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Lisp (technically Scheme) written in FORTH — Parallax Forums

Lisp (technically Scheme) written in FORTH

Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
edited 2015-02-26 17:11 in General Discussion
This is too good not to post considering that there are FORTH and Lisp fans on the forum. It exists, a Lisp (technically Scheme) written in FORTH!

The source code is in a tarball link on this page on the Internet. Here's the GPL-ed source:
\ -*- forth -*-

\ lisp.fs
\ A Lisp interpreter in Forth
\ Copyright (C) 1999 Mark Probst
\ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
\ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
\ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
\ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
\ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
\ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
\ GNU General Public License for more details.
\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
\ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
\ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

\ utilities

: string-new { a u -- a u }
    a u allocate drop dup >r u cmove
    r> u ;

: string>num ( a u -- n )
    0 swap 0 ?do
	10 * over i + c@ [char] 0 - +
    nip ;

\ symbol table

    cell% field symtab-namea
    cell% field symtab-nameu
    cell% field symtab-lisp
    cell% field symtab-next
end-struct symtab

0 variable symtab-first

: symtab-lookup { namea nameu -- }
    symtab-first @
	dup 0<>
	r@ symtab-namea @ r@ symtab-nameu @ namea nameu compare
	0= if
	    r> symtab-lisp @ unloop exit
	r> symtab-next @
    drop 0 ;

: symtab-add { namea nameu lisp -- }
    symtab %allocate throw
    dup symtab-namea namea swap !
    dup symtab-nameu nameu swap !
    dup symtab-lisp lisp swap !
    dup symtab-next symtab-first @ swap !
    symtab-first ! ;

: symtab-save ( -- ptr )
    symtab-first @ ;

: symtab-restore ( ptr -- )
    symtab-first ! ;

\ lisp interpreter

0 constant lisp-pair-tag
1 constant lisp-number-tag
2 constant lisp-builtin-tag
3 constant lisp-symbol-tag
4 constant lisp-special-tag
5 constant lisp-compound-tag
6 constant lisp-max-tag

lisp-max-tag cells allocate throw constant eval-dispatch
lisp-max-tag cells allocate throw constant display-dispatch
lisp-max-tag cells allocate throw constant eq?-dispatch

    cell% field lisp-tag
end-struct lisp

    cell% field pair-tag
    cell% field pair-car
    cell% field pair-cdr
end-struct lisp-pair

    cell% field number-tag
    cell% field number-num
end-struct lisp-number

    cell% field builtin-tag
    cell% field builtin-xt
end-struct lisp-builtin

    cell% field symbol-tag
    cell% field symbol-namea
    cell% field symbol-nameu
end-struct lisp-symbol

    cell% field special-tag
    cell% field special-xt
end-struct lisp-special

    cell% field compound-tag
    cell% field compound-args
    cell% field compound-body
end-struct lisp-compound

: cons { car cdr -- lisp }
    lisp-pair %allocate throw
    dup pair-tag lisp-pair-tag swap !
    dup pair-car car swap !
    dup pair-cdr cdr swap ! ;

: car ( pair -- lisp )
    pair-car @ ;

: cdr ( pair -- lisp )
    pair-cdr @ ;

: number { num -- lisp }
    lisp-number %allocate throw
    dup number-tag lisp-number-tag swap !
    dup number-num num swap ! ;

: builtin { xt -- lisp }
    lisp-builtin %allocate throw
    dup builtin-tag lisp-builtin-tag swap !
    dup builtin-xt xt swap ! ;

: symbol { namea nameu -- lisp }
    lisp-symbol %allocate throw
    dup symbol-tag lisp-symbol-tag swap !
    dup symbol-namea namea swap !
    dup symbol-nameu nameu swap ! ;

: symbol-new ( namea nameu -- lisp )
    string-new symbol ;

: special { xt -- lisp }
    lisp-special %allocate throw
    dup special-tag lisp-special-tag swap !
    dup special-xt xt swap ! ;

: compound { args body -- lisp }
    lisp-compound %allocate throw
    dup compound-tag lisp-compound-tag swap !
    dup compound-args args swap !
    dup compound-body body swap ! ;

: lisp-display ( lisp -- )
    dup 0= if
	drop [char] ( emit [char] ) emit
	dup lisp-tag @ cells display-dispatch + @ execute
    endif ;

: lisp-display-pair ( lisp -- )
    [char] ( emit 32 emit
	dup car lisp-display 32 emit
	dup 0=
    [char] ) emit ;

' lisp-display-pair display-dispatch lisp-pair-tag cells + !

