Rotary encoder issues.
Posts: 37
I recently purchased 2 ( of these encoders for a project but for some reason I cannot get them to work correctly. I wired them per the data sheet and grounded the case. When I try to read the output it will increase in multiples or not increase at all and then if I turn it the other way it will not decrease. I thought maybe it was just a bum encoder so I tried the other one and got the same thing. Then I thought maybe my test code was wrong so I wired up a motor encoder and it worked perfectly. I then wired the outputs of the encoder to LEDs and they turned on and off as expected. Is there something I might be missing here?
Have you debounced the signals ?
I don't see a wiring diagram in the datasheet. How did you wire it up?
I'm using these from SparkFun myself:
Both the encoder lines are pulled high.
Is debouncing quadrature encoders needed? I'm inclined not to think they need it. Quadrature encoders shouldn't accumulate bounce errors anyway. Proper quadrature encoder code should keep track of where the encoder is whether or not the lines bounce.
How does one debounce quadrature encoders? I have lots of projects which use quadrature encoders both as knobs and monitoring motors and I never worry about debouncing the encoders.
Oops sorry that device is not active, it only A, B, and common. So it looks like it does need pullups and common going to the same ground as your Prop. It should have pin C going your board GND.
Do you mean 2 caps to ground, or a cap across the 2 pins ?
Check the fine print, from memory not all Encoders match Steps with Detents
eg I noticed they offer a 24 detent one, and yours was 12 step ?
Maybe they use the same core, just change the detent molding ?
Addit:: wire the LEDs back in, and watch them as you turn the encoder.
Good point. Now that you mention it, the encoders I use increment four steps per detent.
This isn't a big deal. One just adjusts the software to compensate. IIRC, I can get less than four steps if I carefully turn the encoder and fight the detent.
The datasheet says 12 detents per rev. A 12PPR encoder will give 48 counts per rev. So it is 4 counts per detent.
Well the data sheet doesn't have a wiring diagram it simply shows which pins are quad output (A and and which is the common (C). I wired it with A and B going to prop I/Os and C to Vcc.
Ok, So It seems I may have it backwards. The common goes to ground and I pull up the Quadrature outputs. I'll try this.
No at first I wired it like I said above with Common to Vcc. Then I tried it with 2 resistors one on each quad output pulling it to ground and that's when it would count by multiples of 4. Then with resistors still installed I shorted a cap across the two output pins and it was counting by 2s. I'll try what Chap said with pulling the output pins high and the common to ground. The data sheet says 12 detents and 12 pulses per revolution.
One of the advantages of a quadrature signal is: hardare debouncing is not needed. A bounce represents forward backward, and if you see the spike, you will have an count, the next moment the spike is gone and you will count back. If you miss the spike, nothing happens.
Just divide the count by 4 if you want 1 count per detent.
The datasheet says 12 detents per rev.
A 12PPR encoder will give 48 counts per rev. So it is 4 counts per detent. Which means, the devices IS designed to give 4 counters per detent.
If you only want to have 1 count per detent, then whatever the count is just divide it by 4.
Your device is working perfectly when you get 4 counters per detent.
So a 'pulse' is the entire sequence of pin1=high -> pin2=high -> pin1=low -> pin2=low (or vice versa) where each step change in either input is equal to one count. I guess I thought the whole sequence would be equal to one 'count'. Mystery solved.
For this to work the engineering of said encoders is required to have 50/50 pulse shape and 25% phase shift between the two channels. Conveniently, this is also the best config for reduced noise so it's a win-win setup.
If your software assumes each transition will be equally spaced then yes, you need 25% phase shift but a quadrature encoder will still work well as long as the two channels don't transition at the same time.
I'm working on encoder software which measures the speed based on the time between transitions but I keep track of both the the time between transitions and also the time for a full cycle. If the quadrature encoder wasn't precisely made (and many aren't) monitoring the time between full encoder cycles can make up for the inaccuracies in the phase shift of the channels.