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Please help with 64 bit math (pasm) again? — Parallax Forums

Please help with 64 bit math (pasm) again?

average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
edited 2015-02-01 22:50 in Propeller 1
Hi guys, I've been using my 64 bit math object for a while and it's working just fine. But now I needed a new function (2^n - 64 bit average) and decided to clean it up a bit. Well, I've finished on both tasks, but haven't tested either. The thing is, I'm looking at the code and I think it could be improved still. First, the entry (once pointers and function are loaded in spin) hub use could be optimized (??I think??). I'm just not seeing it right now. I don't think the write - back can be improved even though it has equivalent of 6 no-ops. But those aren't big improvements really....

The big change in semantics is, instead of passing 2 pointers to 64 bit numbers... I'm now passing a pointer to a buffer, still 64 bit numbers (read-only in pasm) and the size of the buffer. I have another couple functions to implement at some time (calculate checksum on byte buffer) that will use the same entry method (pointer to buffer and size)

DAT       '' mailboxes
results       long 0 [2] 
function      long 0   ' local copy of function
a1ptr         long 0   ' local copy of argument1  pointer
a2ptr         long 0   ' local copy of argument2  pointer

PUB Average(SamplePtr, Number) 
//  SamplePtr is pointer first sample of buffer                                 //  
//  Number is power of 2 number of samples to average (2^n) = samples           //
//  result of addition is stored in arg1prt longs                               //
   '' arg1_l1 - address of 2 long object local result buffer, pre-loaded with the address of sample buffer 
   '' arg1_l2 - could carry ?? on call
   '' arg2_11 - Sample buffer size expressed as 2^N 
   '' ?result? is arg2_l2, write back address of results in ?pasm?
    results := SamplePtr
    DoMath(@results, @Number, "v")
    return @results

PUB Divide(arg1ptr, arg2ptr)            '' Perform 64 bit divide
//  arg1ptr is pointer to least significant long of dividend                    //  
//  arg2ptr is pointer to divisor                                               //
//  result of division is stored in arg1ptr longs                               //
//  remainder is stored in arg2ptr long                                         //
}}  DoMath(arg1ptr, arg2ptr, "d")    

PRI DoMath(arg1ptr, arg2ptr, func)          '' do the math operation
  a1ptr     := arg1ptr                                         ' move pointers to mailboxes
  a2ptr     := arg2ptr                                         ' move pointers to mailboxes
  function  := func                                          ' move pointers to mailboxes
  repeat while function                                     ' wait for asm cog to finish

What I am really trying to wrap my head around is doing the power of 2 divide the RIGHT way.. using the flags.. What I have so far:
ave           ' calculate number of samples 
                        mov     t3,             arg2_l1                         ' copy arg2 long 1 into average counts_power of two
                        mov     t1,             #1                              ' 
                        shl     t1,             t3                              ' shift t6 by count, 2^N
                        sub     t1,             #1                              ' sub 1 from total, first value preloaded
              ' now deal with addresses     
                        mov     t4,             arg1_l1                         ' copy address of buffer to var
                        mov     t5,             t4                              ' and save a copy in work_add
              ' load the first sample
                        rdlong  arg1_l1,        t5                              ' get lsl of argument 1
                        add     t5,             #4                              ' add long offset to work pointer                                              
                        rdlong  arg1_l2,        t5                              ' get msl of argument 1
                        add     t5,             #4                              ' add long offset to work pointer                                         
ave_add       ' add remaining samples 
                        call    #arg2_fill                                      ' put next sample into arg2 longs
                        call    #addi                                           ' 64 bit add, 
                        sub     t1,             #1                              ' sub 1 from count
                        tjnz    t1,             #ave_add                        ' until we have added all samples
              '' power of 2 divide
              'prepare t6
                        mov     t6,             #0                              ' move 0 into t6
                        mov     t1,             t3                              ' move power of two into t1
pmask                   shl     t6,             #1                              ' shift t6 left by 1
                        and     t6,             #1                              ' and 1 to t6              
                        djnz    t1,             #pmask                          ' loop
              ' do division on arg1 longs, shift right by N
                        shr     arg1_l1,        t3                              ' truncate lsb
                        mov     t2,             arg1_l2                         ' copy msl
                        and     t2,             t6                              ' t6 off overflow
                        mov     t1,             #32                             ' prepare inverse of power of 2
                        sub     t1,             t3                              ' sub power of 2 from 32
                        shl     t2,             t1                              ' shift overflow left by inverse power of 2
                        and     arg1_l1,        t2                              ' and overflow from long 2 to long 1
                        shr     arg1_l2,        t3                              ' truncate lsb   
ave_ret                 ret                   

Seems a bit hefty for pasm?