: lisp-display-number ( lisp -- )
    number-num @ . ;

' lisp-display-number display-dispatch lisp-number-tag cells + !

: lisp-display-builtin ( lisp -- )
    [char] $ emit special-xt @ . ;

' lisp-display-builtin display-dispatch lisp-builtin-tag cells + !

: lisp-display-symbol { lisp -- }
    lisp symbol-namea @ lisp symbol-nameu @ type ;

' lisp-display-symbol display-dispatch lisp-symbol-tag cells + !

: lisp-display-special ( lisp -- )
    [char] # emit special-xt @ . ;

' lisp-display-special display-dispatch lisp-special-tag cells + !

: lisp-display-compound ( lisp -- )
    [char] & emit compound-body @ . ;

' lisp-display-compound display-dispatch lisp-compound-tag cells + !

: lisp-eval ( lisp -- lisp )
    dup 0<> if
	dup lisp-tag @ cells eval-dispatch + @ execute
    endif ;

: lisp-eval-list recursive ( lisp -- lisp )
    dup 0<> if
	dup car lisp-eval swap cdr lisp-eval-list cons
    endif ;    

: lisp-bind-var ( name value -- )
    >r dup symbol-namea @ swap symbol-nameu @ r> symtab-add ;

: lisp-bind-vars ( names values -- )
	dup 0<>
	2dup car swap car lisp-bind-var
	cdr swap cdr swap
    2drop ;

: lisp-apply-compound ( func args -- lisp )
    symtab-save >r
    over compound-args @ swap lisp-bind-vars
    compound-body @ lisp-eval
    r> symtab-restore ;

: lisp-apply ( func args -- lisp )
    >r dup lisp-tag @ lisp-builtin-tag = if
	r> swap builtin-xt @ execute
	r> lisp-apply-compound
    endif ;

: lisp-eval-pair ( lisp -- lisp )
    r@ car lisp-eval
    dup lisp-tag @ lisp-special-tag = if
	r> cdr swap special-xt @ execute
	r> cdr lisp-eval-list lisp-apply
    endif ;

' lisp-eval-pair eval-dispatch lisp-pair-tag cells + !

: lisp-eval-number ( lisp -- lisp ) ;

' lisp-eval-number eval-dispatch lisp-number-tag cells + !

: lisp-eval-builtin ( lisp -- lisp ) ;

' lisp-eval-builtin eval-dispatch lisp-builtin-tag cells + !

: lisp-eval-symbol { lisp -- lisp }
    lisp symbol-namea @ lisp symbol-nameu @ symtab-lookup ;

' lisp-eval-symbol eval-dispatch lisp-symbol-tag cells + !

: lisp-eval-special ( lisp -- lisp ) ;

' lisp-eval-special eval-dispatch lisp-special-tag cells + !

: lisp-eval-compound ( lisp -- lisp ) ;

' lisp-eval-compound eval-dispatch lisp-compound-tag cells + !

\ the reader

: lisp-read-char ( e a -- e a c )
    2dup <= if
	dup c@ swap 1+ swap
    endif ;

: lisp-unread-char ( e a -- e a )
    1- ;

: lisp-is-ws ( c -- flag )
    dup 10 = swap dup 13 = swap dup 9 = swap 32 = or or or ;

: lisp-skip-ws ( e a -- e a )
	dup 0<> over lisp-is-ws and
	drop lisp-read-char
    0<> if
    endif ;

128 allocate throw constant token-buffer

: lisp-read-token ( e a -- e a a u )
    0 >r
	dup [char] ) <> over 0<> and over lisp-is-ws 0= and
	token-buffer r@ + c! r> 1+ >r lisp-read-char
    0<> if
    token-buffer r> ;

defer lisp-read-lisp

: lisp-read-list recursive ( e a -- e a lisp )
    lisp-skip-ws lisp-read-char
    dup [char] ) = swap 0 = or if
	lisp-unread-char lisp-read-lisp >r lisp-read-list r> swap cons
    endif ;

: lisp-read-number ( e a -- e a lisp )
    lisp-read-token string>num number ;

: lisp-read-symbol ( e a -- e a lisp )
    lisp-read-token string-new symbol ;

: _lisp-read-lisp ( e a -- e a lisp )
    lisp-skip-ws lisp-read-char
    dup 0= if
	drop 0
	dup [char] ( = if
	    drop lisp-read-list
	    dup [char] 0 >= swap [char] 9 <= and if
		lisp-unread-char lisp-read-number
		lisp-unread-char lisp-read-symbol
    endif ;
' _lisp-read-lisp is lisp-read-lisp

