Spot: Another Amazing BD Quadruped
Google's Boston Dynamics does it again. I don't expect an entry from them in my "one servo robot" challenge.
II'm waiting for one of the teams to put a more aggresive reaction in for when somebody comes up and kicks the robots....scare the beejeebies out of some wise guy.
It is amazing how much they have progressed...
Of course, we know *YOU* did it! Time to send that video to Boston Dynamics....they NEED you!
The George Carlin routine on Flamethrowers came up after your video. I didn't link it here due to language but it could apply to you (in a good way)!
I really need to build a quadruped robot someday. It looks like a neat challenge.
I'm thinking they HAVE to come up with a version that chases and kicks you back! You can run home. It'll wait. You have to come out sometime!
I was thinking that it was all electric - with a noisy fan.