VHDL jtag possible in C, or needs PASM ?
Posts: 15,185
As a challenge for the C/Prop experts, here is a small VHDL module that does FIFO-JTAG, and that should fit into one COG.
Q: Can this be coded in C, and fit into one COG, with tolerable performance ? or is PASM the only option ?
This VHDL is coded for an external FIFO, but in a P1 would access a HUB FIFO managed from another COG.
(FIFO HW is FT245 or FT240 with 512 bytes each way )
It has about 120 active lines of code, some of which are jump-to-next style and can be trimmed.
Q: Can this be coded in C, and fit into one COG, with tolerable performance ? or is PASM the only option ?
This VHDL is coded for an external FIFO, but in a P1 would access a HUB FIFO managed from another COG.
(FIFO HW is FT245 or FT240 with 512 bytes each way )
It has about 120 active lines of code, some of which are jump-to-next style and can be trimmed.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Serial/Parallel converter, interfacing JTAG chain with FTDI FT245BM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Kolja Waschk, ixo.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute -- it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, -- or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope -- that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a -- copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file -- COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin -- St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; ENTITY jtag_logic IS PORT ( CLK : IN STD_LOGIC; -- external 24/25 MHz oscillator nRXF : IN STD_LOGIC; -- FT245BM nRXF nTXE : IN STD_LOGIC; -- FT245BM nTXE B_TDO : IN STD_LOGIC; -- JTAG input: TDO, AS/PS input: CONF_DONE B_ASDO : IN STD_LOGIC; -- AS input: DATAOUT, PS input: nSTATUS B_TCK : out STD_LOGIC; -- JTAG output: TCK to chain, AS/PS DCLK B_TMS : out STD_LOGIC; -- JTAG output: TMS to chain, AS/PS nCONFIG B_NCE : out STD_LOGIC; -- AS output: nCE B_NCS : out STD_LOGIC; -- AS output: nCS B_TDI : out STD_LOGIC; -- JTAG output: TDI to chain, AS: ASDI, PS: DATA0 B_OE : out STD_LOGIC; -- LED output/output driver enable nRD : OUT STD_LOGIC; -- FT245BM nRD WR : OUT STD_LOGIC; -- FT245BM WR D : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); -- FT245BM D[7..0] led : out std_logic := '1' ); END jtag_logic; ARCHITECTURE spec OF jtag_logic IS -- There are exactly 16 states. If this is encoded using 4 bits, there will -- be no unknown/undefined state. The host will send us 64 times "0" to move -- the state machine to a known state. We don't need a power-on reset. TYPE states IS ( wait_for_nRXF_low, set_nRD_low, keep_nRD_low, latch_data_from_host, set_nRD_high, bits_set_pins_from_data, bytes_set_bitcount, bytes_get_tdo_set_tdi, bytes_clock_high_and_shift, bytes_keep_clock_high, bytes_clock_finish, wait_for_nTXE_low, set_WR_high, output_enable, set_WR_low, output_disable ); ATTRIBUTE ENUM_ENCODING: STRING; ATTRIBUTE ENUM_ENCODING OF states: TYPE IS "0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111"; SIGNAL carry: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL do_output: STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL ioshifter: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL bitcount: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL state, next_state: states; SIGNAL ncs: std_logic; BEGIN sm: PROCESS(nRXF, nTXE, state, bitcount, ioshifter, do_output) BEGIN