djoser's step pyramid was actually a giant Towers of Hanoi puzzle, layers moved by ancient astronauts using their giant EVEV-8s. See the other two posts?
Nikos, I'm sure you'll do the right thing.
Ken, I'll try to attent one of the next webinars 24,25,26 Jan . I hope you 'll give us an example about that....
Reed switches ????
Thank you so much, I will try to print these out over the next week or so, and report back.
Ok Roy,
in the meanwhile I'll try to make a better version (smaller and more suitable for the 5 disk Hanoi tower Challenge). You will receive the stl filesfrom this forum in order to test them
Even at one move per second, that's 71.4 million years to finish.
Fibonacci spirals were nice, but it's time to move onto cycloids. BTW, you're very welcome!
Great work Nikos, and a very nice setup.
Don't let erco talk you into adding more disks, no sense wearing out your S3 on such limited movements.
With your grabber invention, it has a lot of possibilities.
Line it with rubber pads, and have it bring you a cool refreshment.
All the future updates will be there....
Any contribution, improvement or idea is welcome...