: lisp-load-from-string ( a u -- lisp )
    over + swap 0 >r
	lisp-skip-ws 2dup >
	r> drop lisp-read-lisp lisp-eval >r
    2drop r> ;

8192 allocate throw constant read-buffer

: lisp-load-from-file ( a u -- lisp )
    r/o open-file
    0<> if
	drop 0
	>r read-buffer 8192 r@ read-file
	0<> if
	    r> 2drop 0
	    r> close-file drop
	    read-buffer swap lisp-load-from-string
    endif ;

\ specials

: lisp-special-quote ( lisp -- lisp )
    car ;

s" quote" string-new ' lisp-special-quote special symtab-add
: lisp-special-lambda ( lisp -- lisp )
    dup car swap cdr car compound ;

s" lambda" string-new ' lisp-special-lambda special symtab-add

: lisp-special-define ( lisp -- lisp )
    dup car swap cdr car lisp-eval lisp-bind-var 0 ;

s" define" string-new ' lisp-special-define special symtab-add

0 constant lisp-false
0 0 cons constant lisp-true

s" t" string-new lisp-true symtab-add

: lisp-special-cond recursive ( lisp -- lisp )
    dup car car lisp-eval 0<> if
	car cdr car lisp-eval
	cdr dup 0<> if
    endif ;

s" cond" string-new ' lisp-special-cond special symtab-add

\ builtins

: lisp-builtin-+ ( lisp -- lisp )
    0 swap
	dup 0<>
	dup car number-num @ rot + swap cdr
    drop number ;

s" +" string-new ' lisp-builtin-+ builtin symtab-add

: lisp-builtin-- ( lisp -- lisp )
    dup car number-num @ swap cdr dup 0= if
	drop negate number
	    over car number-num @ - swap cdr swap
	    over 0=
	nip number
    endif ;

s" -" string-new ' lisp-builtin-- builtin symtab-add

: lisp-builtin-* ( lisp -- lisp )
    1 swap
	dup 0<>
	dup car number-num @ rot * swap cdr
    drop number ;

s" *" string-new ' lisp-builtin-* builtin symtab-add

: lisp-builtin-cons ( lisp -- lisp )
    dup car swap cdr car cons ;

s" cons" string-new ' lisp-builtin-cons builtin symtab-add

: lisp-builtin-car ( lisp -- lisp )
    car car ;

s" car" string-new ' lisp-builtin-car builtin symtab-add

: lisp-builtin-cdr ( lisp -- lisp )
    car cdr ;

s" cdr" string-new ' lisp-builtin-cdr builtin symtab-add

: lisp-builtin-eq? ( lisp -- lisp )
    dup car swap cdr car 2dup = if
	2drop lisp-true
	2dup lisp-tag @ swap lisp-tag @ <> if
	    2drop lisp-false
	    dup lisp-tag @ cells eq?-dispatch + @ execute
    endif ;

s" eq?" string-new ' lisp-builtin-eq? builtin symtab-add

' lisp-false eq?-dispatch lisp-pair-tag cells + !

: lisp-eq?-number ( lisp lisp -- lisp )
    number-num @ swap number-num @ = if
    endif ;

' lisp-eq?-number eq?-dispatch lisp-number-tag cells + !

' lisp-false eq?-dispatch lisp-builtin-tag cells + !

: lisp-eq?-symbol { lisp1 lisp2 -- lisp }
    lisp1 symbol-namea @ lisp1 symbol-nameu @
    lisp2 symbol-namea @ lisp2 symbol-nameu @
    compare 0= if
    endif ;

' lisp-eq?-symbol eq?-dispatch lisp-symbol-tag cells + !

' lisp-false eq?-dispatch lisp-compound-tag cells + !