CASE state IS -- ============================ INPUT WHEN wait_for_nRXF_low => IF nRXF='0' THEN next_state <= set_nRD_low; ELSE next_state <= wait_for_nRXF_low; END IF; WHEN set_nRD_low => next_state <= keep_nRD_low; WHEN keep_nRD_low => next_state <= latch_data_from_host; WHEN latch_data_from_host => next_state <= set_nRD_high; WHEN set_nRD_high => IF NOT (bitcount(8 DOWNTO 3) = "000000") THEN next_state <= bytes_get_tdo_set_tdi; ELSIF ioshifter(7) = '1' THEN next_state <= bytes_set_bitcount; ELSE next_state <= bits_set_pins_from_data; END IF; WHEN bytes_set_bitcount => next_state <= wait_for_nRXF_low; -- ============================ BIT BANGING WHEN bits_set_pins_from_data => IF ioshifter(6) = '0' THEN next_state <= wait_for_nRXF_low; -- read next byte from host ELSE next_state <= wait_for_nTXE_low; -- output byte to host END IF; -- ============================ BYTE OUTPUT (SHIFT OUT 8 BITS) WHEN bytes_get_tdo_set_tdi => next_state <= bytes_clock_high_and_shift; WHEN bytes_clock_high_and_shift => next_state <= bytes_keep_clock_high; WHEN bytes_keep_clock_high => next_state <= bytes_clock_finish; WHEN bytes_clock_finish => IF NOT (bitcount(2 DOWNTO 0) = "111") THEN next_state <= bytes_get_tdo_set_tdi; -- clock next bit ELSIF do_output = '1' THEN next_state <= wait_for_nTXE_low; -- output byte to host ELSE next_state <= wait_for_nRXF_low; -- read next byte from host END IF; -- ============================ OUTPUT BYTE TO HOST WHEN wait_for_nTXE_low => IF nTXE = '0' THEN next_state <= set_WR_high; ELSE next_state <= wait_for_nTXE_low; END IF; WHEN set_WR_high => next_state <= output_enable; WHEN output_enable => next_state <= set_WR_low; WHEN set_WR_low => next_state <= output_disable; WHEN output_disable => next_state <= wait_for_nRXF_low; -- read next byte from host WHEN OTHERS => next_state <= wait_for_nRXF_low; END CASE; END PROCESS sm; out_sm: PROCESS(CLK) BEGIN IF CLK = '1' AND CLK'event THEN IF state = set_nRD_low OR state = keep_nRD_low OR state = latch_data_from_host THEN nRD <= '0'; ELSE nRD <= '1'; END IF; IF state = latch_data_from_host THEN led <= '1'; ioshifter(7 DOWNTO 0) <= D; END IF; IF state = set_WR_high OR state = output_enable THEN WR <= '1'; ELSE WR <= '0'; END IF; IF state = output_enable OR state = set_WR_low THEN led <= '0'; D <= ioshifter(7 DOWNTO 0); ELSE D <= "ZZZZZZZZ"; END IF; IF state = bits_set_pins_from_data THEN B_TCK <= ioshifter(0); B_TMS <= ioshifter(1); B_NCE <= ioshifter(2); B_NCS <= ioshifter(3); B_TDI <= ioshifter(4); B_OE <= ioshifter(5); ncs <= ioshifter(3); ioshifter <= "000000" & B_ASDO & B_TDO; END IF; IF state = bytes_set_bitcount THEN bitcount <= ioshifter(5 DOWNTO 0) & "111"; do_output <= ioshifter(6); END IF; IF state = bytes_get_tdo_set_tdi THEN IF ncs = '1' THEN carry <= B_TDO; -- JTAG mode (nCS=1) ELSE carry <= B_ASDO; -- Active Serial mode (nCS=0) END IF; B_TDI <= ioshifter(0); bitcount <= bitcount - 1; END IF; IF state = bytes_clock_high_and_shift OR state = bytes_keep_clock_high THEN B_TCK <= '1'; END IF; IF state = bytes_clock_high_and_shift THEN ioshifter <= carry & ioshifter(7 DOWNTO 1); END IF; IF state = bytes_clock_finish THEN B_TCK <= '0'; END IF; state <= next_state; END IF; END PROCESS out_sm; END spec;
and that confirms my notes of the VHDL command structure, worked from the same source (above) they used
There are 2 decision bits, and a Counter/shifter