50,000 Failed Superbowl Computer Simulations
Posts: 20,257
Nice to know that the Machines can't always predict what we "Carbon Infestations" are capable of. Maybe Judgement Day is not inevitable. Yet.
The Predictalator needs a Prop 2 upgrade.
The Predictalator needs a Prop 2 upgrade.
Things which can have an effect on playing...
-Maybe having a fight with the wife the night before and not caring about anything the next day.
-The onset of an illness.
-Overdoing it and exhausting oneself the day before.
-Having a poor nights sleep.
-Boozing it up the night before or similar activities.
-Maybe being nervous and due to that not playing in top form.
-Etc. and so on and so forth...
So next year, the Predictalator will need to do 50,001 simulations.
'Kinda scary, really.