: lisp-builtin-display ( lisp -- lisp )
    car lisp-display 0 ;

s" display" string-new ' lisp-builtin-display builtin symtab-add


  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-02-08 09:00
    That's very cool. I wonder how much work it would be to convert this to Tachyon?
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2015-02-08 09:39
    There are a few non-standard words that would need to be defined, such as STRUCT, FIELD and LISP_MAX_TAG. I didn't look at the tarball to see if they're included in there. I did find other references to Forth STRUCT and FIELD words, and they require DOES> to implement them. It might be possible to get it to work under pfth.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2015-02-09 13:34
    I tried this in gforth and it works. So far I can't find a REPL function. But I did the following:
    s" (+ 1 2)"
    lisp-load-from-string lisp-display
    s" test.scm"

    Both of which produce the expected output.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-02-09 13:43
    Martin_H wrote: »
    I tried this in gforth and it works. So far I can't find a REPL function. But I did the following:
    s" (+ 1 2)"
    lisp-load-from-string lisp-display
    s" test.scm"

    Both of which produce the expected output.
    Nice! Now I suppose we should prove that it's possible to implement Forth in Lisp! :-)
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2015-02-09 14:55
    David Betz wrote: »
    Nice! Now I suppose we should prove that it's possible to implement Forth in Lisp! :-)
    someone did it already ;-)
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-02-09 15:04
    MJB wrote: »
    Darn! I guess there really is nothing new under the sun.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2015-02-09 15:13
    Scheme in Forth, Forth in Scheme. Brilliant.

    Makes me think that anyone wasting their life creating a Z80 emulator for the Prop is actually boringly sane :)
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-02-09 15:33
    Heater. wrote: »
    Scheme in Forth, Forth in Scheme. Brilliant.

    Makes me think that anyone wasting their life creating a Z80 emulator for the Prop is actually boringly sane :)
    Won't Forth run under CP/M on the Z80? Can't we run the Forth in Lisp in Forth under CP/M on the emulated Z80? Naw, can't be done. It's IMPOSSIBLE!
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-02-09 16:35
    David Betz wrote: »
    Darn! I guess there really is nothing new under the sun.

    I guess the difference would be that Lisp could be running in Forth on a Prop whereas there is no Lisp for the Prop but then again, there is Forth for the Prop, so therefore there is Lisp for the Prop. Recurse you Lisp!
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2015-02-10 07:19
    I will risk stating the obvious... pfth, the understated ANSI Forth compliant version of Forth on the Propeller seems to be the easiest starting point for porting Lisp in Forth to the Propeller.

    I've tried all three - Tachyon, PropForth, and pfth. Each has a very different learning curve and different means of learning.
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2015-02-10 07:53
    Loopy, I looked at porting lisp.fs to pfth, and it requires struct.fs also. struct.fs can be found at . However, the structs defined in struct.fs do some "interesting" things with the FIELD word to handle zero-offset conditions. I'm not sure if lisp.fs encounters this condition, so we might be able to simplify the definition for FIELD so it works under pfth. I believe it just needs "DOES> @ +" added to the definition of a struct element.

    struct.fs also includes a few CELL words that define the cellsize of floating point variables. I think those can just be commented out. I'll look at it some more later on.

    EDIT: There is also the THROW word that needs to be handled. I believe this is used to handle exceptions, and can probably be stubbed out.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2015-02-10 11:04
    It seems this version of Lisp on Forth may have originated out of Austria. At first glance I thought Tu Wien might be a Taiwanese outfit.... looked like Chinese phonetics.

    One thing that most of us seem unaware of is that Taiwan still holds on to one of the last remaining active Forth Interest Groups. I'd love to participate, but they seem to correspond primarily in Chinese.

    Tachyon via Peter J. has done a terrific job of demonstrating the Forth on the Propeller is a flexible, powerful, and useful tool. It shouldn't be dismissed just for not being ANSI Forth.

    And of course, PropForth goes in different directions as well.

    All demonstrate the ability of Forth to generate diverse solutions to just about anything it is applied. But the real power is that the Propeller actually allows 8 cogs to share one dictionary. Other versions of Forth for microcontroller chips work, but generally with only one CPU tied to one dictionary. All the fun is in having multiple cogs. I have had a lot of fun with the ability to task and retask individual cogs as required.

    I wonder how Lisp might cope with 8 cogs and if it is a good fit.
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2015-02-11 07:26
    I did a little more work on porting lisp.fs to pfth. In addition to requiring structs, the code also uses local variables defined using braces, such as ": test { x y -- }", where x and y are the local variables. I changed those to variables defined by the VALUE word, but I'm not sure if that will work if the word is used in a nested fashion. lisp.fs also uses recursive calling, which is supported by pfth, but in a different way than lisp.fs uses.

    I got the thing to almost completely compile, but I ran out of memory. I'll try FORGETting some words that aren't needed to see if that opens up enough space. However, I'm starting to lose interest in this idea. Is there a version of lisp.fs written in C? That would be the way to do it.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2015-02-11 09:06
    Here I am championing Forth, and you request C.

