Bird photography studio & bird feeder
Haven't done a electronic project in over a year and was afraid I had forgotten the little bit
I had learned about circuits and working with Spin.
It mostly came back to me and it helped that the first project back in is a "Frankenstein" of
past projects.
I thought I would post pictures and take guesses on what it does.
If the guesses are better then what it actually does, I will go back and change what it does.
I had learned about circuits and working with Spin.
It mostly came back to me and it helped that the first project back in is a "Frankenstein" of
past projects.
I thought I would post pictures and take guesses on what it does.
If the guesses are better then what it actually does, I will go back and change what it does.
Well, the next picture of the remote unit in it's location pretty much gives it's function away.
The remote unit uses two ping sensors to determine if something has landed on perch or bowl. (distance < 300mm)
It takes a picture and sends which sensor was hit and distance from both sensors back to the base station.
The remote unit is also listening on the xbee to see if any buttons have been pressed on the base station
If the visitor has fur instead of feathers, I can play one of three tunes on the car alarm next to the bird feeder.
If I want to take more pictures, I can control the camera with a button on the base station.
The base station blinks a light and sounds a buzzer when either of the ping sensors are hit. It also records the hits
to a file on the SD card.
So far, everything is working except for visitors.
Next up is adding a video camera to the mix.
Awesome project anyway, it remainds me I should have gone further with a project that scans my garden for incoming deers. They usually do unacceptable damage to my fruit trees.
I wonder what's in the background out of focus, lots of furs from skinned foxes? (img_1444.fpg)
It creates a comma delimited file telling 1) which sensor 2) time 3) total minutes
4) distance from perch sensor 5) distance from bowl sensor
It also records when I press a button on the base station.
The total minutes field proved unnecessary. I was having trouble with
Excel charting using time for x and distance for y. It didn't seem to be spacing
out the time interval, but I was using the wrong chart. Line chart spaces each
data point equally along x axis, but XY chart accounts for gaps in time.
Bowl,08:56 am,536,819,182
Perch,08:56 am,536,294,292
Bowl,08:57 am,537,294,292
Perch,08:57 am,537,262,747
Bowl,08:58 am,538,796,125
Bowl,08:58 am,538,770,129
Bowl,08:59 am,539,762,76
Bowl,09:00 am,540,671,82
Perch,09:01 am,541,292,501
Bowl,09:01 am,541,791,75
Picture,09:04 am,544,0
Bowl,09:06 am,546,847,270
Perch,09:06 am,546,157,175
Zapped,09:06 am,546,0
Bowl,09:07 am,547,157,175
Bowl,09:07 am,547,774,103
Bowl,09:08 am,548,3331,94
Bowl,09:08 am,548,3318,125
Perch,09:13 am,553,119,556
Bowl,09:19 am,559,828,278
Picture,09:21 am,561,0
Bowl was triggered 13 times
Perch was triggered 5 times
In the background are banana plants that hopefully are not completely dead with the few days of below freezing we got.
It might pay to add some type of motion like a servo operated gloved hand.
The motion helps with deer.
Also, deer do not like George Thorogood music.
Not sure about squirrel's.
The birds do not seem to be affected by the deturrents I've built.
too close on the rig both for focusing and scaring the birds when the shutter went off.
I am down to one ping sensor as I forgot to add a flyback diode to a motor I was adding to scare away squirrels.
Luckily the ping sensor bite the bullet instead of the xbee.
I still haven't added a new squirrel deterrent.
I'm not sure if you are using an exposure setting of auto, programmed, shutter priority or aperture priority. Photographically, I'd suggest you exchange some shutter speed and ISO (film speed ) for a smaller aperture (bigger F number) and more depth of field. Since you have lots of Florida sunshine to work with, I'd start out with Aperture Priority and try something in an F8 or F11 and see what kind of shutter speeds you get. It looks like you are using an older Canon , the ISO should probably stay at 400 or less.
Greater depth of field will make it easier to have the front end and the back end of your bird in focus. You can see now i man of the pictures where you depth of field is a matter of inches. Higher ISO numbers will make the image noisier (grainier), slower shutter speeds will introduce blur from the birds motion (they twitch quickly), faster shutter speeds let you freeze action better. These are all things you can play with depending on the light for the day and the subject.
I don't know if you are pre-focusing or auto-focusing for these shots. If you are using auto-focus, you may want to try manual focus and focus on the mount midpoint or maybe the mount midpoint minus 1/2 a birds length to give you a good head shot when they are facing you. Not having the camera auto-focus will make it respond faster and also give you a consistent focus zone as you watch from you perch.
It's a great project and should prove to be lots of fun as your visitors get used to everything!
odd cloud at the wrong time would mess up a picture. It has aperture mode but even on my Rebel T3i, these
"assist modes" are horrible at getting white balance for some reason.
Once I get a time of day that gets the most traffic (right now traffic is fairly random) I will probably try manual
mode again.
Not using auto-focus. The lens rotating even freaks them out. Kinda wish I had a good mirror-less camera so it would
be noise free.
Have been busy with my own project for a couple of years and have not been checking what others have been doing. I now know what my next project will be. Methinks a mini gas cannon using a butane canister and pizeo igniter would do wonders keeping unwanted critters away. With all that expensive equipment near my feeders I will have to give up using my air rifle BB gun.
You video reminds me of my favorite part of the movie Up.
Where's Ragtop these days? He sure made a lot of cool projects. I hope all is well with him.
Squirrels are prey animals and have a strong startle reflex. So what really makes them run away is sudden movement and noise. The car alarm test video above only has noise, which is why the squirrel sits there and thinks about if he should leave or not.
You want to have sudden unexpected movement, and the squirrel will soon learn that the thing that moves when he gets close is to be avoided. Get a small DC motor with some sort of wheel that spins, with a pinwheel or something with flaps on it. Make sure it starts up fast! A typical servo is probably too slow.
I've used an RC car sitting out by the bird feeder, which I can see out the window of my home office. It sits there, and then when a squirrel comes up, I pick up the controller and have the car charge the squirrel. The squirrel will RUN. And they quickly learn to recognize the thing that is "guarding its territory" and if they see it, they won't even come close.
However, it seems that the local hawks and other predators cause a lot of turnover in the squirrel population, so there is frequently a new one that has to learn what to stay away from.
We've also used a Scarecrow animal deterrent, which is basically a sprinkler with a motion sensor on it. It works ok for deer, but they eventually learned to stand just outside of its range and calmly munch the apples off the tree while it lightly sprays them. The squirrels NEVER got used to it and would freak out every time it would go off.