I have lost one of the allen head set screws on one of my motors (the motor package is labeled: "KA20-20L Kv:1050") @#%#! Does anyone know where I might find a replacement?
It has been a long while since I've had to go looking for a set screw, but Ace Hardware used to be very good about selling these and O-rings. It is the kind of thing that they keep a tiny box somewhere and you have to ask for, but it keeps customers coming back.
McMaster Carr is also a great source. They have fast shipping and a vast selection. Usually can't order in single / low quantities for small fasteners.
Would that be the blue motors or the orange motors or?
Can you measure the set screw from one of the other motors to determine its size?
Try calling your local store and asking.
Would that be the blue motors or the orange motors or?
We keep you in the air!
Send me your shipping address and I'll get you all the parts you need. kgracey@parallax.com
Ken Gracey
EDIT: posting collision! Well, the offer still stands if you need anything in the future.