You there.
Sitting in the chair.
Yeah, you.
Here's a perfect project for you. Motors, servos, PWM, RGB LEDs, sound, go nuts. Stamp, Prop, anything. Let me know how you make out.
BTW, 'ave a peek at that bloke's channel, Grand Illusions. Terribly interesting widgets.
Thank heaven for CONTEXT when people quote things!!!
This is very cool. It is a good project for us just sitting here. We could build one and then just play with it as we continue to sit in our chairs.
It's probably a good idea for a Kickstarter, it would fit well in our society. Technology that basically does nothing but is entertaining to the masses.
I really want a pair of those, he has some great fun playing with them! I'm amazed at how long they last once you set them going!
This poor man's version uses glass marbles and hot melt glue. Yet ironically, no glue gun!
More poor man's fun using CDs as gyros:
Did you hack into my webcam? How did you know I was sitting in a chair?
BTW, The idea about using WS2812 LED in POV displays has been bounced around a bit on the forum but I've heard (and said) many times WS2812 LEDs are suitable for POV displays. Apparently no one thought to tell this guy at Hackaday Projects.
One widget after another, after another... Must be a 100 hours of widget video. I like it!