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Propeller C without the Activitybot — Parallax Forums

Propeller C without the Activitybot

nsimonsnsimons Posts: 1
edited 2015-01-25 10:58 in Learn with BlocklyProp
My school just received one Activitybot. I have a class of 12 kids. I want to teach them the Propeller C language so that they can write some programs for the Activitybot without having to have it connected to the computer.Are there simulation programs we can use or some other way I can teach the language to my class without having a robot for each kid?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2015-01-21 19:06
    Although some forum members have written simulators for the Propeller chip itself, they're not really usable with Propeller C. SoftIntegration ( has a free student edition of their C/C++ interpreter (ChIDE) for the Mac and Windows that you should be able to use for teaching C itself. Once they've got that down, you can group them into teams and have them learn Activitybot-specific library routines and concepts. If you can find some modest funding, you could also get another Activity Board ($50) or even a QuickStart Board ($35). Some RadioShacks have had clearances with QuickStart Boards much cheaper. Give Ken Gracey a call. He may be able to help you and he will have suggestions for teaching robotics.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2015-01-21 22:24
    There are several of us who have tried to come up with ideas on how to make inexpensive Propeller based robots. I've listed some of my ideas in this thread. Most of the ideas are at the beginning and end of the thread. Post #42 includes some information about Vex wheels which I think make nice inexpensive wheels for a small robot.
  • DomanikDomanik Posts: 233
    edited 2015-01-22 12:38
    QuickStart BB2.jpg
    Attachment not found.
    nsimons wrote: »
    My school just received one Activitybot. I have a class of 12 kids. I want to teach them the Propeller C language so that they can write some programs for the Activitybot without having to have it connected to the computer.Are there simulation programs we can use or some other way I can teach the language to my class without having a robot for each kid?
    I've toyed with the same questions and decided the QuickStart was the best solution. The nice thing is as soon as the QS is plugged into the USB it has power and is ready to run. I have an activity bot and several QuickStarts at home and one at work. At work I can run C code and try the online tutorials to do things like make the built in LEDs flash and program the built in buttons. At home I've attached a QuickStart to a breadboard prototype development unit with built in function generator, power supplies, etc.
    .... attachment.php?attachmentid=112910
    ............It's easier to work on early sensor code on a QS than doing it on the activity bot. The QS can get your students part way there but the AB is needed to pull it all together. The QS doesn't have as many board features as the AB but, as you can see it can control many sensors in parallel (GPS, GPIO, Temperature sensor, ADC, pressure sensor, etc on one I2C line).

    Hope this helps. And if you don't mind me asking, do you have prerequisites for your class and what grade level?
    338 x 224 - 10K
  • ajwardajward Posts: 1,130
    edited 2015-01-22 23:49
    I have to agree about using a QuickStart board with C. I'm in the process of converting my BoeBot to a Propeller based critter and I use the QS to proof my code. (And trust me, my C coding needs =lots= of proofing. :-> )
    The QS is small and and you can program it without an external power supply. I often toss one my bag with my netbook when I visit the doctor to keep myself entertained, er... I mean to better learn C.
    Of course, the QuickStart doesn't have all the bells and whistles of its big brothers, but add a breadboard and a few jumper wires and you can accomplish wonders!

    Good Luck!

  • Steph LindsaySteph Lindsay Posts: 767
    edited 2015-01-23 09:43
    The Activity Board is available alone. It is a little more expensive than the QuickStart, but it can also use USB power and does not need a separate breadboard (or microSD card, ADC, audio output, or XBee header if you want those).

    There are many Propeller C Tutorials for the Activity Board without the robot:
  • ajwardajward Posts: 1,130
    edited 2015-01-25 10:58
    The Activity Board is available alone. It is a little more expensive than the QuickStart, but it can also use USB power and does not need a separate breadboard (or microSD card, ADC, audio output, or XBee header if you want those).

    There are many Propeller C Tutorials for the Activity Board without the robot:

    I didn't realize that. Cool!

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