    This might work. Only 90 lines of code, but it is C++
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2015-02-11 09:20

    That is no doubt a brilliant attempt at lisp in C++ in the least amount of source lines.

    The practical problems start with it's use of:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <list>
    #include <map>
    Which probably pulls in a few megabytes of libraries!

    It's probably more space efficient to write similar code but in Python or JavaScript. Which basically have things like string and vector etc built in. Both Python and JS can be run on small MCU's with MicroPython and Esprunio respectively.

    Or in Forth, as is the subject of this thread.

    I have no idea if it is actually doable though.
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2015-02-11 13:50
    I found a lisp interpreter written in C at . I was able to get it to run on the Prop in a matter of minutes by changing the #define for SIZE from 1000000 to 400, and using the CMM model. The program is 950 lines of C code. I don't know lisp, but the program seems to do the right thing when I type in (+ 1 2).

    I've officially given up trying to port lisp.fs to pfth. I could probably get it to work in another day or so, but it seems a bit pointless. This exercise has reinforced my belief that Forth is just not a good language for writing large programs. It's fine for peeking and poking and dinking around. However, serious programming should really have library support and standards and compilers that assist the developer. Forth is fine if you want a challenge, but if you want to get something done use something else.

    As I've said before, Forth is Sudoku for programmers.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2015-02-11 15:24
    Dave, thanks for the pointer to the C implementation. I gave it a quick reading and it's interesting how they did it. I don't see any garbage collection in either the FORTH or C implementation. It's not hard to add and the C one would be fairly portable.

    Interestingly enough the C version used coordinated arrays rather than structures, while the FORTH version used structures. That's backwards because FORTH works best with arrays, and an arrays of structs would be more C like.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2015-02-11 16:33
    Dave Hein wrote: »
    I found a lisp interpreter written in C at . I was able to get it to run on the Prop in a matter of minutes by changing the #define for SIZE from 1000000 to 400, and using the CMM model. The program is 950 lines of C code. I don't know lisp, but the program seems to do the right thing when I type in (+ 1 2).

    I've officially given up trying to port lisp.fs to pfth. I could probably get it to work in another day or so, but it seems a bit pointless. This exercise has reinforced my belief that Forth is just not a good language for writing large programs. It's fine for peeking and poking and dinking around. However, serious programming should really have library support and standards and compilers that assist the developer. Forth is fine if you want a challenge, but if you want to get something done use something else.

    As I've said before, Forth is Sudoku for programmers.

    I think this is primarily always the problem of trying to "port" from one language into another except of course that lisp.fs is Forth, but it's a glorious top heavy PC Forth which lisp.fs was written in and may not port well to an embedded Forth with a small memory footprint perhaps. An understanding of the software is required along with "thinking Forth" to rewrite this in the target Forth. All languages on PCs, even cross compiled ones, are "glorious" in that they have the relatively huge resources and processing power to work with after which they generate a binary blob where none of that glorious compiler capability is now present.

    So when we are discussing Forth vs other "languages" in this forum surely it is always in respect to the Propeller, not the PC (where rarely I would use Forth anyway), and Forth on the Propeller is actually a dynamic interactive language and O/S whereas the PC compiled binary blobs are not "languages" anymore, just a hard-coded black box.

    As for Sudoku I wouldn't know, I just develop commercial applications in Forth rather than building and sharpening the PC tools in the belief that this will be used to actually build something as I've yet to see anything written in C for the Prop that approaches the speed, compactness, and functionality of my Forth systems. All I've seen are demos and benchmarks and hype, where are these "large applications" written in C for the Prop then?
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-02-11 17:02
    Dave Hein wrote: »
    Is there a version of lisp.fs written in C.
    Well, there is my old XLISP interpreter. I think RossH ported it to Catalina a long time ago so I guess it runs on the Propeller. It will certainly need external memory though. :-(
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-02-11 17:04
    As for Sudoku I wouldn't know, I just develop commercial applications in Forth rather than building and sharpening the PC tools in the belief that this will be used to actually build something as I've yet to see anything written in C for the Prop that approaches the speed, compactness, and functionality of my Forth systems. All I've seen are demos and benchmarks and hype, where are these "large applications" written in C for the Prop then?
    I guess it isn't exactly a *large* application but Andy's ActivityBot code is a significant body of code written in C on the Propeller.
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2015-02-11 17:10
    @Martin, I noticed that the C code didn't use structs, or function pointers or anything more complicated than one-dimensional arrays. That was surprising to me. It makes the code quite easy to read. I think even a novice C programmer would understand this code. Of course, understanding 950 lines of C code might take a while. :)

    The structure of the struct word in lisp.fs is similar to the technique used in the Forth chess program that I ported a while ago. The both use the DOES> word to compute the address of a structure element. DOES> is probably one of the most powerful words in the Forth language.

