Setting Date/Time in Propeller C programs

Since the Propeller doesn't have an operating system or real time clock how do I set the Data/Time so that when I write to the SD card the files show up with a more current date/time stamp. Also if I build a clock on one of the Cogs can I push the current date time to the time functions.
I want to be able to write time stamped entries to the SD card.
Here's an example of using the soft RTC in its own cog.
Thank you
I thought there was a simpler answer other than reverse engineering the code.
But that only creates a show stopper. Adding the SD routine and the I/O routine along with the fwrite functions uses all the available memory and my program will no longer fit.
All for NOT.
By the numbers:
sd_mount = 10K
fopen/close/write = 2K
time/asctime/localtime = 3K
fprintf = 10K
That leave about 5K for my code which is using 7 cogs and tops out at 10K.
Together I'm at 32k.
spending 25K just to track status information is a little rich.