The FULL code for easy preview
//      64 bit signed addition and subtraction methods                          //
//      Author : Joe Heinz                                                      //
//      Copyright : Joe Heinz - 2013                                            //
//      Grateful acknowledgement to kuroneko (parallax forum)                   //

DAT       '' mailboxes
results       long 0 [2] 
function      long 0   ' local copy of function
a1ptr         long 0   ' local copy of argument1  pointer
a2ptr         long 0   ' local copy of argument2  pointer
cog           byte 0   ' cog PASM object is running in

PUB NULL        ' not a top level object
PUB Start'(controlPin)                   '' Start math object in new cog 
//  controlPin is pin used to indicate there is a math operation to do          //
//  returns cog ASM engine was run in or false if no cog available              //
    cog   := cognew(@entry, @function) +1                      ' start asm cog
    return cog                                            ' return cog
PUB Stop                                '' Stop Math Cog
   if cog
     cogstop(cog~~ - 1)  

PUB Average(SamplePtr, Number) 
//  SamplePtr is pointer first sample of buffer                                 //  
//  Number is power of 2 number of samples to average (2^n) = samples           //
//  result of addition is stored in arg1prt longs                               //
   '' arg1_l1 - address of 2 long object local result buffer, pre-loaded with the address of sample buffer 
   '' arg1_l2 - could carry ?? on call
   '' arg2_11 - Sample buffer size expressed as 2^N 
   '' ?result? is arg2_l2, write back address of results in ?pasm?
    results := SamplePtr
    DoMath(@results, @Number, "v")
    return @results

PUB Divide(arg1ptr, arg2ptr)            '' Perform 64 bit divide
//  arg1ptr is pointer to least significant long of dividend                    //  
//  arg2ptr is pointer to divisor                                               //
//  result of division is stored in arg1ptr longs                               //
//  remainder is stored in arg2ptr long                                         //
}}  DoMath(arg1ptr, arg2ptr, "d")    

PUB Multiply(arg1ptr, arg2ptr)          '' Perform 64 bit multiply
//  arg1ptr is pointer to least significant long of multiplicand                //  
//  arg2ptr is pointer to multiplier                                            //
//  result of multiplication is stored in arg1ptr longs                         //
}}   DoMath(arg1ptr, arg2ptr, "m")  
PUB Addition(arg1ptr, arg2ptr)          '' Perform 64 bit add
//  arg1ptr is pointer to least significant long of argument1                   //  
//  arg2ptr is pointer to least significant long of argument2                   //
//  result of addition is stored in arg1ptr longs                               //
}}  DoMath(arg1ptr, arg2ptr, "a")

PUB Subtract(arg1ptr, arg2ptr)       '' Perform 64 bit subtract
//  arg1ptr is pointer to least significant long of host time, minuend          //  
//  arg2ptr is pointer to least significant long of argument2, subtractend      //
//  result of subtraction is stored in arg1ptr longs                            //
}}   DoMath(arg1ptr, arg2ptr, "s")

PRI DoMath(arg1ptr, arg2ptr, func)          '' do the math operation
  a1ptr     := arg1ptr                                         ' move pointers to mailboxes
  a2ptr     := arg2ptr                                         ' move pointers to mailboxes
  function  := func                                          ' move pointers to mailboxes
  repeat while function                                     ' wait for asm cog to finish

DAT       org       
entry                   mov     fn_ptr,         par                             ' get first fn_ptr of passing method,                                 
loop                    rdlong  funct,          fn_ptr                         ' read the function type *add or subtract*                               
                        cmp     funct,          #0      wz                      ' if zero
        if_z            jmp     #loop                                           ' try again
              ' now get pointers to arg1 and arg2      
                        add     fn_ptr,         #4                              ' add long offset to hub pointer
                        rdlong  arg1_ptr,       fn_ptr                          ' get pointer to argument 1                                    
                        add     fn_ptr,         #4                              ' add long offset to hub pointer
                        rdlong  arg2_ptr,       fn_ptr                          ' get pointer to argument 2                                     
                        sub     fn_ptr,         #8                              ' subtract 2 long offsets, point back at function
              ' get 2 longs from arg1 pointer                 
                        rdlong  arg1_l1,        arg1_ptr                        ' get lsl of argument 1
                        add     arg1_ptr,       #4                              ' add long offset to arg1 pointer                                                 
                        rdlong  arg1_l2,        arg1_ptr                        ' get msl of argument 1
              ' get 2 longs from arg2 pointer
                        mov     t5,             arg2_ptr
                        call    #arg2_fill               