    @Peter, as you know I value portability, which is one of the reasons I favor C over Forth. I was able to port lisp.c to a processor that only has 32K of RAM just by changing one #define. I didn't have to understand the program, or rewrite it to conform to some strange dialect of the C language.

    I don't know if there are any Prop products that are based on C code. I would assume most Prop products are developed in Spin and PASM. I think C will be more widely used on P2 where there is more memory.

    Your development of Tachyon is amazing. The OS functionality that you have built with Tachyon is just incredible. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next in Tachyon.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2015-02-11 17:20
    C has malloc and free which support heap based allocation which isn't built into most FORTH's I've used. All this talk of Lisp in FORTH made me curious about adding heap semantics to the language. So I've been noodling with a FORTH heap for the past few days. I also Googled it and and found it has been done before.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-02-11 17:22
    Martin_H wrote: »
    C has malloc and free which support heap based allocation which isn't built into most FORTH's I've used. All this talk of Lisp in FORTH made me curious about adding heap semantics to the language. So I've been noodling with a FORTH heap for the past few days. I also Googled it and and found it has been done before.
    Isn't Postscript basically Forth with a heap? I always thought Postscript would be an interesting general purpose language. Another possibility is RPL, the language used to program HP calculators. I believe that supports dynamic allocation as well and is very Forth-like.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2015-02-11 17:27
    Dave Hein wrote: »
    The both use the DOES> word to compute the address of a structure element. DOES> is probably one of the most powerful words in the Forth language.

    +1 to this. It's always a bit of surprise to me when I encounter FORTH dialect that omits DOES> because it is so powerful.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2015-02-11 17:30
    David, I've never worked with either of those so I can't say, but I have heard that Postscript is similar to FORTH.
  • msrobotsmsrobots Posts: 3,709
    edited 2015-02-11 18:51
    .... At first glance I thought Tu Wien might be a Taiwanese outfit.... looked like Chinese phonetics...

    @Loopy Byteloose,

    sometimes you are really funny. Still smiling about it. I got my Degree at TU Berlin. More obvious. But Tu Wien? Yes I can follow you there.

    nice catch!

  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2015-02-11 21:00
    Dave Hein wrote: »
    This exercise has reinforced my belief that Forth is just not a good language for writing large programs. It's fine for peeking and poking and dinking around.

    As I've said before, Forth is Sudoku for programmers.

    I do understand. But I feel strongly that peeking, poking, and dinking around is where many users get started. Libraries and standards can be very overwhelming to beginners.

    LISP seems to just not fit the smallness of Forth.
  • David BetzDavid Betz Posts: 14,519
    edited 2015-02-12 11:25
    I do understand. But I feel strongly that peeking, poking, and dinking around is where many users get started. Libraries and standards can be very overwhelming to beginners.

    LISP seems to just not fit the smallness of Forth.
    Lisp can be a very small language and a tiny implementation would almost certainly fit on the Propeller. In theory, the only functions that are needed are CAR, CDR, CONS, ATOM?, EQ?, and COND along with function definitions and calls. However, practical Lisp systems tend to be much larger and would likely require extended memory to run any useful program.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2015-02-12 12:36
    This has long been a puzzle to me.

    What is the minimum of feature set you need in a high level language so that you can write a compiler for said high level language in itself?

    I guess Forth and Lisp being very minimal but Turing complete can do that.

    Do people actually do that?

    I have seen examples of writing Lisp interpreters/run times in Lisp. But they always seem to require a Lisp run time to run them!

    I mean, say you have a Forth or Lisp system on a PC and want the same on some other CPU?

    This whole "bootstrapping" thing gives me headache.

    For example, my "tiny" compiler runs on a PC and generates code that runs on the Propeller.

    So, I should be able to use that to compile the tiny compiler source code on the Propeller.

    But no, tiny is not powerful enough to write a tiny compiler in. It does not understand strings for example.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2015-02-12 13:22
    Isn't the typical Forth system already completely self-hosted? Meaning most Forth's include an assembler for their target machine, so they can be used to build a Forth kernel for that machine.
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