ctra and ctrb
Posts: 283
Hi, I'm trying to scale 2 of the 3 pins of an rgb led with ctra, and ctrb. I have code that works from the pe kit for ctra in the first 255 to 0 loop which works great except pin 5 (ctrb is always on). The second loop for pin 5 using ctrb results in both pins 4 and 5 on, but no scaling. I was trying to scale them one at a time. I've read the section of the prop manual about counters, but not sure where I'm going wrong. It looks like for the third led I need to open a new cog for more counters. Thanks
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x 'Standard clock mode * crystal frequency = 80 MHz _xinfreq = 5_000_000 ''LedDutySweep.spin ''Cycle P4 LED from off, gradually brighter, full brightness. scale = 16_777_216 ' 2³²÷ 256 PUB TestDuty | pin, duty, mode 'Configure counter module. ctra[30..26] := %00110 ' Set ctra to DUTY mode ctra[5..0] := 4 ' Set ctra's APIN frqa := duty * scale ' Set frqa register ctrb[30..26] := %00110 ctrb[14..9]:=5 frqb := duty * scale Use counter to take LED from off to gradually brighter, repeating at 2 Hz. dira[4..5]~~ ' Set P5,4 to output repeat ' Repeat indefinitely repeat duty from 255 to 0 ' Sweep duty from 0 to 255 frqa := duty * scale ' Update frqa register waitcnt(clkfreq/128 + cnt) ' Delay for 1/128th s repeat duty from 255 to 0 frqb := duty * scale waitcnt(clkfreq/128 + cnt)
Do you have the outputs connected directly to the LED? I tested this using a generic red LED and it worked, though the brightness seemed to change rather abruptly in a few places. Using a low-pass filter to create a digital-to-analog converter resulted in a much smoother transition, though the range was also reduced somewhat.
If you have a cog to spare, here's a very simple embedded RGB LED controller. Paste this into your program and then call start_rgb() with your pins.