                        rdlong  arg2_l1,        arg2_ptr                        ' get lsl of argument 2
                        add     arg2_ptr,       #4                              ' add long offset to arg1 pointer                                              
                        rdlong  arg2_l2,        arg2_ptr                        ' get msl of argument 2
              ' do function
                        cmp     funct,          #"a"    wz
      if_z              call    #addi   
                        cmp     funct,          #"s"    wz
      if_z              call    #subt      
                        cmp     funct,          #"m"    wz
      if_z              call    #mult                              
                        cmp     funct,          #"d"    wz
      if_z              call    #div
                        cmp     funct,          #"v"   wz
      if_z              call    #ave
              ' write back 2 longs from arg1 pointer                                   
write                   wrlong  arg1_l2,        arg1_ptr                        ' write most significant long of result                                         
                        sub     arg1_ptr,       #4                              ' subtract long offset from argument1  pointer                                    
                        wrlong  arg1_l1,        arg1_ptr                        ' write least significant long of result                                  
              ' write back 2 longs from arg2 pointer                                                     
                        wrlong  arg2_l1,        arg2_ptr                        ' write most significant long of result
                        add     arg2_ptr,       #4                              ' add long offset from argument2  pointer ' this differs since we read in sub
                        wrlong  arg2_l2,        arg2_ptr                        ' write least significant long of result
              ' zero out function                                                    
                        wrlong  zero,           fn_ptr                          ' clear function to return to caller                                
                        jmp     #loop                                           ' back to loop start

arg2_fill               rdlong  arg2_l1,        t5                              ' get lsl of argument 2
                        add     t5,             #4                              ' add long offset to work pointer                                          
                        rdlong  arg2_l2,        t5                              ' get msl of argument 2
                        add     t5,             #4                              ' add long offset to work pointer                                                           
arg2_fill_ret           ret    

ave           ' calculate number of samples 
                        mov     t3,             arg2_l1                         ' copy arg2 long 1 into average counts_power of two
                        mov     t1,             #1                              ' 
                        shl     t1,             t3                              ' shift t6 by count, 2^N
                        sub     t1,             #1                              ' sub 1 from total, first value preloaded
              ' now deal with addresses     
                        mov     t4,             arg1_l1                         ' copy address of buffer to var
                        mov     t5,             t4                              ' and save a copy in work_add
              ' load the first sample
                        rdlong  arg1_l1,        t5                              ' get lsl of argument 1
                        add     t5,             #4                              ' add long offset to work pointer                                              
                        rdlong  arg1_l2,        t5                              ' get msl of argument 1
                        add     t5,             #4                              ' add long offset to work pointer                                         
ave_add       ' add remaining samples 
                        call    #arg2_fill                                      ' put next sample into arg2 longs
                        call    #addi                                           ' 64 bit add, 
                        sub     t1,             #1                              ' sub 1 from count
                        tjnz    t1,             #ave_add                        ' until we have added all samples
              '' power of 2 divide
              'prepare mask
                        mov     t6,             #0                              ' move 0 into t6
                        mov     t1,             t3                              ' move power of two into t1
pmask                   shl     t6,             #1                              ' shift t6 left by 1
                        and     t6,             #1                              ' and 1 to t6              
                        djnz    t1,             #pmask                          ' loop
              ' do division on arg1 longs, shift right by N
                        shr     arg1_l1,        t3                              ' truncate lsb
                        mov     t2,             arg1_l2                         ' copy msl
                        and     t2,             t6                              ' mask off overflow
                        mov     t1,             #32                             ' prepare inverse of power of 2
                        sub     t1,             t3                              ' sub power of 2 from 32
                        shl     t2,             t1                              ' shift overflow left by inverse power of 2
                        and     arg1_l1,        t2                              ' and overflow from long 2 to long 1
                        shr     arg1_l2,        t3                              ' truncate lsb   
ave_ret                 ret                   

