Boston Dynamics Robots "Push It To the Limit"
New music video compilation. Me? I like the robot balancing on one leg getting hit by a wrecking ball at 1:55. One day they will fight back.
Except for maybe one thing.....all of the BD bipeds have large umbilical cords leading off to somewhere. I wonder if these are for electrical power?, processing power?, telemetry?, hard-wired emergency shutdown in case they revolt? The quadrupeds seem to do very well without any umbilical cords but then they do have those old Volkswagen engines (maybe Corvair) giving them a power source.
Remember, you don't have to be fastest runner to outrun Petman, you just can't be the slowest.
And don't mind the umbilical, that's just doctor's orders: see 1:25
Another Boston Dynamics observation. I think it is Atlas in one clip that straddles a breach in the floor by walking along the thin remaining edges that are left. Is he to the point where he can identify the problem, evaluate options and come up with that solution to clear an obstacle or was that hard coded just to test his mobility/balance/etc. ?
Erco, you really need to work there so you can enlighten give them the gift of FIRE!!!
It would be interesting to see if they could really put the full hydraulic power plant on one of these robots. Are there any examples of that anywhere? (I know about the quads, but what about the bipeds?)
I don't recall ever seeing an untethered biped of theirs. That's what triggered my question.
Eleven years ago I turned down a job offer direct from Colin Angle of iRobot after I showed him my superbot. I love Beantown (have run their marathon several times) but I don't want to move there. But I have thought about approaching Google, who bought them out...
Petman with a flamethrower... my girls could win the science fair! (Do they still have science fairs?)
Petman with a flamethrower? They would be in a good position to mandate a science fair! (Because of their elevated "cute quotient", nothing to do with a robotic, pyrotechnical "nanny", of course!) They'll be back.
Wanna see backflips though...
On the other hand there is the military sector use of them robots. I do get some mixed feelings about ground based autonomous drones able to carry weapons.
On the third hand there is the private sector use of them robots. I can see a lot of value there for our society.
I do not fear that them robots will take over the world. Not in my life time. I more fear that the people owning and controlling them robots might try. But I think they don't need to. They already own the world. So why bother.