Ken Gracey's Laser Cutting Scribbler

Am I the only one who has seen this?? Can't believe there isn't a thread on this already. Anyhow, I like Ken's thought process when handed a portable laser cutter...........
Yes, it is really cool. Since I know very little about lasers, it amazed me with how much material it could cut through. I wonder what a 10000mW laser would do..........
And thus dies my secret back-burner dream of making "The World's Most Dangerous Scribbler" with a less-powerful laser popping some black balloons like this guy:
Now I am wondering what I have than needs laser cutting... possibly on a large scale.
One could always use it to burn a nice black line for line following robots in a hardwood floor.
Capital idea! I'm off to trademark the name "Trail Blazer Bot" right now.
Or decorate carpets (permanently) making some drawings burning the carpet with an appropriate amount of laser power.....