div                     mov     t5,             #0                              ' prepare MSB place
findm                   rol     arg2_l1,        #1      wc                      ' rotate divisor left 1 place and check for overflow   
          if_nc         add     t5,             #1                              ' if no overflow, add 1 to MSB place
          if_nc         jmp     #findm                                          ' repeat loop until overflow
                        ror     arg2_l1,        #1                              ' rotate back one                   
                        mov     t6,             #1                              ' prepare t6
                        mov     t1,             t5                              ' move msb shift factor to t1 for itteration count
                        shl     t6,             t5                              ' move t6 by msb shift factor                  
div2                    cmpsub  arg1_l2,        arg2_l1 wc                      ' subtract divsor from dividend and watch for subtraction
                        muxc    t4,             t6                              ' mux c flag to t4 at t6 place
                        cmpsub  t1,             #1      wz                      ' subtract 1 from shift factor watching for last division
          if_nz         shr     t6,             #1                              ' shift t6 right by 1
          if_nz         shr     arg2_l1,        #1                              ' shift divisor right by 1
          if_nz         jmp     #div2                                           ' and do loop again                 
                        shr     t6,             #1                              ' shift t6 right by 1
                        shr     arg2_l1,        #1                              ' shift divisor right by 1                                     
                        cmpsub  arg1_l2,        arg2_l1 wc                      ' subtract divsor from dividend and watch for subtraction
                        muxc    t4,             t6                              ' mux c flag to t4 at t6 place
                        sub     t1,             #1      wz                      ' subtract 1 from shift factor watching for last division
                        mov     t1,             #1                              ' move 1 to t1 for muxc
                        shl     t6,             #31                             ' move t6 to MSB
                        mov     t2,             #32                             ' move 32 to t2 for itteration count                   
div1                    shl     arg1_l2,        #1                              ' make room for next bit from LSL
                        shl     arg1_l1,        #1      wc                      ' shift next bit from LSL watching for carry
                        muxc    arg1_l2,        t1                              ' mux carry into MSL
                        cmpsub  arg1_l2,        arg2_l1 wc                      ' subtract divisor from MSL, watch for subtraction
                        muxc    t3,             t6                              ' mux c flag to t3  
                        sub     t2,             #1      wz                      ' subtract 1 from itteration count
          if_nz         shr     t6,             #1                              ' move t6 to next place
          if_nz         jmp     #div1                                           ' do loop again         
                        mov     arg2_l1,        arg1_l2                         ' move remainder in arg2_l1
                        mov     arg2_l2,        #0                              ' move zero to arg2_l2
                        mov     arg1_l2,        t4                              ' move t4 to arg1_l2    
                        mov     arg1_l1,        t3                              ' move t3 to arg1_l1  
div_ret                 ret

mult                    mov     t1,             arg2_l1                         ' get multiplier from arg2_l1 and place in multiplier
                        mov     arg2_l1,        arg1_l1                         ' else copy longs for repeated addidion
                        mov     arg2_l2,        arg1_l2                         ' copy the next long
                        sub     t1,             #1                              ' subtract one from multiplier
:loop                   call    #addi                                           ' jmp to add
                        djnz    t1,             #:loop                          ' and loop
mult_ret                ret

addi                    add     arg1_l1,        arg2_l1 wc                      ' do first addition and write c flag
                        addsx   arg1_l2,        arg2_l2                         ' do second addition
addi_ret                ret

subt                    sub     arg1_l1,        arg2_l1 wc                      ' do first subtraction and write c flag                                        
                        subsx   arg1_l2,        arg2_l2                         ' do second subtraction  
subt_ret                ret

zero          long 0
'3 longs, pointers to hub memory              
fn_ptr        res
arg1_ptr      res
arg2_ptr      res
' 5 longs, function and 4 long opperands
funct         res  
arg1_l1       res
arg1_l2       res
arg2_l1       res
arg2_l2       res
' temp variables
t1            res
t2            res
t3            res 
t4            res
t5            res
t6            res
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Thanks as always guys!


  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2015-02-01 07:50
    Well, I did notice one thing after posting. The only time arg2 actually needs to be written back is for division. So, I moved the arg2 writeback to it's own call. And call it from the end of the division routine. Since I was on a roll, I also wrote the checksum calculation. They are both so simple I hope they work. Spin vs PASM:
    PRI BuildChecksum(ptr, size)  | csum, p
      csum := 0                                                                     ' clear checksum variable                        
      repeat p from 0 to size                                                       ' repeat for entire packet from header
        csum += byte[ptr]                                                           ' add byte to checksum  
      csum &= $FF                                                                   ' keep low 8 bits
      csum := $FF - csum                                                            ' and subtract from $FF
    PRI TestChecksum(ptr, size)  : csum | p 
      csum := 0                                                                     ' clear checksum - 0
      repeat p from 0 to  size                                                      ' loop packet size
        csum += byte[ptr]                                                           ' add byte to checksum
      csum &= $FF                                                                   ' keep lowest 8 bits
                  ' BUILD CHECKSUM
    bcheck                  call    #calcheck
                            sub     t4,             t3                              ' subtract from $FF
                            mov     arg1_l1,        t4                              ' move to arg1 long 1             
    bcheck_ret              ret
                  ' TEST CHECKSUM
    tcheck                  call    #calcheck
                            mov     arg1_l1,        t3                              ' move to arg1 long 1 
    tcheck_ret              ret
                  ' CALCULATE A CHECKSUM
    calcheck      ' calculate checksum
                            mov     t1,             arg2_l1                         ' move count to t1
                            mov     t2,             arg1_l1                         ' move byte pointer to t2
                            mov     t3,             #0                              ' zero out t3
                            mov     t4,             #$FF                            ' move $FF to t4
    ccloop                  rdbyte  t2,             t5                              ' get byte from pointer to t4
                            add     t3,             t5                              ' add byte to t3
                            add     t2,             #1                              ' add 1 to pointer, next byte
                            djnz    t1,             #ccloop                         ' for count          
                            and     t3,             t4                              ' mask off low 8 bits
    calcheck_ret            ret
  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2015-02-01 08:52
    Well, I've been looking at things and I think some self modifying code would make the hub read / write better. I'm working on that now. But I think I figured out the divide problem. Now I've got something that looks right!
    ave           ' calculate number of samples 
                            mov     t3,             arg2_l1                         ' copy arg2 long 1 into average counts_power of two
                            mov     t1,             #1                              ' 
                            shl     t1,             t3                              ' shift t6 by count, 2^N
                            sub     t1,             #1                              ' sub 1 from total, first value preloaded
                  ' now deal with addresses     
                            mov     t4,             arg1_l1                         ' copy address of buffer to var
                            mov     t5,             t4                              ' and save a copy in work_add
                  ' load the first sample
                            rdlong  arg1_l1,        t5                              ' get lsl of argument 1
                            add     t5,             #4                              ' add long offset to work pointer                                              
                            rdlong  arg1_l2,        t5                              ' get msl of argument 1
                            add     t5,             #4                              ' add long offset to work pointer                                         
    ave_add       ' add remaining samples 
                            call    #arg2_fill                                      ' put next sample into arg2 longs
                            call    #addi                                           ' 64 bit add, 
                            sub     t1,             #1                              ' sub 1 from count
                            tjnz    t1,             #ave_add                        ' until we have added all samples
    :loop                   shr     arg1_l2,        #1      wc                      ' shift right l2
                            rcr     arg1_l1,        #1                              ' carry right l1
                            djnz    t3,             #:loop
    ave_ret                 ret

    But the thing I'm wondering is... If I do something like this:
    PUB Average(SamplePtr, Number) 
    //  SamplePtr is pointer first sample of buffer                                 //  
    //  Number is power of 2 number of samples to average (2^n) = samples           //
    //  result of addition is stored in arg1prt longs                               //
       '' arg1_l1 - address of 2 long object local result buffer, pre-loaded with the address of sample buffer 
       '' arg1_l2 - could carry ?? on call
       '' arg2_11 - Sample buffer size expressed as 2^N 
       '' ?result? is arg2_l2, write back address of results in ?pasm?
        results := SamplePtr
        DoMath(@results, @Number, "v")
        return @results
    Since I'm passing the address to results, and the address to Number... Couldn't I do the result assignment in PASM? Just write to @Number + 4. That's assuming the SPIN result is is the next variable, can someone confirm? Now if a method has locally declared longs, that would change right? I guess I could start probing at addresses in viewport but I'm sure someone knows this off the top of their head?
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2015-02-01 10:59
    The order is method parameters followed by result followed by local variables. So writing to @Number+4 is fine. That said, if other methods call DoMath you'd have to make sure that this offset remains the same.

    My mistake, result is first, i.e. result followed by method parameters followed by local variables.
  • ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,667
    edited 2015-02-01 13:28
    kuroneko wrote: »
    The order is method parameters followed by result followed by local variables. So writing to @Number+4 is fine. That said, if other methods call DoMath you'd have to make sure that this offset remains the same.

    I'm pretty sure it's result, then parameters, then locals.

    example function:
    PUB func(b,c) : a | d,e
    BST compiler listing:
    Spin Block func with 2 Parameters and 2 Extra Stack Longs. Method 1
    PUB func(b,c) : a | d,e
    Local Parameter DBASE:0000 - a
    Local Parameter DBASE:0004 - b
    Local Parameter DBASE:0008 - c
    Local Variable  DBASE:000C - d
    Local Variable  DBASE:0010 - e
    Addr : 0018:             32  : Return
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2015-02-01 22:50
    Correct, I had only a quick look at a code sample which advanced past the parameter array but I didn't consider the rollback (which puts result first). Apologies, I correct the post above.
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